

 computed: {
    result() {
        return + this.two


  <el-table :data="data" border fit highlight-current-row style="width: 100%;">
    <el-table-column label="评价项">
      <template slot-scope="scope">
        <el-input v-model="" :autosize="{ minRows: 3, maxRows: 3}" readonly size="small" type="textarea"
          placeholder="请输入" />
    <el-table-column label="选择得分项" align="center">
      <template slot-scope="scope">
        <el-select v-model="scope.row.choiceScore" placeholder="请选择" size="small" style="width: 90%"
          @change="setScoreMinAndMax($event, scope.row)">
          <el-option v-for="item in scope.row.gradeList" :key="" :label="item.scoreStr" :value="" />
    <el-table-column label="得分">
      <template slot-scope="scope">
        <el-input-number v-model="scope.row.score" :max="getMaxVal(scope.row)" :min="getMinVal(scope.row)"
          :precision="2" clearable size="small" />


  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        data: [
            id: 101,
            name: '物流服务',
            choiceScore: '',
            score: 0,
            gradeList: [{
              id: 1,
              scoreStr: '0-3分,不满意',
              minVal: 0,
              maxVal: 3
            }, {
              id: 2,
              scoreStr: '4-6分,比较满意',
              minVal: 4,
              maxVal: 6
            }, {
              id: 3,
              scoreStr: '7-9分,非常满意',
              minVal: 7,
              maxVal: 9
            }, {
              id: 4,
              scoreStr: '10-10分,超级满意',
              minVal: 10,
              maxVal: 10
            id: 102,
            name: '商家服务',
            choiceScore: '',
            score: 0,
            gradeList: [{
              id: 20,
              scoreStr: '0-3分,不满意',
              minVal: 0,
              maxVal: 3
            }, {
              id: 21,
              scoreStr: '4-6分,比较满意',
              minVal: 4,
              maxVal: 6
            }, {
              id: 22,
              scoreStr: '7-10分,非常满意',
              minVal: 7,
              maxVal: 10
            id: 103,
            name: '商品描述',
            choiceScore: '',
            score: 0,
            gradeList: [{
              id: 66,
              scoreStr: '0-1分,描述不符合',
              minVal: 0,
              maxVal: 1
            }, {
              id: 67,
              scoreStr: '1-2分,基本符合',
              minVal: 1,
              maxVal: 2
            }, {
              id: 68,
              scoreStr: '3-5分,非常符合',
              minVal: 3,
              maxVal: 5

    computed: {
      getMaxVal(row) {
        return function (row) {
          let val = Infinity //Infinity表示无限大
          if (row.gradeList) {
            if (row.maxVal) {
              val = row.maxVal
            } else {
              if (row.score && row.choiceScore) {
                for (var item of row.gradeList) {
                  if (item.minVal >= row.score && item.maxVal <= row.score) {
                    val = item.maxVal
              } else {
                val = row.gradeList[0].maxVal
          return val
      getMinVal(row) {
        return function (row) {
          let val = 0
          if (row.gradeList) {
            if (row.minVal) {
              val = row.minVal
            } else {
              if (row.score && row.choiceScore) {
                for (var item of row.gradeList) {
                  if (item.minVal >= row.score && item.maxVal <= row.score) {
                    val = item.minVal
              } else {
                val = row.gradeList[0].minVal
          return val
    methods: {
      isBlankStr(str) {
        if (str === undefined || str == null) {
          return true
        } else {
          return false
      setScoreMinAndMax(v, row) {
        (row.gradeList).forEach(item => {
          if (v === {
            row.minVal = this.isBlankStr(item.minVal) ? 0 : item.minVal
            row.maxVal = this.isBlankStr(item.maxVal) ? Infinity : item.maxVal
            row.score = row.maxVal



<style scoped>





posted @ 2021-06-26 17:28  钟小嘿  阅读(380)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报