AT&T 栈帧结构


 push 和 pop 栈内的数据

pushx source

pushl %ecx # puts the 32-bit value of the ECX register on the stack
pushw %cx # puts the 16-bit value of the CX register on the stack
pushl $100 # puts the value of 100 on the stack as a 32-bit integer value
pushl data # puts the 32-bit data value referenced by the data label
pushl $data # puts the 32-bit memory address referenced by the data label

popx destination
popl %ecx # place the next 32-bits in the stack in the ECX register
popw %cx # place the next 16-bits in the stack in the CX register
popl value # place the next 32-bits in the stack in the value memory location


posted @ 2022-08-12 15:48  zzas12345  阅读(31)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报