启动loadrunner agent process报 two_way_comm_create_acceptor failed问题解决


Error -27492: "HttpSendRequest" failed, Windows error code=12017 (cannot connect) and retry limit (0) exceeded for URL="https://HOSTNAME:6634/services/Imaging


    Run-Time Settings -> Preferences -> Advanced. 确定此选项未被选中:"WinInet replay instead of Sockets (Windows only)" 。

Action.c(4): 错误: C interpreter run time error: Action.c (4):  Error -- Unresolved symbol : LrsCreateSocket.


    协议选择错误,新建单协议脚本时,请选择 Windows Sockets,新建多协议脚本时,添加上Windows Sockets。

16/06/2008 15:23:55 错误: 通信错误: 绑定套接字失败。此计算机上的某进程已绑定到同一地址。 [MsgId: MERR-10344]
16/06/2008 15:23:55 错误: 通信错误: 为 HTTP 通道服务器创建 TCP 服务器失败。 [MsgId: MERR-10344]
16/06/2008 15:23:55 错误: 双向通信错误: 函数 two_way_comm_create_acceptor 失败。 [MsgId: MERR-60999]
16/06/2008 15:23:55 警告: 创建“router”服务器失败。 [MsgId: MWAR-29974]

16/06/2008 15:19:59 Error: Communication error: Failed to bind socket. A process on the machine is already bound to the same address. [MsgId: MERR-10344]
16/06/2008 15:19:59 Error: Communication error: Failed to create a TCP server for the HTTP channel's server. [MsgId: MERR-10344]
16/06/2008 15:19:59 Error: Two Way Communication Error: Function two_way_comm_create_acceptor failed. [MsgId: MERR-60999]
16/06/2008 15:19:59 Warning: Failed to create "router" server. [MsgId: MWAR-29974]


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