jvm源码解读--07 创建 fixup_mirrors
通过前面的分析,创建的insttanceKlass 都没放入了java_lang_Class::fixup_mirror_list()这里类的数组里面了,所有的instance列举如下
---------------------------------------------list->at(8) $3 = 0x7f6d6800f2b8 "java/lang/Object" (gdb) p _klass $4 = (InstanceKlass *) 0x100000f30 ---------------------------------------------list->at(9) $7 = 0x7f6d68014f58 "java/io/Serializable" (gdb) p _klass $8 = (InstanceKlass *) 0x100001120 ---------------------------------------------list->at(10) $9 = 0x7f6d68014fa8 "java/lang/Comparable" (gdb) p _klass $10 = (InstanceKlass *) 0x100001308 -----------------------------------------------list->at(11) (gdb) p name->as_C_string() $12 = 0x7f6d680156b8 "java/lang/CharSequence" (gdb) p _klass $13 = (InstanceKlass *) 0x1000014f0 -----------------------------------------------list->at(12) (gdb) p name->as_C_string() $15 = 0x7f6d68014d38 "java/lang/String" (gdb) p _klass $16 = (InstanceKlass *) 0x1000016d8 ----------------------------------------------- (gdb) p name->as_C_string() $17 = 0x7f6d6800ea68 "java/lang/Class" 加载一半就不执行了,不知道为什么 -----------------------------------------------list->at(13) $8 = 0x7ff06c0100a8 "java/lang/reflect/AnnotatedElement" (gdb) p _klass $9 = (InstanceKlass *) 0x100001948 -----------------------------------------------list->at(13) (gdb) p name->as_C_string() $11 = 0x7ff06c00ef28 "java/lang/reflect/GenericDeclaration" (gdb) p _klass $16 = (InstanceKlass *) 0x100001b30 -------------------------------------------预加载中创建的对象 (gdb) p $26.as_C_string() $27 = 0x7ff06c009c88 "java/lang/Class" (gdb) p k $21 = (InstanceMirrorKlass *) 0x100001f00 --------------------------------------------
GrowableArray <Klass*>* list = java_lang_Class::fixup_mirror_list(); int list_length = list->length(); for (int i = 0; i < list_length; i++) { Klass* k = list->at(i); assert(k->is_klass(), "List should only hold classes"); EXCEPTION_MARK; KlassHandle kh(THREAD, k); java_lang_Class::fixup_mirror(kh, CATCH); }
说明 上述的list_length为17 , 前面从list->at(8)就是读取的Object,之前的是ArrayKlass类型的对象,现在读取的是k 为 $32 = (TypeArrayKlass *) 0x100000030
java_lang_Class::fixup_mirror(KlassHandle k, TRAPS) {create_mirror(k, Handle(NULL), CHECK);}
oop java_lang_Class::create_mirror(KlassHandle k, Handle protection_domain, TRAPS) { assert(k->java_mirror() == NULL, "should only assign mirror once"); int computed_modifiers = k->compute_modifier_flags(CHECK_0); k->set_modifier_flags(computed_modifiers); // Class_klass has to be loaded because it is used to allocate // the mirror. if (SystemDictionary::Class_klass_loaded()) { // Allocate mirror (java.lang.Class instance) Handle mirror = InstanceMirrorKlass::cast(SystemDictionary::Class_klass())->allocate_instance(k, CHECK_0); InstanceMirrorKlass* mk = InstanceMirrorKlass::cast(mirror->klass()); java_lang_Class::set_static_oop_field_count(mirror(), mk->compute_static_oop_field_count(mirror())); // It might also have a component mirror. This mirror must already exist. if (k->oop_is_array()) { Handle comp_mirror; if (k->oop_is_typeArray()) { BasicType type = TypeArrayKlass::cast(k())->element_type(); comp_mirror = Universe::java_mirror(type); } else { assert(k->oop_is_objArray(), "Must be"); Klass* element_klass = ObjArrayKlass::cast(k())->element_klass(); assert(element_klass != NULL, "Must have an element klass"); comp_mirror = element_klass->java_mirror(); } assert(comp_mirror.not_null(), "must have a mirror"); // Two-way link between the array klass and its component mirror: ArrayKlass::cast(k())->set_component_mirror(comp_mirror()); set_array_klass(comp_mirror(), k()); } else { assert(k->oop_is_instance(), "Must be"); // Allocate a simple java object for a lock. // This needs to be a java object because during class initialization // it can be held across a java call. typeArrayOop r = oopFactory::new_typeArray(T_INT, 0, CHECK_NULL); set_init_lock(mirror(), r); // Set protection domain also set_protection_domain(mirror(), protection_domain()); // Initialize static fields InstanceKlass::cast(k())->do_local_static_fields(&initialize_static_field, CHECK_NULL); } return mirror(); } else { if (fixup_mirror_list() == NULL) { GrowableArray<Klass*>* list = new (ResourceObj::C_HEAP, mtClass) GrowableArray<Klass*>(40, true); set_fixup_mirror_list(list); } fixup_mirror_list()->push(k()); return NULL; } }
