The certificate used to sign "XXX" has either expired or has been revoked

The certificate used to sign "XXX" has either expired or has been revoked. An updated certificate is required to sign and install the application.
后来在stack overflow找到一个帖子,是这样解决的:

First of all clean the project by holding Shift(⇧)+Command(⌘)+K or Select Product > Clean
Go to XCode Menu> Preference
Select Account > Team > View Details
Select any Provisioning profile from Provisioning Profiles list
Right click > Select Show in Finder. Then you will see all lists of provisioning profiles
Select all provisionaling list from the folder and move it to trash
Download All provisioning profiles by clicking Download All below Provisioning Profile lists.
Now, Run again and it should Work!

posted @ 2016-06-03 11:29  水上云天  阅读(19194)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报