
Rockchip RK3399 - DRM crtc基础知识


开发板 :NanoPC-T4开发板
显示屏 :15.6英寸HDMI接口显示屏


1.1 CRT介绍

CRT是阴极射线管(Cathode Ray Tube)的缩写,它是一种使用电子束在荧光屏上创建图像的显示设备。CRT显示器在过去很长一段时间内是主流的显示技术,现已被液晶显示屏(LCDLiquid Crystal Display)或其他新兴技术所替代。



  • LCDLCD的构造是在两片平行的玻璃当中放置液态的晶体,两片玻璃中间有许多垂直和水平的细小电线,透过通电与否来控制杆状水晶分子改变方向,将光线折射出来产生画面; LCD通常需要背光源,例如冷阴极荧光灯(CCFL)或LED背光,以照亮液晶面板;这些背光源位于液晶面板的后面,因此LCD显示屏通常较厚;
  • LEDLED是一种通过控制半导体发光二极管的显示方式,其大概的样子就是由很多个通常是红色的发光二极管组成,靠灯的亮灭来显示字符,用来显示文字、图形、图像、动画、行情、视频、录像信号等各种信息的显示屏幕;LED显示屏的LED作为自身的背光源,这使得LED显示屏可以更薄,并且能效更高;
  • OLEDOLED显示屏使用有机发光二极管(OLED),每个像素都能发光,因此无需背光源;每个像素可以独立控制,实现高对比度和色彩鲜艳;



1.2 LCD示意图




  • 有一条Pixel Clock时钟线与LCD相连,每发出一次Pixel Clock,电子枪就移动一个像素。


  • 由连接LCD的三组线RGB三原色混合而成:R(Red)、G(Green)、B(Blue)确定。


  • 有一条HSYNC信号线与LCD相连,每发出一次脉冲(高低电平),电子枪就跳到下一行,该信号叫做行同步信号。


  • 有一条VSYNC信号线与LCD相连,每发出一次脉冲(高低电平),电子枪就跳到原点,该信号叫做帧同步信号。


  • 内存里面划分一块显存(frameBuffer),里面存放了要显示的数据,LCD控制器从里面将数据读出来,通过显示接口(比如mipilvdshdmiedpdp)传给电子枪,电子枪再依次打到显示屏上。


  • Pixel Clock:时钟信号,在每个时钟周期更新屏幕上一个像素;
  • HSYNC:水平同步信号,引脚每发出一个脉冲,表示一行的数据开始发送;
  • VSYNC:垂直同步信号,引脚每发出一个脉冲,表示一帧的数据开始发送。

1.3 时序参数

在上图中我们发现除了Pixel ClockHSYNCVSYNC信号外,还包含了大量的时序参数,这里我们一一介绍:

  • HBPDhback porch):行同步信号的后肩,单位为1个Pixel Clock时钟周期;
  • HFPDhfront porch):行同步信号的前肩,单位为1个Pixel Clock时钟周期;
  • HSPWhsync pulse):行同步信号的脉宽,单位为1个Pixel Clock时钟周期;
  • HOZVALhdisplay):LCD的水平宽度;
  • VBPDvback porch):帧同步信号的后肩,单位为1个HSYNC时钟周期;
  • VFPDvfront porch):帧同步信号的前肩,单位为1个HSYNC时钟周期;
  • VSPWvsync pulse):帧同步信号的脉宽,单位为1个HSYNC时钟周期;
  • LINEVALvdisplay):LCD的垂直宽度;




  • 配置适合显示的显示模式、分辨率、刷新率等参数,并输出相应的时序;
  • 扫描framebuffer发送到一个或多个显示器;
  • 更新framebuffer


2.1 struct drm_crtc

linux内核使用struct drm_crtc来表示一个crtc控制器,包括显示模式、分辨率、刷新率等参数。定义在include/drm/drm_crtc.h

 * struct drm_crtc - central CRTC control structure
 * Each CRTC may have one or more connectors associated with it.  This structure
 * allows the CRTC to be controlled.
struct drm_crtc {
        /** @dev: parent DRM device */
        struct drm_device *dev;
        /** @port: OF node used by drm_of_find_possible_crtcs(). */
        struct device_node *port;
         * @head:
         * List of all CRTCs on @dev, linked from &drm_mode_config.crtc_list.
         * Invariant over the lifetime of @dev and therefore does not need
         * locking.
        struct list_head head;

