随笔分类 - WCF
摘要:There are two types of Execptions which can be throwed from the WCF service. They are Application excepiton and Infrastructure exception . Handle Appl
摘要:示例代码下载地址:[WCFDemo1Day][1] 概述 客户端向WCF服务发出请求后,服务端会实例化一个Service对象(实现了契约接口的对象)用来处理请求,实例化Service对象以及维护其生命周期的方式在WCF中共有三种不同的类型,分别是: Per Call Per Session Sing
摘要:This is a very simple demo which can help you create a wcf applition quickly. Create a Solution Open Vistual Stuido and create a solution named WCFDem