InstanceMirrorKlass::cast(SystemDictionary::Class_klass())->allocate_instance(k, CHECK_0);
这个句子的主干是 Klass->allocat_instance(k,xxx),这个Klass就是名字为"java/lang/Class"的instanceKlass对象,这个对象的地址为0x100001f00,这个对象非常重要
//解析宏如下 获取 SystemDictionary::Class_klass() static Klass* name() { return check_klass_##option(_well_known_klasses[Class_klass_knum]); } ---> static Klass* check_klass_Pre( Klass* k) { return check_klass(k); } -----> // Fast access to commonly used classes (preloaded) static Klass* check_klass(Klass* k) { assert(k != NULL, "preloaded klass not initialized"); return k; } (gdb) p k $21 = (InstanceMirrorKlass *) 0x100001f00
(gdb) p *k $23 = (InstanceMirrorKlass) { <InstanceKlass> = { <Klass> = { <Metadata> = { <MetaspaceObj> = {<No data fields>}, members of Metadata: _vptr.Metadata = 0x7ff071f18a50 <vtable for InstanceMirrorKlass+16>, _valid = 0 }, members of Klass: _layout_helper = 97, _super_check_offset = 56, _name = 0x7ff070064108, _secondary_super_cache = 0x0, _secondary_supers = 0x7ff05ada9560, _primary_supers = {0x100000f30, 0x100001f00, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, _java_mirror = 0x0, _super = 0x100000f30, _subklass = 0x0, _next_sibling = 0x100001d18, _next_link = 0x100001d18, _class_loader_data = 0x7ff06c02e868, _modifier_flags = 17, _access_flags = { _flags = 538968113 }, _last_biased_lock_bulk_revocation_time = 0, _prototype_header = 0x1, _biased_lock_revocation_count = 0, _modified_oops = 0 '\000', _accumulated_modified_oops = 0 '\000' }, members of InstanceKlass: static _total_instanceKlass_count = 9, _annotations = 0x0, _array_klasses = 0x0, _constants = 0x7ff05ad9da78, _inner_classes = 0x7ff05ada94f0, _source_debug_extension = 0x0, _array_name = 0x0, _nonstatic_field_size = 20, _static_field_size = 5, _generic_signature_index = 796, _source_file_name_index = 798, _static_oop_field_count = 3, _java_fields_count = 20, _nonstatic_oop_map_size = 1, _is_marked_dependent = false, _misc_flags = 34, _minor_version = 0, _major_version = 52, _init_thread = 0x0, _vtable_len = 5, _itable_len = 20, _oop_map_cache = 0x0, _member_names = 0x0, _jni_ids = 0x0, _methods_jmethod_ids = 0x0, _dependencies = 0x0, _osr_nmethods_head = 0x0, _breakpoints = 0x0, _previous_versions = 0x0, _cached_class_file = 0x0, _idnum_allocated_count = 129, _init_state = 1 '\001', _reference_type = 0 '\000', _jvmti_cached_class_field_map = 0x0, _verify_count = 0, _methods = 0x7ff05ada19f0, _default_methods = 0x0, _local_interfaces = 0x7ff05ada0440, _transitive_interfaces = 0x7ff05ada9560, _method_ordering = 0x7ff05ad94048, _default_vtable_indices = 0x0, _fields = 0x7ff05ada1898 }, members of InstanceMirrorKlass: static _offset_of_static_fields = 96 } (gdb) p k._name $24 = (Symbol *) 0x7ff070064108 (gdb) p *(Symbol *) 0x7ff070064108 $26 = { <SymbolBase> = { <MetaspaceObj> = {<No data fields>}, members of SymbolBase: _length = 15, _refcount = -1, _identity_hash = 813005551 }, members of Symbol: _body = {106 'j'}, static _total_count = 3 }
(gdb) p $26.as_C_string()
$27 = 0x7ff06c009c88 "java/lang/Class"
以上验证了 0x100001f00 是 java/lang/Class,但是他是预加载了,并没有在.Class文件解析中来创建对象
instanceOop InstanceMirrorKlass::allocate_instance(KlassHandle k, TRAPS) { // Query before forming handle. int size = instance_size(k); KlassHandle h_k(THREAD, this); instanceOop i = (instanceOop) CollectedHeap::Class_obj_allocate(h_k, size, k, CHECK_NULL); return i; }
