oracle Group by 分组查询后,分页


1.分页查询 select count(*) times,title from menulog group by title order by count(*) desc 

2, 生成一个带rn字段的表tableRN=(SELECT rownum as rn, a.* FROM (select count(*) times,title from menulog group by title order by count(*) desc ) a)

3  select  * from  tableRN where rn between 0 and 6

select * from(SELECT rownum as rn, a.* FROM (select count(*) times,title from menulog group by title order by count(*) desc ) a) 

where rn between 0 and 6



select count(*) times,max(url), title from menulog b group by title order by count(*) desc  



后来了解到,原来和后面使用到的group by有关,只要select的,不调用聚合函数的,一定要出现在group by里,而group by里出现的,不一定在出现在select里。


posted @ 2020-06-29 13:47  张艳涛&java  阅读(1995)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报