        /** @name: human readable name, can be overwritten by the driver */
        char *name;

         * @mutex:
         * This provides a read lock for the overall CRTC state (mode, dpms
         * state, ...) and a write lock for everything which can be update
         * without a full modeset (fb, cursor data, CRTC properties ...). A full
         * modeset also need to grab &drm_mode_config.connection_mutex.
         * For atomic drivers specifically this protects @state.
        struct drm_modeset_lock mutex;

        /** @base: base KMS object for ID tracking etc. */
        struct drm_mode_object base;

         * @primary:
         * Primary plane for this CRTC. Note that this is only
         * relevant for legacy IOCTL, it specifies the plane implicitly used by
         * the SETCRTC and PAGE_FLIP IOCTLs. It does not have any significance
         * beyond that.
        struct drm_plane *primary;

         * @cursor:
         * Cursor plane for this CRTC. Note that this is only relevant for
         * legacy IOCTL, it specifies the plane implicitly used by the SETCURSOR
         * and SETCURSOR2 IOCTLs. It does not have any significance
         * beyond that.
        struct drm_plane *cursor;
         * @index: Position inside the mode_config.list, can be used as an array
         * index. It is invariant over the lifetime of the CRTC.
        unsigned index;

         * @cursor_x: Current x position of the cursor, used for universal
         * cursor planes because the SETCURSOR IOCTL only can update the
         * framebuffer without supplying the coordinates. Drivers should not use
         * this directly, atomic drivers should look at &drm_plane_state.crtc_x
         * of the cursor plane instead.
        int cursor_x;
         * @cursor_y: Current y position of the cursor, used for universal
         * cursor planes because the SETCURSOR IOCTL only can update the
         * framebuffer without supplying the coordinates. Drivers should not use
         * this directly, atomic drivers should look at &drm_plane_state.crtc_y
         * of the cursor plane instead.
        int cursor_y;

         * @enabled:
         * Is this CRTC enabled? Should only be used by legacy drivers, atomic
         * drivers should instead consult &drm_crtc_state.enable and
         * &drm_crtc_state.active. Atomic drivers can update this by calling
         * drm_atomic_helper_update_legacy_modeset_state().
        bool enabled;

         * @mode:
         * Current mode timings. Should only be used by legacy drivers, atomic
         * drivers should instead consult &drm_crtc_state.mode. Atomic drivers
         * can update this by calling
         * drm_atomic_helper_update_legacy_modeset_state().
        struct drm_display_mode mode;
         * @hwmode:
         * Programmed mode in hw, after adjustments for encoders, crtc, panel
         * scaling etc. Should only be used by legacy drivers, for high
         * precision vblank timestamps in
         * drm_crtc_vblank_helper_get_vblank_timestamp().
         * Note that atomic drivers should not use this, but instead use
         * &drm_crtc_state.adjusted_mode. And for high-precision timestamps
         * drm_crtc_vblank_helper_get_vblank_timestamp() used
         * &drm_vblank_crtc.hwmode,
         * which is filled out by calling drm_calc_timestamping_constants().
        struct drm_display_mode hwmode;

         * @x:
         * x position on screen. Should only be used by legacy drivers, atomic
         * drivers should look at &drm_plane_state.crtc_x of the primary plane
         * instead. Updated by calling
         * drm_atomic_helper_update_legacy_modeset_state().
        int x;
         * @y:
         * y position on screen. Should only be used by legacy drivers, atomic
         * drivers should look at &drm_plane_state.crtc_y of the primary plane
         * instead. Updated by calling
         * drm_atomic_helper_update_legacy_modeset_state().
        int y;

        /** @funcs: CRTC control functions */
        const struct drm_crtc_funcs *funcs;