int InstanceMirrorKlass::instance_size(KlassHandle k) { if (k() != NULL && k->oop_is_instance()) {//不进入 return align_object_size(size_helper() + InstanceKlass::cast(k())->static_field_size()); } return size_helper(); } ----> int size_helper() const { return layout_helper_to_size_helper(layout_helper()); } -------> int layout_helper() const { return _layout_helper; }
那么这个名字为"java/lang/Class"的 _layout_helper
这里看到就是(const InstanceMirrorKlass * const) 0x100001f00 这个对象的成员 打印如下: members of Klass: _layout_helper = 97,
oop CollectedHeap::Class_obj_allocate(KlassHandle klass, int size, KlassHandle real_klass, TRAPS) { HeapWord* obj; obj = common_mem_allocate_init(real_klass, size, CHECK_NULL);
post_allocation_setup_common(klass, obj); oop mirror = (oop)obj; // 这个是设置oop对象大小属性
java_lang_Class::set_oop_size(mirror, size); // Setup indirections if (!real_klass.is_null()) { java_lang_Class::set_klass(mirror, real_klass()); real_klass->set_java_mirror(mirror); } InstanceMirrorKlass* mk = InstanceMirrorKlass::cast(mirror->klass()); assert(size == mk->instance_size(real_klass), "should have been set"); // notify jvmti and dtrace post_allocation_notify(klass, (oop)obj); return mirror; }
HeapWord* CollectedHeap::common_mem_allocate_init(KlassHandle klass, size_t size, TRAPS) { HeapWord* obj = common_mem_allocate_noinit(klass, size, CHECK_NULL);
// 初始化为0的函数 init_obj(obj, size); return obj; }
HeapWord* CollectedHeap::common_mem_allocate_noinit(KlassHandle klass, size_t size, TRAPS) { // Clear unhandled oops for memory allocation. Memory allocation might // not take out a lock if from tlab, so clear here. CHECK_UNHANDLED_OOPS_ONLY(THREAD->clear_unhandled_oops();) if (HAS_PENDING_EXCEPTION) { NOT_PRODUCT(guarantee(false, "Should not allocate with exception pending")); return NULL; // caller does a CHECK_0 too } HeapWord* result = NULL; if (UseTLAB) { result = allocate_from_tlab(klass, THREAD, size); if (result != NULL) { assert(!HAS_PENDING_EXCEPTION, "Unexpected exception, will result in uninitialized storage"); return result; } } }
那么UseTLAB=true 就是从TLAB分配内存打印一下
(gdb) p thread->tlab() $9 = (ThreadLocalAllocBuffer &) @0x7f97cc00b860: { <CHeapObj<512u>> = { <AllocatedObj> = { _vptr.AllocatedObj = 0x7f97d4254710 <vtable for ThreadLocalAllocBuffer+16> }, <No data fields>}, members of ThreadLocalAllocBuffer: _start = 0xd7580000, _top = 0xd75803d0, _pf_top = 0xd7580010, _end = 0xd75828f0, _desired_size = 1310, _refill_waste_limit = 20, static _target_refills = 50, _number_of_refills = 1, _fast_refill_waste = 0, _slow_refill_waste = 0, _gc_waste = 0, _slow_allocations = 0, _allocation_fraction = { <CHeapObj<1280u>> = { <AllocatedObj> = { _vptr.AllocatedObj = 0x7f97d42429d0 <vtable for AdaptiveWeightedAverage+16> }, <No data fields>}, members of AdaptiveWeightedAverage: _average = 0.999450684, _sample_count = 1, _weight = 35, _is_old = false, static OLD_THRESHOLD = 100, _last_sample = 0.999450684 }, static _global_stats = 0x7f97cc02d998 }
就是从线程中获取_tlab 然后调用它的allocate函数
inline HeapWord* ThreadLocalAllocBuffer::allocate(size_t size) { invariants(); HeapWord* obj = top(); if (pointer_delta(end(), obj) >= size) { // successful thread-local allocation #ifdef ASSERT // Skip mangling the space corresponding to the object header to // ensure that the returned space is not considered parsable by // any concurrent GC thread. size_t hdr_size = oopDesc::header_size(); Copy::fill_to_words(obj + hdr_size, size - hdr_size, badHeapWordVal); #endif // ASSERT // This addition is safe because we know that top is // at least size below end, so the add can't wrap. set_top(obj + size); invariants(); return obj; } return NULL; }
然后 ,看的出来就是将_top = 0xd7580370 + 12 这个是指针加法
加完之后的_top为 0xd75803d0 一共加了0x60,即12*8字节
