RK3288 6.0 双屏异显,横屏+竖屏【转】
RK3288 6.0 双屏异显,横屏+竖屏
由于是横屏+竖屏的组合,目前考虑两种实现方案。1.副屏存在黑边 2.对副屏内容进行拉伸。
- if (mRotateOnBoot) {
- mRotation = Surface.ROTATION_0;
- rotation = Surface.ROTATION_90;
- }
- /* display portrait, force android rotation according to 90 */
- if("true".equals(SystemProperties.get("persist.display.portrait","false"))){
- rotation = Surface.ROTATION_90;
- }
- //LQH
- // rotation = Surface.ROTATION_0;
- /* display portrait end */
- // if("vr".equals(SystemProperties.get("ro.target.product","tablet")))
- // rotation = Surface.ROTATION_0;
- if (mRotation == rotation && mAltOrientation == altOrientation) {
- // No change.
- return false;
- }
ro.sf.hwrotation=0 主屏初始方向 (在./native/services/surfaceflinger/SurfaceFlinger.cpp进行赋值)
ro.orientation.einit=90 副屏初始方向
ro.same.orientation=false 主副屏orientaion是否相同
ro.rotation.external=false 副屏是否随主屏旋转
- @Override
- public DisplayDeviceInfo getDisplayDeviceInfoLocked() {
- if (mInfo == null) {
- SurfaceControl.PhysicalDisplayInfo phys = mDisplayInfos[mActivePhysIndex];
- mInfo = new DisplayDeviceInfo();
- mInfo.width = phys.width;
- mInfo.height = phys.height;
- mInfo.modeId = mActiveModeId;
- mInfo.defaultModeId = mDefaultModeId;
- mInfo.supportedModes = new Display.Mode[mSupportedModes.size()];
- for (int i = 0; i < mSupportedModes.size(); i++) {
- DisplayModeRecord record = mSupportedModes.valueAt(i);
- mInfo.supportedModes[i] = record.mMode;
- }
- mInfo.colorTransformId = mActiveColorTransformId;
- mInfo.defaultColorTransformId = mDefaultColorTransformId;
- mInfo.supportedColorTransforms =
- new Display.ColorTransform[mSupportedColorTransforms.size()];
- for (int i = 0; i < mSupportedColorTransforms.size(); i++) {
- mInfo.supportedColorTransforms[i] = mSupportedColorTransforms.valueAt(i);
- }
- mInfo.appVsyncOffsetNanos = phys.appVsyncOffsetNanos;
- mInfo.presentationDeadlineNanos = phys.presentationDeadlineNanos;
- mInfo.state = mState;
- mInfo.uniqueId = getUniqueId();
- // Assume that all built-in displays that have secure output (eg. HDCP) also
- // support compositing from gralloc protected buffers.
- if (phys.secure) {
- mInfo.flags = DisplayDeviceInfo.FLAG_SECURE
- }
- if (mBuiltInDisplayId == SurfaceControl.BUILT_IN_DISPLAY_ID_MAIN) {
- final Resources res = getContext().getResources();
- mInfo.name = res.getString(
- com.android.internal.R.string.display_manager_built_in_display_name);
- mInfo.flags |= DisplayDeviceInfo.FLAG_DEFAULT_DISPLAY
- if (res.getBoolean(com.android.internal.R.bool.config_mainBuiltInDisplayIsRound)
- || (Build.HARDWARE.contains("goldfish")
- && SystemProperties.getBoolean(PROPERTY_EMULATOR_CIRCULAR, false))) {
- mInfo.flags |= DisplayDeviceInfo.FLAG_ROUND;
- }
- mInfo.type = Display.TYPE_BUILT_IN;
- mInfo.densityDpi = (int)(phys.density * 160 + 0.5f);
- mInfo.xDpi = phys.xDpi;
- mInfo.yDpi = phys.yDpi;
- mInfo.touch = DisplayDeviceInfo.TOUCH_INTERNAL;
- } else {
- mInfo.type = Display.TYPE_HDMI;
- mInfo.flags |= DisplayDeviceInfo.FLAG_PRESENTATION;
- boolean noRotate = "0".equals(SystemProperties.get("ro.sf.hwrotation"));
- if(noRotate && mBuiltInDisplayId == SurfaceControl.BUILT_IN_DISPLAY_ID_HDMI){
- if (SystemProperties.getBoolean("ro.rotation.external", false)) {
- mInfo.flags |= DisplayDeviceInfo.FLAG_ROTATES_WITH_CONTENT;
- }
- String value = SystemProperties.get("ro.orientation.einit");
- if ("0".equals(value)) {
- mInfo.rotation = Surface.ROTATION_0;
- } else if ("90".equals(value)) {
- mInfo.rotation = Surface.ROTATION_90;
- } else if ("180".equals(value)) {
- mInfo.rotation = Surface.ROTATION_180;
- } else if ("270".equals(value)) {
- mInfo.rotation = Surface.ROTATION_270;
- }
- }
- mInfo.name = getContext().getResources().getString(
- com.android.internal.R.string.display_manager_hdmi_display_name);
- mInfo.touch = DisplayDeviceInfo.TOUCH_EXTERNAL;
- mInfo.setAssumedDensityForExternalDisplay(phys.width, phys.height);
- // For demonstration purposes, allow rotation of the external display.