         * @gamma_size: Size of legacy gamma ramp reported to userspace. Set up
         * by calling drm_mode_crtc_set_gamma_size().
         * Note that atomic drivers need to instead use
         * &drm_crtc_state.gamma_lut. See drm_crtc_enable_color_mgmt().
        uint32_t gamma_size;

         * @gamma_store: Gamma ramp values used by the legacy SETGAMMA and
         * GETGAMMA IOCTls. Set up by calling drm_mode_crtc_set_gamma_size().
         * Note that atomic drivers need to instead use
         * &drm_crtc_state.gamma_lut. See drm_crtc_enable_color_mgmt().
        uint16_t *gamma_store;
        /** @helper_private: mid-layer private data */
        const struct drm_crtc_helper_funcs *helper_private;

        /** @properties: property tracking for this CRTC */
        struct drm_object_properties properties;

         * @scaling_filter_property: property to apply a particular filter while
         * scaling.
        struct drm_property *scaling_filter_property;

         * @state:
         * Current atomic state for this CRTC.
         * This is protected by @mutex. Note that nonblocking atomic commits
         * access the current CRTC state without taking locks. Either by going
         * through the &struct drm_atomic_state pointers, see
         * for_each_oldnew_crtc_in_state(), for_each_old_crtc_in_state() and
         * for_each_new_crtc_in_state(). Or through careful ordering of atomic
         * commit operations as implemented in the atomic helpers, see
         * &struct drm_crtc_commit.
        struct drm_crtc_state *state;

         * @commit_list:
         * List of &drm_crtc_commit structures tracking pending commits.
         * Protected by @commit_lock. This list holds its own full reference,
         * as does the ongoing commit.
         * "Note that the commit for a state change is also tracked in
         * &drm_crtc_state.commit. For accessing the immediately preceding
         * commit in an atomic update it is recommended to just use that
         * pointer in the old CRTC state, since accessing that doesn't need
         * any locking or list-walking. @commit_list should only be used to
         * stall for framebuffer cleanup that's signalled through
         * &drm_crtc_commit.cleanup_done."
        struct list_head commit_list;

         * @commit_lock:
         * Spinlock to protect @commit_list.
        spinlock_t commit_lock;
         * @debugfs_entry:
         * Debugfs directory for this CRTC.
        struct dentry *debugfs_entry;

         * @crc:
         * Configuration settings of CRC capture.
        struct drm_crtc_crc crc;

         * @fence_context:
         * timeline context used for fence operations.
        unsigned int fence_context;

         * @fence_lock:
         * spinlock to protect the fences in the fence_context.
        spinlock_t fence_lock;
         * @fence_seqno:
         * Seqno variable used as monotonic counter for the fences
         * created on the CRTC's timeline.
        unsigned long fence_seqno;

         * @timeline_name:
         * The name of the CRTC's fence timeline.
        char timeline_name[32];

         * @self_refresh_data: Holds the state for the self refresh helpers
         * Initialized via drm_self_refresh_helper_init().
        struct drm_self_refresh_data *self_refresh_data;


  • dev:该crtc所属的DRM设备;
  • port:设备节点,被drm_of_find_possible_crtcs使用;
  • head:链表节点,用于将当前节点添加到&drm_mode_config.crtc_list链表;
  • name:名称,可以被驱动程序覆盖;
  • mutex:用于保护crtc状态的互斥锁;
  • basestruct drm_mode_object
  • primary:与该crtc相关的primary plane
  • cursor:与该crtc相关的cursor plane
  • index:在mode_config.list中的位置,可以用作数组索引;
  • cursor_x:光标的x坐标;
  • cursor_y:光标的y坐标;
  • enabled:指示该crtc是否已启用;
  • mode:当前模式时序信息;
  • hwmode:硬件中编程的模式;
  • x:在屏幕上的x坐标;
  • y:在屏幕上的y坐标;
  • funcscrtc控制函数;
  • gamma_size:报告给用户空间的legacy gamma ramp大小;
  • gamma_storelegacy gamma values数据存储区域;
  • helper_private:中间层私有数据;
  • properties:跟踪该crtc的属性;
  • scaling_filter_property:应用于缩放时的特定滤镜的属性;
  • state:当前crtc的原子状态;
  • commit_list:跟踪挂起提交的列表;
  • commit_lock:保护commit_list的自旋锁;
  • debugfs_entry:用于调试的目录条目;
  • crccrc捕获的配置设置;
  • fence_context:用于围栏操作的时间线上下文;
  • fence_lock:保护时间线上的围栏的自旋锁;
  • fence_seqno:用作crtc时间线上创建的围栏的单调计数器;
  • timeline_namecrtc时间线的名称;
  • self_refresh_data:保存自刷新辅助程序状态的数据;
2.1.1 struct drm_display_mode

