87. Scramble String

Given a string s1, we may represent it as a binary tree by partitioning it to two non-empty substrings recursively.

Below is one possible representation of s1 = "great":

   /    \
  gr    eat
 / \    /  \
g   r  e   at
           / \
          a   t

To scramble the string, we may choose any non-leaf node and swap its two children.

For example, if we choose the node "gr" and swap its two children, it produces a scrambled string "rgeat".

   /    \
  rg    eat
 / \    /  \
r   g  e   at
           / \
          a   t

We say that "rgeat" is a scrambled string of "great".

Similarly, if we continue to swap the children of nodes "eat" and "at", it produces a scrambled string "rgtae".

   /    \
  rg    tae
 / \    /  \
r   g  ta  e
       / \
      t   a

We say that "rgtae" is a scrambled string of "great".

Given two strings s1 and s2 of the same length, determine if s2 is a scrambled string of s1.

Example 1:

Input: s1 = "great", s2 = "rgeat"
Output: true

Example 2:

Input: s1 = "abcde", s2 = "caebd"
Output: false

when we recursively call the function itself.use self before it.
use range remember it has two parameters,begin&end
During solving this problem I face the error report cannot find the
function because I didn't add self before the function I recursive.On the other
hand when you face a function or variable error ,find all possible places.
Such as me,this time only find one,so don't discover problem immediately
class Solution(object):
    def isScramble(self, s1, s2):
        N = len(s1)
        if N == 0:
            return True
        if N == 1:
            return s1 == s2
        if sorted(s1) != sorted(s2):
            return False
        for i in range(1,N):
            if self.isScramble(s1[:i], s2[:i]) and self.isScramble(s1[i:],s2[i:]):
                return True
            elif self.isScramble(s1[:i], s2[-i:]) and self.isScramble(s1[i:],s2[:-i]):
                return True
        return False

solu = Solution()
s1 = "great"
s2 = "rgeat"

 Detailed Comment:


class Solution(object):
    def isScramble(self, s1, s2):
        :type s1: str
        :type s2: str
        :rtype: bool
        # NULL
        # easy forget Judge NULL
        if sorted(s1)!=sorted(s2):
            return False
        if n==0:
            return 1
        if n==1:
            return s1==s2
        # range from 1 easy miss s[:0]bring error
        # actual meaning i-->partition string.0 partition no meaning
        for i in range(1,n):
            # core-->length==i
            # structure directly return only run once.just judge finally return
            if self.isScramble(s1[:i],s2[:i]) and self.isScramble(s1[i:],s2[i:]):
                return True
            # i range need combine to full.array range length before&after and needn't equal,equal meaningless
            elif self.isScramble(s1[:i], s2[-i:]) and self.isScramble(s1[i:], s2[:-i]):
                return True
        return False


posted on 2019-08-12 10:06  黑暗尽头的超音速炬火  阅读(183)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报