中国 - 喜马拉雅

       Let life be beautiful like summer flowers . . .

1. 求最大的子数组的和


例如输入的数组为1, -2, 3, 10, -4, 7, 2, -5,和最大的子数组为3, 10, -4, 7, 2,因此输出为该子数组的和18。 




#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

// Find the greatest sum of all sub-arrays
// Return value: if the input is valid, return true, otherwise return false
bool FindGreatestSumOfSubArray
	int *pData,           // an array
	unsigned int nLength, // the length of array
	int &nGreatestSum     // the greatest sum of all sub-arrays
	// if the input is invalid, return false
	if((pData == NULL) || (nLength == 0))
		return false;

	int nCurSum = nGreatestSum = 0;
	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nLength; ++i)
		nCurSum += pData[i];

		// if the current sum is negative, discard it
		if(nCurSum < 0)
			nCurSum = 0;

		// if a greater sum is found, update the greatest sum
		if(nCurSum > nGreatestSum)
			nGreatestSum = nCurSum;
	// if all data are negative, find the greatest element in the array
	if(nGreatestSum == 0)
		nGreatestSum = pData[0];
		for(unsigned int i = 1; i < nLength; ++i)
			if(pData[i] > nGreatestSum)
				nGreatestSum = pData[i];

	return true;

int main()
	int arr[] = {1, -2, 3, 10, -4, 7, 2, -5};
	int iGreatestSum;
	FindGreatestSumOfSubArray(arr, sizeof(arr)/sizeof(int), iGreatestSum);
	cout << iGreatestSum << endl;

	return 0;

/* 结果:


  • 函数的返回值不是子数组和的最大值,而是一个判断输入是否有效的标志。如果函数返回值的是子数组和的最大值,那么当输入一个空指针是应该返回什么呢?返回0?那这个函数的用户怎么区分输入无效和子数组和的最大值刚好是0这两中情况呢?基于这个考虑,本人认为把子数组和的最大值以引用的方式放到参数列表中,同时让函数返回一个函数是否正常执行的标志。
  • 输入有一类特殊情况需要特殊处理。当输入数组中所有整数都是负数时,子数组和的最大值就是数组中的最大元素。

2. 求和最大的子数组


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

// Find the greatest sum of all sub-arrays
// Return value: if the input is valid, return true, otherwise return false
bool FindGreatestSumOfSubArray
	int *pData,           // an array
	unsigned int nLength, // the length of array
	int &nGreatestSum,    // the greatest sum of all sub-arrays
	int &start,							// Added
	int &end							// Added
	// if the input is invalid, return false
	if((pData == NULL) || (nLength == 0))
		return false;

	int nCurSum = nGreatestSum = 0;
	int curStart = 0, curEnd = 0;		// Added
	start = end = 0;					// Added
	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nLength; ++i)
		nCurSum += pData[i];
		curEnd = i;						// Added

		// if the current sum is negative, discard it
		if(nCurSum < 0)
			nCurSum = 0;
			curStart = curEnd = i + 1;	// Added

		// if a greater sum is found, update the greatest sum
		if(nCurSum > nGreatestSum)
			nGreatestSum = nCurSum;
			start = curStart;			// Added
			end = curEnd;				// Added
	// if all data are negative, find the greatest element in the array
	if(nGreatestSum == 0)
		nGreatestSum = pData[0];
		start = end = 0;				// Added
		for(unsigned int i = 1; i < nLength; ++i)
			if(pData[i] > nGreatestSum)
				nGreatestSum = pData[i];
				start = end = i;		// Added

	return true;

int main()
	int arr[] = {1, -2, 3, 10, -4, 7, 2, -5};
	int iGreatestSum, start, end;
	FindGreatestSumOfSubArray(arr, sizeof(arr)/sizeof(int), iGreatestSum, 
		start, end);

	cout << iGreatestSum << ": ";
	for(int i = start; i <= end; i++)
		cout << arr[i] << " ";

	return 0;

/* 结果:
18: 3 10 -4 7 2
posted on 2012-10-10 17:25  chinaxmly  阅读(8359)  评论(4编辑  收藏  举报