


DM(Delta Modulation)

simplified version of DPCM. Uniform-DeltaDM:use only a single quantized error value. ——>1-bit coder.

if en>0 ,ek=+k; else ek=-k;

Adaptive DM:change the step size adaptively.

ADPCM(adaptive DPCM)

Making the predictor coefficients adaptive


MPEG Audio

Psychoacoustic(心理声学) The range of human hearing is about 20Hz to 20KHz.
The frequency range of the voice is typically only from about 500Hz to 4KHz
Threshold of Hearing
Fletcher-Munson Equal loudness Curves
Human ear's sensitivity is different for different frequency.Most sensitive:1KHz - 5KHz
Frequency masking(频率掩蔽)

if a very loud tone is produced , it is impossible to hear any sound nearby in the frequency spectrum.

Critical bands(临界频段)
Represents the ear's resolving power for simultaneous tones or partials.

Because of masking , the ear is not very discriminating within a critical band.
At the low frequency, the band is small, when the frequency get higher, the band becomes wider.

Temporal Masking (时间掩蔽)

Test tones with frequencies near the masking tone are the most masked.

MEPG Audio (Moving Pictures Experts Group)
Most of the complexity increase is at the encoder,not the decoder.

posted @ 2018-04-11 19:30  Edge_of_Eternity  阅读(134)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报