昨天晚上休息前安装了微软发布的Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Feature Pack,装完也没打开VSTS2008看一下,



相关的信息,无奈下就想卸载了,结果卸载时给出了“A problem has been encountered while loading the setup

components. Canceling setup”的提示,卸不了就要重装,重装时提示依旧,按这个提示在MS网站上搜,结果给出了



2.1.11 Users get error message,
"A problem has been encountered while loading the setup components.
Canceling setup"
The user gets the message "A problem has been encountered while loading
the setup components.
Canceling setup" and Setup gets cancelled.  This only occurs on systems
that do not have
Windows Installer 3.1 installed.  Users should install Windows Installer
3.1 and then retry Setup.
To resolve this issue:
1. In Add or Remove programs and check if Windows Installer 3.1 is in
the list of installed programs.
2. If Windows Installer 3.1 is not in installed programs list, please
use following steps.
a. Go to Windows Installer 3.1 Redistributable (v2) and install
Windows Installer 3.1
b. Retry Visual Studio 2008 installation

我机器上的Windows Installer已经高于3.1版本了,难道让我装win2k不成,下来就自己想办法了,就想怎么卸了这玩意儿,


自己机器上翻来翻去找到了Windows install clean up,幸亏自己平时有收藏精品软件的习惯,这玩意儿是微软自己的,对

它自己的东西最了解了,里面找到VSTS2008 remove一下,把注册表、一些VS的组件统统删除了,然后重新安装Vsts2008,


posted on 2008-10-15 10:05  许维光  阅读(3654)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报