void CollectedHeap::init_obj(HeapWord* obj, size_t size) { assert(obj != NULL, "cannot initialize NULL object"); const size_t hs = oopDesc::header_size(); assert(size >= hs, "unexpected object size"); ((oop)obj)->set_klass_gap(0); Copy::fill_to_aligned_words(obj + hs, size - hs); } ((oop)obj)->set_klass_gap(0); ---> inline void oopDesc::set_klass_gap(int v) { if (UseCompressedClassPointers) { *(int*)(((intptr_t)this) + klass_gap_offset_in_bytes()) = v; } } //以下返回12 int类型 inline int oopDesc::klass_gap_offset_in_bytes() { assert(UseCompressedClassPointers, "only applicable to compressed klass pointers"); return oopDesc::klass_offset_in_bytes() + sizeof(narrowKlass); } Copy::fill_to_aligned_words(obj + hs, size - hs); ---> static void pd_fill_to_words(HeapWord* tohw, size_t count, juint value) { //count=10 #ifdef AMD64 //在这里执行,一共执行了10次,每次移动8个字节,所以将oop后面的 julong* to = (julong*) tohw; //value 0xd7580380 julong v = ((julong) value << 32) | value; while (count-- > 0) { *to++ = v; } #else //以下不执行 juint* to = (juint*)tohw; count *= HeapWordSize / BytesPerInt; while (count-- > 0) { *to++ = value; } #endif // AMD64 }
执行结果为 (gdb) x/13xg 0xd7580370 0xd7580370: 0xbaadbabebaadbabe 0x00000000baadbabe 0xd7580380: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0xd7580390: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0xd75803a0: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0xd75803b0: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0xd75803c0: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0xd75803d0: 0xbaadbabebaadbabe
void CollectedHeap::post_allocation_setup_common(KlassHandle klass, HeapWord* obj) { //设置_mark为0x01 post_allocation_setup_no_klass_install(klass, obj); //设置_metadata._compressed_klass的值为java/lang/Class的压缩指针0x100001f00 post_allocation_install_obj_klass(klass, oop(obj)); }
void CollectedHeap::post_allocation_setup_no_klass_install(KlassHandle klass, HeapWord* objPtr) { oop obj = (oop)objPtr; assert(obj != NULL, "NULL object pointer"); if (UseBiasedLocking && (klass() != NULL)) { obj->set_mark(klass->prototype_header()); } else { // May be bootstrapping obj->set_mark(markOopDesc::prototype()); } } 打印java/lang/Class类instanceKlass的属性为 _prototype_header = 0x1,
void CollectedHeap::post_allocation_install_obj_klass(KlassHandle klass, oop obj) { // These asserts are kind of complicated because of klassKlass // and the beginning of the world. assert(klass() != NULL || !Universe::is_fully_initialized(), "NULL klass"); assert(klass() == NULL || klass()->is_klass(), "not a klass"); assert(obj != NULL, "NULL object pointer"); obj->set_klass(klass()); assert(!Universe::is_fully_initialized() || obj->klass() != NULL, "missing klass"); } inline void oopDesc::set_klass(Klass* k) { // since klasses are promoted no store check is needed assert(Universe::is_bootstrapping() || k != NULL, "must be a real Klass*"); assert(Universe::is_bootstrapping() || k->is_klass(), "not a Klass*"); if (UseCompressedClassPointers) { *compressed_klass_addr() = Klass::encode_klass_not_null(k); } else { *klass_addr() = k; } } //这个压缩指针,就是设置为0x200003e0 inline narrowKlass Klass::encode_klass_not_null(Klass* v) { assert(!is_null(v), "klass value can never be zero"); assert(check_klass_alignment(v), "Address not aligned"); int shift = Universe::narrow_klass_shift(); uint64_t pd = (uint64_t)(pointer_delta((void*)v, Universe::narrow_klass_base(), 1)); assert(KlassEncodingMetaspaceMax > pd, "change encoding max if new encoding"); uint64_t result = pd >> shift; assert((result & CONST64(0xffffffff00000000)) == 0, "narrow klass pointer overflow"); assert(decode_klass(result) == v, "reversibility"); return (narrowKlass)result; }
void java_lang_Class::set_oop_size(oop java_class, int size) { assert(_oop_size_offset != 0, "must be set"); java_class->int_field_put(_oop_size_offset, size); }
