HDU 4417 BIT or ST

Super Mario

Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 6804    Accepted Submission(s): 2920

Problem Description
Mario is world-famous plumber. His “burly” figure and amazing jumping ability reminded in our memory. Now the poor princess is in trouble again and Mario needs to save his lover. We regard the road to the boss’s castle as a line (the length is n), on every integer point i there is a brick on height hi. Now the question is how many bricks in [L, R] Mario can hit if the maximal height he can jump is H.


The first line follows an integer T, the number of test data.
For each test data:
The first line contains two integers n, m (1 <= n <=10^5, 1 <= m <= 10^5), n is the length of the road, m is the number of queries.
Next line contains n integers, the height of each brick, the range is [0, 1000000000].
Next m lines, each line contains three integers L, R,H.( 0 <= L <= R < n 0 <= H <= 1000000000.)


For each case, output "Case X: " (X is the case number starting from 1) followed by m lines, each line contains an integer. The ith integer is the number of bricks Mario can hit for the ith query.


Sample Input
1 10 10 0 5 2 7 5 4 3 8 7 7 2 8 6 3 5 0 1 3 1 1 9 4 0 1 0 3 5 5 5 5 1 4 6 3 1 5 7 5 7 3


Sample Output
Case 1: 4 0 0 3 1 2 0 1 5 1


 也是一道很好的区间求和的题目,与那道pingpong很相似可惜我思路错了越写越复杂,最后看的别人的思路,真是惭愧= =
题目很容易看懂,从左至右给每个位置一个值,接着进行m次询问,(l,r,h) 求[l,r]位置之间<=h的值的位置总数。
  1 /*树状数组*/
  2 #include<bits/stdc++.h>
  3 using namespace std;
  4 #define LL long long
  5 #define MAXN (100000+15)
  6 int C[MAXN];
  7 inline int lowbit(int x){return x&-x;}
  8 inline int sum(int x)
  9 {
 10     int ret=0;
 11     for(;x;x-=lowbit(x)) ret+=C[x];
 12     return ret;
 13 }
 14 inline void add(int x,int d,int n)
 15 {
 16     while(x<=n){
 17         C[x]+=d;
 18         x+=lowbit(x);
 19     }
 20 }
 21 struct node
 22 {
 23     int l,r,h,id,ans;
 24 }P[MAXN];
 25 bool cmpid(node A,node B){return A.id<B.id;}
 26 bool cnph(node A,node B){return A.h<B.h;}
 27 struct node2
 28 {
 29     int h,id;
 30     bool operator<(const node2& x)const{
 31     return h<x.h;}
 32 }Q[MAXN];
 33 int main()
 34 {
 35     int t,n,m,i,j,k=0,s;
 36     scanf("%d",&t);
 37     for(k=1;k<=t;++k)
 38     {
 39         memset(C,0,sizeof(C));
 40         scanf("%d%d",&n,&m);
 41         for(i=1;i<=n;++i) scanf("%d",&Q[i].h),Q[i].id=i;
 42         sort(Q+1,Q+1+n);
 43         for(i=1;i<=m;++i)
 44         {
 45             scanf("%d%d%d",&P[i].l,&P[i].r,&P[i].h);
 46             P[i].l++;
 47             P[i].r++;
 48             P[i].id=i;
 49         }
 50         printf("Case %d:\n",k);
 51         sort(P+1,P+1+m,cnph);
 52         for(i=1,j=1;i<=m;++i)
 53         {
 54           while(j<=n&&Q[j].h<=P[i].h) add(Q[j++].id,1,n);
 55           P[i].ans=sum(P[i].r)-sum(P[i].l-1);
 56         }
 57         sort(P+1,P+1+m,cmpid);
 58         for(i=1;i<=m;++i)
 59         printf("%d\n",P[i].ans);
 60     }
 61     return 0;
 62 }
 65 /* 线段树*/
 66 #include<bits/stdc++.h>
 67 using namespace std;
 68 #define MAXN 100000
 69 #define lc (id<<1)
 70 #define rc (id<<1|1)
 71 #define M ((L+R)>>1)
 72 int C[(MAXN<<2)+15];
 73 void update(int L,int R,int id,int x)
 74 {
 75   if(L==R){C[id]++;return;}
 76   if(x<=M) update(L,M,lc,x);
 77   else update(M+1,R,rc,x);
 78   C[id]=C[lc]+C[rc];
 79 }
 80 int query(int L,int R,int id,int l,int r)
 81 {
 82     if(L>=l&&R<=r){return C[id];}
 83     if(r<=M) return query(L,M,lc,l,r);
 84     else if(l>M) return query(M+1,R,rc,l,r);
 85     else return query(L,M,lc,l,r)+query(M+1,R,rc,l,r);
 86 }
 87 struct node
 88 {
 89     int l,r,h,id,ans;
 90 }P[MAXN+15];
 91 bool cmpid(node A,node B){return A.id<B.id;}
 92 bool cmph(node A,node B){return A.h<B.h;}
 93 struct node2
 94 {
 95     int h,id;
 96     bool operator<(const node2&x)const{return h<x.h;}
 97 }Q[MAXN+15];
 98 int main()
 99 {
100     int t,i,j,n,m,k=0;
101     scanf("%d",&t);
102     for(k=1;k<=t;++k)
103     {
104         scanf("%d%d",&n,&m);
105         for(i=1;i<=n;++i) scanf("%d",&Q[i].h),Q[i].id=i;
106         sort(Q+1,Q+1+n);
107         for(i=1;i<=m;++i)
108         {
109             scanf("%d%d%d",&P[i].l,&P[i].r,&P[i].h);
110             P[i].l++;
111             P[i].r++;
112             P[i].id=i;
113         }
114         sort(P+1,P+1+m,cmph);
115         for(i=1,j=1;i<=m;++i)
116         {
117             while(j<=n&&Q[j].h<=P[i].h){update(1,n,1,Q[j].id);j++;}
118             P[i].ans=query(1,n,1,P[i].l,P[i].r);
119         }
120         sort(P+1,P+1+m,cmpid);
121         printf("Case %d:\n",k);
122         for(i=1;i<=m;++i) printf("%d\n",P[i].ans);
123         memset(C,0,sizeof(C));
124     }
125     return 0;
126 }


posted @ 2017-08-02 15:38  *zzq  阅读(256)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报