struct drm_display_mode用于表示显示模式,包含了显示的各种时序参数配置(与显示器息息相关)。定义在include/drm/drm_modes.h

 * struct drm_display_mode - DRM kernel-internal display mode structure
 * @hdisplay: horizontal display size
 * @hsync_start: horizontal sync start
 * @hsync_end: horizontal sync end
 * @htotal: horizontal total size
 * @hskew: horizontal skew?!
 * @vdisplay: vertical display size
 * @vsync_start: vertical sync start
 * @vsync_end: vertical sync end
 * @vtotal: vertical total size
 * @vscan: vertical scan?!
 * @crtc_hdisplay: hardware mode horizontal display size
 * @crtc_hblank_start: hardware mode horizontal blank start
 * @crtc_hblank_end: hardware mode horizontal blank end
 * @crtc_hsync_start: hardware mode horizontal sync start
 * @crtc_hsync_end: hardware mode horizontal sync end
 * @crtc_htotal: hardware mode horizontal total size
 * @crtc_hskew: hardware mode horizontal skew?!
 * @crtc_vdisplay: hardware mode vertical display size
 * @crtc_vblank_start: hardware mode vertical blank start
 * @crtc_vblank_end: hardware mode vertical blank end
 * @crtc_vsync_start: hardware mode vertical sync start
 * @crtc_vsync_end: hardware mode vertical sync end
 * @crtc_vtotal: hardware mode vertical total size
 * This is the kernel API display mode information structure. For the
 * user-space version see struct drm_mode_modeinfo.
 * The horizontal and vertical timings are defined per the following diagram.
 * ::
 *               Active                 Front           Sync           Back
 *              Region                 Porch                          Porch
 *     <-----------------------><----------------><-------------><-------------->
 *       //////////////////////|
 *      ////////////////////// |
 *     //////////////////////  |..................               ................
 *                                                _______________
 *     <----- [hv]display ----->
 *     <------------- [hv]sync_start ------------>
 *     <--------------------- [hv]sync_end --------------------->
 *     <-------------------------------- [hv]total ----------------------------->*
 * This structure contains two copies of timings. First are the plain timings,
 * which specify the logical mode, as it would be for a progressive 1:1 scanout
 * at the refresh rate userspace can observe through vblank timestamps. Then
 * there's the hardware timings, which are corrected for interlacing,
 * double-clocking and similar things. They are provided as a convenience, and
 * can be appropriately computed using drm_mode_set_crtcinfo().
 * For printing you can use %DRM_MODE_FMT and DRM_MODE_ARG().
struct drm_display_mode {
         * @clock:
         * Pixel clock in kHz.
        int clock;              /* in kHz */
        u16 hdisplay;
        u16 hsync_start;
        u16 hsync_end;
        u16 htotal;
        u16 hskew;
        u16 vdisplay;
        u16 vsync_start;
        u16 vsync_end;
        u16 vtotal;
        u16 vscan;
         * @flags:
         * Sync and timing flags:
         *  - DRM_MODE_FLAG_PHSYNC: horizontal sync is active high.
         *  - DRM_MODE_FLAG_NHSYNC: horizontal sync is active low.
         *  - DRM_MODE_FLAG_PVSYNC: vertical sync is active high.
         *  - DRM_MODE_FLAG_NVSYNC: vertical sync is active low.
         *  - DRM_MODE_FLAG_INTERLACE: mode is interlaced.
         *  - DRM_MODE_FLAG_DBLSCAN: mode uses doublescan.
         *  - DRM_MODE_FLAG_CSYNC: mode uses composite sync.
         *  - DRM_MODE_FLAG_PCSYNC: composite sync is active high.
         *  - DRM_MODE_FLAG_NCSYNC: composite sync is active low.
         *  - DRM_MODE_FLAG_HSKEW: hskew provided (not used?).
         *  - DRM_MODE_FLAG_BCAST: <deprecated>
         *  - DRM_MODE_FLAG_PIXMUX: <deprecated>
         *  - DRM_MODE_FLAG_DBLCLK: double-clocked mode.
         *  - DRM_MODE_FLAG_CLKDIV2: half-clocked mode.
         * Additionally there's flags to specify how 3D modes are packed:
         *  - DRM_MODE_FLAG_3D_NONE: normal, non-3D mode.
         *  - DRM_MODE_FLAG_3D_FRAME_PACKING: 2 full frames for left and right.
         *  - DRM_MODE_FLAG_3D_FIELD_ALTERNATIVE: interleaved like fields.
         *  - DRM_MODE_FLAG_3D_LINE_ALTERNATIVE: interleaved lines.
         *  - DRM_MODE_FLAG_3D_SIDE_BY_SIDE_FULL: side-by-side full frames.
         *  - DRM_MODE_FLAG_3D_L_DEPTH: ?
         *  - DRM_MODE_FLAG_3D_TOP_AND_BOTTOM: frame split into top and bottom
         *    parts.
         *  - DRM_MODE_FLAG_3D_SIDE_BY_SIDE_HALF: frame split into left and
         *    right parts.
        u32 flags;
        u32 flags;