先弄清楚了定义java_lang_Class 中的定义
打印的的内容 _klass_offset =64 _array_klass_offset =72 _oop_size_offset =84 _static_oop_field_count_offset =88 _protection_domain_offset = 52 _init_lock_offset =56 _signers_offset=60 offsets_computed=80
inline void* oopDesc::field_base(int offset) const { return (void*)&((char*)this)[offset]; }
就是那么就是将 _oop_size_offset =84 的位置设置为12
还有灰色函数 是设置mirror 和real_class的对应关系
//设置oop的偏移量为64的时候,为真是instancekass的地址 0x100000030 void java_lang_Class::set_klass(oop java_class, Klass* klass) { assert(java_lang_Class::is_instance(java_class), "must be a Class object"); java_class->metadata_field_put(_klass_offset, klass); }
(gdb) p this $15 = (TypeArrayKlass * const) 0x100000030 real_klass->set_java_mirror(mirror); void set_java_mirror(oop m) { klass_oop_store(&_java_mirror, m); } void Klass::klass_oop_store(oop* p, oop v) { assert(!Universe::heap()->is_in_reserved((void*)p), "Should store pointer into metadata"); assert(v == NULL || Universe::heap()->is_in_reserved((void*)v), "Should store pointer to an object"); //真是对象的_java_mirror设置为oop
以上就结束了 mirror的创建打印一下
(gdb) p mirror $16 = (oopDesc *) 0xd7580370 (gdb) x/12xg mirror 0xd7580370: 0x0000000000000001 0x00000000200003e0 0xd7580380: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0xd7580390: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0xd75803a0: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0xd75803b0: 0x0000000100000030 0x0000000000000000 0xd75803c0: 0x0000000c00000000 0x0000000000000000
InstanceMirrorKlass* mk = InstanceMirrorKlass::cast(mirror->klass());
inline Klass* oopDesc::klass() const { if (UseCompressedClassPointers) { return Klass::decode_klass_not_null(_metadata._compressed_klass); } else { return _metadata._klass; } }
(gdb) p mk $29 = (InstanceMirrorKlass *) 0x100001f00
(gdb) p ** mirror._handle $28 = { _mark = 0x1, _metadata = { _klass = 0x200003e0, _compressed_klass = 536871904 }, static _bs = 0x7f6ba401ea48 } 0x200003e0左移3位 得到 0x100001f00 java/lang/Class 内存为 0x100001f00, 处理的对象内存为 0x100000030
int InstanceMirrorKlass::compute_static_oop_field_count(oop obj) { Klass* k = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(obj); if (k != NULL && k->oop_is_instance()) { return InstanceKlass::cast(k)->static_oop_field_count(); } return 0; } //因为是array返回为0 mirror()函数返回oop对象0xd7580370
void java_lang_Class::set_static_oop_field_count(oop java_class, int size) { assert(_static_oop_field_count_offset != 0, "must be set"); java_class->int_field_put(_static_oop_field_count_offset, size); }
(gdb) p k $30 = (TypeArrayKlass *) 0x100000030 BasicType type = TypeArrayKlass::cast(k())->element_type(); comp_mirror = Universe::java_mirror(type); static oop java_mirror(BasicType t) { assert((uint)t < T_VOID+1, "range check"); return check_mirror(_mirrors[t]); } //从上边看的出来type为4 Bool类型 $31 = (oopDesc *) 0xd7580190 (gdb) p _mirrors[4] $32 = (oopDesc *) 0xd7580190
// Two-way link between the array klass and its component mirror:
ArrayKlass::cast(k())->set_component_mirror(comp_mirror()); void set_component_mirror(oop m) { klass_oop_store(&_component_mirror, m); }
// comp_mirror() = 0xd7580190 ,,,k()=0x100000030
set_array_klass(comp_mirror(), k()); void java_lang_Class::set_array_klass(oop java_class, Klass* klass) { assert(klass->is_klass() && klass->oop_is_array(), "should be array klass"); java_class->metadata_field_put(_array_klass_offset, klass); //off=72 }
(gdb) x/12xg 0xd7580370 0xd7580370: 0x0000000000000001 0x00000000200003e0 0xd7580380: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0xd7580390: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0xd75803a0: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0xd75803b0: 0x0000000100000030 0x0000000000000000 0xd75803c0: 0x0000000c00000000 0x0000000000000000