JAVADOC 常见使用方法 帮助文档

   javadoc工具能从java源文件中读取第三种注释,并能识别注释中用@标识的一些特殊变量(见表),制作成Html格式的类说明文档。 javadoc不但能对一个java源文件生成注释文档,而且能对目录和包生成交叉链接的html格式的类说明文档,十分方便。

@author        作者名
@version       版本标识
@parameter     参数名及其意义
@since         最早出现的JDK版本
@return        返回值
@throws        异常类及抛出条件
@deprecated    引起不推荐使用的警告
@see           交叉参考


C:\java>javadoc -help

C:\java>javadoc -help     

usage: javadoc [options] [packagenames] [sourcefiles] [classnames] [@files]
-overview <file>          Read overview documentation from HTML file
-public                   Show only public classes and members
-protected                Show protected/public classes and members (default)
-package                  Show package/protected/public classes and members
-private                  Show all classes and members
-help                     Display command line options and exit
-doclet <class>           Generate output via alternate doclet
-docletpath <path>        Specify where to find doclet class files
-sourcepath <pathlist>    Specify where to find source files
-classpath <pathlist>     Specify where to find user class files
-exclude <pkglist>        Specify a list of packages to exclude
-subpackages <subpkglist> Specify subpackages to recursively load
-breakiterator            Compute 1st sentence with BreakIterator
-bootclasspath <pathlist> Override location of class files loaded by the bootstrap class loader
-source <release>         Provide source compatibility with specified release
-extdirs <dirlist>        Override location of installed extensions
-verbose                  Output messages about what Javadoc is doing
-locale <name>            Locale to be used, e.g. en_US or en_US_WIN
-encoding <name>          Source file encoding name
-J<flag>                  Pass <flag> directly to the runtime system

Provided by Standard doclet:
-d <directory>                    Destination directory for output files
-use                              Create class and package usage pages
-version                          Include @version paragraphs
-author                           Include @author paragraphs
-docfilessubdirs                  Recursively copy doc-file subdirectories
-splitindex                       Split index into one file per letter
-windowtitle <text>               Browser window title for the documenation
-doctitle <html-code>             Include title for the overview page
-header <html-code>               Include header text for each page
-footer <html-code>               Include footer text for each page
-bottom <html-code>               Include bottom text for each page
-link <url>                       Create links to javadoc output at <url>
-linkoffline <url> <url2>         Link to docs at <url> using package list at <url2>
-excludedocfilessubdir <name1>:.. Exclude any doc-files subdirectories with given name.
-group <name> <p1>:<p2>..         Group specified packages together in overviewpage
-nocomment                        Supress description and tags, generate only declarations.
-nodeprecated                     Do not include @deprecated information
-noqualifier <name1>:<name2>:...  Exclude the list of qualifiers from the output.
-nosince                          Do not include @since information
-nodeprecatedlist                 Do not generate deprecated list
-notree                           Do not generate class hierarchy
-noindex                          Do not generate index
-nohelp                           Do not generate help link
-nonavbar                         Do not generate navigation bar
-quiet                            Do not display status messages to screen
-serialwarn                       Generate warning about @serial tag
-tag <name>:<locations>:<header>  Specify single argument custom tags
-taglet                           The fully qualified name of Taglet to register

-tagletpath                       The path to Taglets
-charset <charset>                Charset for cross-platform viewing of generated documentation.
-helpfile <file>                  Include file that help link links to
-linksource                       Generate source in HTML
-stylesheetfile <path>            File to change style of the generated documentation
-docencoding <name>               Output encoding name


Loading source file
Constructing Javadoc information...
Standard Doclet version 1.4.2_03
Generating constant-values.html...
Building tree for all the packages and classes...
Building index for all the packages and classes...
Generating overview-tree.html...
Generating index-all.html...
Generating deprecated-list.html...
Building index for all classes...
Generating allclasses-frame.html...
Generating allclasses-noframe.html...
Generating index.html...
Generating packages.html...
Generating JavadocDemo.html... warning - Tag @see: reference not found: javax.swing.Japplet
Generating serialized-form.html...
Generating package-list...
Generating help-doc.html...
Generating stylesheet.css...
1 warning

import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
  *@see java.applet.Applet
  *@see javax.swing.Japplet

 public class JavadocDemo extends Applet{

   /** init()是一个Applet方法,由浏览器调用进行初始化
     * 只调用一次
     * @return*/
   public void init(){
        Button b;
        b=new Button("Hello");

   /** paint() 是一个AWT组件方法,在组件要绘制时调用,只
     * 是在Applet的窗口中画带色的方框。
     * 参数 g一个java.awt.Graphics
     * 用在所有绘制方法中

   public void paint(Graphics g){
         int w=getSize().width,h=getSize().height;
         g.drawString("Welcome to Java",50,50);

   /** show()用于使组件可见,此方法在
     * JDK1.1中被归入不推荐使用
     *@since 1.0

   public void show(){
        //由于覆盖了show(),此applet 不能显示

   /** Applet必须有一个公共的无参数构造方法
     *@throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException

   public JavadocDemo(){
      if(new java.util.Date().getDay()==0){
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Never on a Sunday");


posted @ 2015-08-06 20:56  自由无风  阅读(3328)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报