随笔分类 - CAN304
CAN304 W5
摘要:CAN304 W5 Designing security protocols Security protocols: A series of steps involving two or more parties designed to accomplish a task with suitable
CAN304 W4
摘要:CAN304 W4 The public-key revolution 对称加密 (symmetric cryptograph) 带来了一系列安全问题: 如何安全地共享密钥?(The key-distribution problem) 多个人如何共享密钥 (每两人一个?)(The key-manag
CAN304 W1
摘要:CAN304 W1 Definition The protection afforded to an automated information system in order to attain the applicable objectives of preserving the integri
CAN304 W2
摘要:CAN304 W2 Classical and modern cryptography Classical cryptography 完全依赖于通信双方之间共享的秘密信息(Private-key cryptography, 又叫 secret-key / shared-key / symmetric
CAN304 W3
摘要:CAN304 W3 Message authentication code Message integrity 我们一直关注确保通信的保密性。 Integrity:确保接收到的消息来自预期方,并且未被修改,即使攻击者控制该通道。 保密 (secrecy) 和完整性 (integrity) 是正交的问