- // In the future we might allow the user to configure this directly.
- if ("portrait".equals(SystemProperties.get("persist.demo.hdmirotation"))) {
- mInfo.rotation = Surface.ROTATION_270;
- }
- // For demonstration purposes, allow rotation of the external display
- // to follow the built-in display.
- if (SystemProperties.getBoolean("persist.demo.hdmirotates", false)) {
- mInfo.flags |= DisplayDeviceInfo.FLAG_ROTATES_WITH_CONTENT;
- }
- }
- }
- return mInfo;
- }
- bool isHdmiScreen = mType == DisplayDevice::DISPLAY_EXTERNAL;
- if (isHdmiScreen) {
- int eInitOrientation = 0;
- bool isSfHwrotated = false;
- bool isSupportRotation = false;
- bool isPrimaryExternalSameOrientation = false;
- Rect newFrame = Rect(0,0,getWidth(),getHeight());
- Rect newFrameRotated = Rect(0,0,getHeight(),getWidth());
- float frameRatio = (float)frame.getWidth() / frame.getHeight();
- char value[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX];
- property_get("ro.sf.hwrotation", value, "0");
- isSfHwrotated = atoi(value) != 0;
- property_get("ro.same.orientation", value, "false");
- isPrimaryExternalSameOrientation = !strcmp(value,"true");
- if(!isSfHwrotated) {
- property_get("ro.orientation.einit", value, "0");
- eInitOrientation = atoi(value) / 90;
- property_get("ro.rotation.external", value, "false");
- isSupportRotation = !strcmp(value,"true");
- }
- if (isSupportRotation && !isPrimaryExternalSameOrientation) {
- mClientOrientation = orientation;
- if (eInitOrientation % 2 == 1) {
- frame = frameRatio > 1.0 ? frame : newFrameRotated;
- ALOGE("%d,[%d,%d]",__LINE__,frame.getWidth(),frame.getHeight());
- } else {
- frame = frameRatio > 1.0 ? newFrame : frame;
- ALOGE("%d,[%d,%d]",__LINE__,frame.getWidth(),frame.getHeight());
- }
- } else if (isSupportRotation) {
- mClientOrientation = orientation;
- if (eInitOrientation % 2 == 1) {
- //frame = frameRatio > 1.0 ? frame : frame;
- ALOGE("%d,[%d,%d]",__LINE__,frame.getWidth(),frame.getHeight());
- } else {
- frame = frameRatio > 1.0 ? newFrame : newFrameRotated;
- ALOGE("%d,[%d,%d]",__LINE__,frame.getWidth(),frame.getHeight());
- }
- } else if (eInitOrientation % 2 != 0) {
- if (isPrimaryExternalSameOrientation) {
- //frame = frameRatio > 1.0 ? frame : frame;
- ALOGE("%d,[%d,%d]",__LINE__,frame.getWidth(),frame.getHeight());
- } else {
- //应该走的这里
- frame = frameRatio > 1.0 ? frame : newFrameRotated;
- ALOGE("%d,[%d,%d]",__LINE__,frame.getWidth(),frame.getHeight());
- }
- } else if (eInitOrientation % 2 == 0) {
- if (isPrimaryExternalSameOrientation) {
- frame = frameRatio > 1.0 ? newFrame : frame;
- ALOGE("%d,[%d,%d]",__LINE__,frame.getWidth(),frame.getHeight());
- } else {
- frame = frameRatio > 1.0 ? newFrame : frame;
- ALOGE("%d,[%d,%d]",__LINE__,frame.getWidth(),frame.getHeight());
- }
- } else {
- frame = frameRatio > 1.0 ? newFrame : frame;
- ALOGE("%d,[%d,%d]",__LINE__,frame.getWidth(),frame.getHeight());
- }
- ALOGE("update frame [%d,%d]",frame.getWidth(),frame.getHeight());
- }
根据具体情况进行配置,即可实现 双屏异显,横屏+竖屏,竖屏存在黑边的效果。在上面的补丁中,可对frame进行强制定义为副屏大小,则可以实现拉伸效果,填充黑边。
- frame=Rect(0,0,getHeight(),getWidth());