Flink watermark 练习


方式1:assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(new AssignerWithPeriodicWatermarks<T>)

 * Assigns timestamps to the elements in the data stream and periodically creates
 * watermarks to signal event time progress.
 * <p>This method creates watermarks periodically (for example every second), based
 * on the watermarks indicated by the given watermark generator. Even when no new elements
 * in the stream arrive, the given watermark generator will be periodically checked for
 * new watermarks. The interval in which watermarks are generated is defined in
 * {@link ExecutionConfig#setAutoWatermarkInterval(long)}.
 * <p>Use this method for the common cases, where some characteristic over all elements
 * should generate the watermarks, or where watermarks are simply trailing behind the
 * wall clock time by a certain amount.
 * <p>For the second case and when the watermarks are required to lag behind the maximum
 * timestamp seen so far in the elements of the stream by a fixed amount of time, and this
 * amount is known in advance, use the
 * {@link BoundedOutOfOrdernessTimestampExtractor}.
 * <p>For cases where watermarks should be created in an irregular fashion, for example
 * based on certain markers that some element carry, use the
 * {@link AssignerWithPunctuatedWatermarks}.
 * @param timestampAndWatermarkAssigner The implementation of the timestamp assigner and
 *                                      watermark generator.
 * @return The stream after the transformation, with assigned timestamps and watermarks.
 * @see AssignerWithPeriodicWatermarks
 * @see AssignerWithPunctuatedWatermarks
 * @see #assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(AssignerWithPunctuatedWatermarks)
public SingleOutputStreamOperator<T> assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(
      AssignerWithPeriodicWatermarks<T> timestampAndWatermarkAssigner) {
   // match parallelism to input, otherwise dop=1 sources could lead to some strange
   // behaviour: the watermark will creep along very slowly because the elements
   // from the source go to each extraction operator round robin.
   final int inputParallelism = getTransformation().getParallelism();
   final AssignerWithPeriodicWatermarks<T> cleanedAssigner = clean(timestampAndWatermarkAssigner);
   TimestampsAndPeriodicWatermarksOperator<T> operator =
         new TimestampsAndPeriodicWatermarksOperator<>(cleanedAssigner);
   return transform("Timestamps/Watermarks", getTransformation().getOutputType(), operator)


方式2:assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(new AssignerWithPunctuatedWatermarks<T>)

 * Assigns timestamps to the elements in the data stream and creates watermarks to
 * signal event time progress based on the elements themselves.
 * <p>This method creates watermarks based purely on stream elements. For each element
 * that is handled via {@link AssignerWithPunctuatedWatermarks#extractTimestamp(Object, long)},
 * the {@link AssignerWithPunctuatedWatermarks#checkAndGetNextWatermark(Object, long)}
 * method is called, and a new watermark is emitted, if the returned watermark value is
 * non-negative and greater than the previous watermark.
 * <p>This method is useful when the data stream embeds watermark elements, or certain elements
 * carry a marker that can be used to determine the current event time watermark.
 * This operation gives the programmer full control over the watermark generation. Users
 * should be aware that too aggressive watermark generation (i.e., generating hundreds of
 * watermarks every second) can cost some performance.
 * <p>For cases where watermarks should be created in a regular fashion, for example
 * every x milliseconds, use the {@link AssignerWithPeriodicWatermarks}.
 * @param timestampAndWatermarkAssigner The implementation of the timestamp assigner and
 *                                      watermark generator.
 * @return The stream after the transformation, with assigned timestamps and watermarks.
 * @see AssignerWithPunctuatedWatermarks
 * @see AssignerWithPeriodicWatermarks
 * @see #assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(AssignerWithPeriodicWatermarks)
public SingleOutputStreamOperator<T> assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(
      AssignerWithPunctuatedWatermarks<T> timestampAndWatermarkAssigner) {
   // match parallelism to input, otherwise dop=1 sources could lead to some strange
   // behaviour: the watermark will creep along very slowly because the elements
   // from the source go to each extraction operator round robin.
   final int inputParallelism = getTransformation().getParallelism();
   final AssignerWithPunctuatedWatermarks<T> cleanedAssigner = clean(timestampAndWatermarkAssigner);
   TimestampsAndPunctuatedWatermarksOperator<T> operator =
         new TimestampsAndPunctuatedWatermarksOperator<>(cleanedAssigner);
   return transform("Timestamps/Watermarks", getTransformation().getOutputType(), operator)





