数据库的创建 create database
sp_renamedb School, hisschool
sp_renamedb hisschool,School
Drop Database School。
删除表中数据 delete
通用式: alter table [表名] add [字段名] 字段属性 default 缺省值 default 是可选参数
列: alter table Goods add Type varchar(20)
--把名字叫bill的所有老师的名字修改 update
update teacher set tName = '张强' where tName = 'Bill'
create table Category
CategoryId int primary key identity(1,1), <primary key>主键约束:唯一且不能为空,<identity>自增长。
CategoryName varchar(20) not null,
CatId_CategoryId int foreign key references Category(CategoryId) 所属Id
create database SQLschool //创建名为SQLschool的数据库 go use SQLschool //定位到该数据库 go --列级约束 create table student ( stuId char(8) primary key, --主键约束:唯一,且不能为空 stuName varchar(10) not null, --非空约束 stuSex char(2) check(stuSex = '男' or stuSex = '女'),--检查约束 stuBirth smallDatetime, stuSpeciality varchar(50) default '计算机软件与理念',--默认值约束 stuAvgrade numeric(3,1) check(stuAvgrade >= 0 and stuAvgrade <= 100), stuDept varchar(50) default '计算机科学系' ) go
--给列取别名 select stuAvgrade as 平均成绩, stuName as '姓名' from student select stuAvgrade 平均成绩, stuName '姓名' from student
--查询全体学生的姓名和年龄 select getdate()-当前日期
select stuName, year(getdate()) - year(stuBirth) as 年龄 from student
select sum(stuAvgrade) as 总成绩 from student
select avg(stuAvgrade) as 平均成绩 from student
select max(stuAvgrade) as 最高成绩 from student
select min(stuAvgrade) as 最小成绩 from student
select * from student where stuBirth between '1984-08-01' And '1986-12-25'
排序 查询所有学生按平均成绩排序
select * from student order by stuAvgrade Desc --desc是降序,默认值是Asc
select * from student where stuName like '王%'
select * from student where stuName like '赵_'
select * from student where stuName like'_志%'
CREATE PROCEDURE GetProductsOnCatalogPromotion (---需要传入的参数
@DescriptionLength INT,--描述信息长度 @PageNumber INT, -- 第几页 @ProductsPerPage INT, --每页显示几个商品 @HowManyProducts INT OUTPUT -- 一共有多少商品 ) AS --声明一个表变量 DECLARE @Products TABLE --表变量 (RowNumber INT, --在products原始表上增加一个可靠的编号字段 ProductID INT, Name VARCHAR(50), Description VARCHAR(5000), Price MONEY, Image1FileName VARCHAR(50), Image2FileName VARCHAR(50), OnDepartmentPromotion BIT, OnCatalogPromotion BIT) -- 给表变量的每个字段赋值 INSERT INTO @Products SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Product.ProductID), ProductID, Name, SUBSTRING(Description, 1, @DescriptionLength) + '...' AS Description, Price, Image1FileName, Image2FileName, OnDepartmentPromotion, OnCatalogPromotion FROM Product WHERE OnCatalogPromotion = 1 -- 给输出参数@HowManyProducts赋值 SELECT @HowManyProducts = COUNT(ProductID) FROM @Products -- extract the requested page of products -- 把请求的第几页的内容从@Products表变量中查询出来 SELECT ProductID, Name, Description, Price, Image1FileName, Image2FileName, OnDepartmentPromotion, OnCatalogPromotion FROM @Products WHERE RowNumber > (@PageNumber - 1) * @ProductsPerPage AND RowNumber <= @PageNumber * @ProductsPerPage GO declare @HowManyProducts int exec GetProductsOnCatalogPromotion 15,4,2, @HowManyProducts out select @HowManyProducts --一共多少页:总商品数/每页的产品数 (小数) = 2.1 -- ceiling
create proc GetProductsOfBig ( @Categroyid int, --商品类别Id @PageNumber int, --第几页 @ProductsPerPage int, --每页显示几个商品 @HowManyProducts int output --一共多少商品 ) as declare @Goods table ( RowNumber int, --在原始表上增加一个可靠的编号字段 GoodsId int, GoodsName varchar(100), SkuPrice varchar(20), --商品价格 PictureName varchar(50)--图片 ) insert into @Goods select ROW_NUMBER() over (order by Goods.GoodsId), Goods.GoodsId, Goods.GoodsName, SkuPrice, pictureName from Goods,Skus,Pictures where (Goods.CategoryId=@Categroyid and Pictures.GoodsId=Goods.GoodsId and pictureShow=1 and Skus.GoodsId=Goods.GoodsId) select @HowManyProducts=COUNT(GoodsId) from @Goods select * from @Goods where RowNumber > (@PageNumber - 1) * @ProductsPerPage AND RowNumber <= @PageNumber * @ProductsPerPage GO