select * FROM LPEdorItem a, LCCont b, LPEdorApp c WHERE a.edoracceptno = c.edoracceptno and a.ContNo = b.ContNo and b.appntno = '0000235356' AND b.conttype = '1' --'2-集体总单,1-个人总投保单'; AND (c.AppType != '6' OR c.AppType is null) -- 申请方式 and a.edorvalidate >= trunc(sysdate) - 365 and a.edorvalidate <= trunc(sysdate) and c.makedate between to_date('20190101', 'yyyy-mm-dd') and to_date('20201117', 'yyyy-mm-dd') and b.familytype <> '1' and (case when a.edorstate in ('0', 'j', '4', '9', 'c', 'd') and (not exists (select 1 from ljaget t where t.otherno = a.edoracceptno and t.confdate is null and t.sumgetmoney <> 0) or EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM LJMONETARYSTERILIZATIONB LJM WHERE LJM.OTHERNO = A.contno)) then '1' else '0' end) = '1'
-->>>>这两个是等同的 select * from LPEdorItem a where (case when a.edorstate in ('0', 'j', '4', '9', 'c', 'd')then '1' else '0' end) = '1' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- select * from LPEdorItem a where a.edorstate in ('0', 'j', '4', '9', 'c', 'd')
解释: { when 条件 then '1'}= '1' 这等同于where条件 where a.edorstate in ('0', 'j', '4', '9', 'c', 'd')
select * from LPEdorItem a where (not exists (select 1 from ljaget t --实付总表 where t.otherno = a.edoracceptno and t.confdate is null --财务确认日期 and t.sumgetmoney <> 0) --总给付金额 or EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM LJMONETARYSTERILIZATIONB LJM WHERE LJM.OTHERNO = A.contno))