
ECON 302!

The uses of private saving

  • S=Y+NFP-C-G

    important: GDP GNP S的计算公式和每个字母表示什么要搞清楚。辅助材料:https://penpoin.com/private-savings/

  • The uses of saving identity
    CA是啥?【净出口/贸易平衡,current account balance】=(X(出口)-M(进口))

  • Relating Saving and Wealth

• Saving is a flow variable - a variable that is measured per unit of time.
• Wealth is a stock variable - a variable that is measured at a point in time.
• National wealth is:

  • country's domestic physical assets;
  • country's net foreign assets - country's foreign assets minus its foreign liabilities.
    • National wealth can change through changes in value of national saving (/ + CA).
  • Real GDP

• Nominal GDP (or current-dollar GDP) is the dollar value of an economy's final output at current market prices.
• Real GDP (or constant-dollar GDP) is the physical volume of an economy's final output using the prices of a base year.【care about quantity】

GDP deflator和CPI不是一个东西
1.miss2页ppt 2.复习,inflation和cpi关系

  • Real versus Nominal Interest Rates

• An interest rate is a rate of return promised by a borrower to a lender.
-We talk about "the" interest rate. Although they are numerous, they move up and down together.
• The real interest rate (r) is the rate at which the real value of an asset increases over time.
• The nominal interest rate (i) is the rate at which the nominal value of an asset increases over time.


  • The basics of economic growth

  • Economic growth is the sustained expansion of production possibilities measured as the increase in real GDP over a given period.
    •Calculating Growth Rates
    –The economic growth rate is the annual percentage change of real GDP.
    •The economic growth rate tells us how rapidly the total economy is expanding.
    •The standard of living depends on real GDP per person.
    Real GDP per person is real GDP divided by the population.
    •Real GDP per person grows only if real GDP grows faster than the population grows.


posted on 2024-09-18 08:08  zzhou75  阅读(9)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报