linux -- power-qorp-p1010rdb 编译过程
1 编译u-boot的命令集(build_p1010rdb_release/work/p1010rdb-linux-gnuspe/u-boot-2010.12-r2/)
echo "UBOOT_MACHINE = \"P1010RDB_NAND_config\"" > mycollection/recipes/u-boot/
echo "UBOOT_MACHINE = \"P1010RDB_NOR_config\"" > mycollection/recipes/u-boot/
echo "UBOOT_MACHINE = \"P1010RDB_SPIFLASH_config\"" > mycollection/recipes/u-boot/
echo "UBOOT_MACHINE = \"P1010RDB_SDCARD_config\"" > mycollection/recipes/u-boot/
./scripts/ --config-file=fsl-p1010rdb/sample-create-config.ini --override-collection mycollection -j 4 -t 2
bitbake -c clean u-boot
bitbake u-boot
2 编译linux-kernel的命令集
edit /<install_path>/build_<bsp>_.../conf/local.conf and add the following based on your environment (prior to issuing the bitbake
bitbake -c configure -f virtual/kernel
bitbake -c menuconfig virtual/kernel
bitbake virtual/kernel
gnome-terminal --disable-factory -t 'linux Configuration' -x make menuconfig
| No protocol specified
| Failed to parse arguments: Cannot open display:
| ERROR: Function do_menuconfig failed
sudo apt-get install gnome-terminal
3 重新编译内核kernel
mkdir –p mycollection/recipes/linux/files
cp defconfig mycollection/recipes/linux/files
./scripts/ --config-file=fsl-<bsp>/sample-create-config.ini --override-collection mycollection -j 4 -t 2
bitbake -c clean virtual/kernel
bitbake virtual/kernel
4 重新编译内核rootfs
mkdir -p mycollection/recipes/images
touch mycollection/recipes/images/
echo "PROJECT_EXTRA_PKGS += \"i2c-flash-util, asf \"" > mycollection/recipes/images/
./scripts/ --config-file=fsl-<bsp>/sample-create-config.ini --override-collection mycollection -j 4 -t 2
bitbake devel-image
local.conf IMAGE_FSTYPES = tar.gz to generate a rootfs for NFS.