    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
        DataStreamSource<String> source = env.socketTextStream("172.xx.x.xxx", 9001);//nc -lk 9001
        DataStream<String> dataStream = source.assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(new AssignerWithPeriodicWatermarks<String>() {
            private Long currentTimeStamp = 0L;
            private Long maxOutOfOrderness = 5000L;
            public Watermark getCurrentWatermark() {
                return new Watermark(currentTimeStamp - maxOutOfOrderness);
            public long extractTimestamp(String element, long previousElementTimestamp) {
                String[] arr = element.split(",");
                long eventTime = Long.parseLong(arr[2]);
                currentTimeStamp = Math.max(eventTime, currentTimeStamp);
                System.err.println("element:" + element + "; eventTime:" + eventTime + "; watermark:" + (currentTimeStamp - maxOutOfOrderness));
                return eventTime;
        dataStream.map(new MapFunction<String, Tuple2<String, Integer>>() {
            public Tuple2<String, Integer> map(String value) throws Exception {
                String[] split = value.split(",");
                return new Tuple2<>(split[0], Integer.parseInt(split[1]));




比如第一条来的数据是 tie,1,1590542810000(可以看成是第0秒的数据)


cup,3,1590542815000 --在这条数据过来之后触发window操作




不包括 cup,3,1590542815000 这条数据,也就是说这次窗口统计的结果是:


这个逻辑的前提是数据产生的时间(也就是event_time) 等于 watermark,不接受任何延迟数据


如果出现数据延迟过来的情况,在我们定义watermark时候如果设置的允许数据延迟的时间为0的话(private Long maxOutOfOrderness = 0L),就会丢弃延迟的数据不作计算,比如以下情况:

element:tie,1,1590542810000; eventTime:1590542810000; watermark:1590542810000
element:tie,2,1590542811000; eventTime:1590542811000; watermark:1590542811000
element:shoes,1,1590542812000; eventTime:1590542812000; watermark:1590542812000
element:shoes,2,1590542814000; eventTime:1590542814000; watermark:1590542814000
element:cup,3,1590542815000; eventTime:1590542815000; watermark:1590542815000
6> (tie,3)
8> (shoes,3)
element:tie,3,1590542816000; eventTime:1590542816000; watermark:1590542816000
element:cup,2,1590542813000; eventTime:1590542813000; watermark:1590542816000  //这条数据出现乱序,注意看生成的watermark
element:tie,1,1590542817000; eventTime:1590542817000; watermark:1590542817000
element:cup,1,1590542818000; eventTime:1590542818000; watermark:1590542818000
element:shoes,1,1590542819000; eventTime:1590542819000; watermark:1590542819000
element:tie,1,1590542820000; eventTime:1590542820000; watermark:1590542820000
6> (tie,4)
3> (cup,4)
8> (shoes,1) 



element:tie,1,1590542810000; eventTime:1590542810000; watermark:1590542805000
element:tie,2,1590542811000; eventTime:1590542811000; watermark:1590542806000
element:shoes,1,1590542812000; eventTime:1590542812000; watermark:1590542807000
element:shoes,2,1590542814000; eventTime:1590542814000; watermark:1590542809000
element:cup,3,1590542815000; eventTime:1590542815000; watermark:1590542810000
element:tie,3,1590542816000; eventTime:1590542816000; watermark:1590542811000
element:cup,2,1590542813000; eventTime:1590542813000; watermark:1590542811000
element:tie,1,1590542817000; eventTime:1590542817000; watermark:1590542812000
element:cup,1,1590542818000; eventTime:1590542818000; watermark:1590542813000
element:shoes,1,1590542819000; eventTime:1590542819000; watermark:1590542814000
element:tie,1,1590542820000; eventTime:1590542820000; watermark:1590542815000
6> (tie,3)
3> (cup,2)
8> (shoes,3)
element:cup,1,1590542821000; eventTime:1590542821000; watermark:1590542816000



posted @ 2020-05-27 10:56  sw_kong  阅读(435)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报