修改sepolicy后编译出现‘Error while expanding policy’【转】



    libsepol.report_failure: neverallow on line 263 of system/sepolicy/domain.te (or line 9133 of policy.conf) violated by allow xx device:chr_file { read write open };
    libsepol.check_assertions: 1 neverallow failures occurred
    Error while expanding policy

这是因为在“system/sepolicy/domain.te” 添加了一些neverallow rules,导致编译检查的时候出现错误

    # Do not allow any domain other than init or recovery to create unlabeled files.
    neverallow { domain -init -recovery } unlabeled:dir_file_class_set create;

只需要根据错误的提示,在system/sepolicy/domain.te找到对应的neverallow规则修改即可,我编译出现error的是allow xx device:chr_file { read write open };

只需要在下面的规则中,去掉我们添加的xx.te即可,在neverallow后的第一个‘{}’里 利用“-xx”,排除某个,即不应有此规则

    # Don't allow raw read/write/open access to generic devices.
    # Rather force a relabel to a more specific type.
    # init is exempt from this as there are character devices that only it uses.
    # ueventd is exempt from this, as it is managing these devices.
    neverallow { domain -init -ueventd -systool_server -xx } device:chr_file { open read write };

posted @ 2018-12-14 20:47  请给我倒杯茶  阅读(2159)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报