default 参数默认值
在实际开发 有时需要给一些参数默认值。
function add(val_1,val_2){ val_1 = val_1 || 10; val_2 = val_2 || 20; return console.log(val_1 + val_2); } add(); // 30
function add_1(val_1 = 5,val_2 = 10){ return console.log(val_1 + val_2); } add_1(); // 15
function fun(...arr){ console.log(arr); } class p{ constructor(){ this.a = "a"; this.b = "b"; } } let obj_p = new p(); fun("w","e","s","t"); // ["w", "e", "s", "t"] fun("life"); // ["life"] fun(obj_p); // [ 'obj'(p) ]
不论参数类型是什么均已数组方式接收。rest参数用 ... 作前缀来修饰参数。
function fun(par,...arr){ console.log(par); console.log(arr); } fun("w","e","s","t"); // w , ["e", "s", "t"]
function* fun(val,...arr){ for(let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){ if(arr[i] <= 5){ yield val + arr[i]; }else if((arr[i] + val) > 10){ return arr[i] + val; } } } let f_1 = fun(7,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0); console.log(; // Object {value: 16, done: true} console.log(; // Object {value: undefined, done: true}
Multi-line Strings 多行字符串
var str1 = `This life is the crossing of asea, where we meet in the same narrow ship.`; var str2 = "This life is the crossing of asea," + "where we meet in the same narrow ship."; console.log(str1); // This life is the crossing of asea, // where we meet in the same narrow ship. console.log(str2); // This life is the crossing of asea,where we meet in the same narrow ship.
这个特性很易懂,ES6之前做多行字符串需要用 加号 连接,ES6 仅需用反引号即可,而且反引号中的空格缩进都有用。
ES6学习笔记<一> let const class extends super
ES6学习笔记<二>arrow functions 箭头函数、template string、destructuring