         * @crtc_clock:
         * Actual pixel or dot clock in the hardware. This differs from the
         * logical @clock when e.g. using interlacing, double-clocking, stereo
         * modes or other fancy stuff that changes the timings and signals
         * actually sent over the wire.
         * This is again in kHz.
         * Note that with digital outputs like HDMI or DP there's usually a
         * massive confusion between the dot clock and the signal clock at the
         * bit encoding level. Especially when a 8b/10b encoding is used and the
         * difference is exactly a factor of 10.
        int crtc_clock;
        u16 crtc_hdisplay;
        u16 crtc_hblank_start;
        u16 crtc_hblank_end;
        u16 crtc_hsync_start;
        u16 crtc_hsync_end;
        u16 crtc_htotal;
        u16 crtc_hskew;
        u16 crtc_vdisplay;
        u16 crtc_vblank_start;
        u16 crtc_vblank_end;
        u16 crtc_vsync_start;
        u16 crtc_vsync_end;
        u16 crtc_vtotal;

         * @width_mm:
         * Addressable size of the output in mm, projectors should set this to
         * 0.
        u16 width_mm;

         * @height_mm:
         * Addressable size of the output in mm, projectors should set this to
         * 0.
        u16 height_mm;
         * @type:
         * A bitmask of flags, mostly about the source of a mode. Possible flags
         * are:
         *  - DRM_MODE_TYPE_PREFERRED: Preferred mode, usually the native
         *    resolution of an LCD panel. There should only be one preferred
         *    mode per connector at any given time.
         *  - DRM_MODE_TYPE_DRIVER: Mode created by the driver, which is all of
         *    them really. Drivers must set this bit for all modes they create
         *    and expose to userspace.
         *  - DRM_MODE_TYPE_USERDEF: Mode defined or selected via the kernel
         *    command line.
         * Plus a big list of flags which shouldn't be used at all, but are
         * still around since these flags are also used in the userspace ABI.
         * We no longer accept modes with these types though:
         *  - DRM_MODE_TYPE_BUILTIN: Meant for hard-coded modes, unused.
         *    Use DRM_MODE_TYPE_DRIVER instead.
         *  - DRM_MODE_TYPE_DEFAULT: Again a leftover, use
         *    DRM_MODE_TYPE_PREFERRED instead.
         *  - DRM_MODE_TYPE_CLOCK_C and DRM_MODE_TYPE_CRTC_C: Define leftovers
         *    which are stuck around for hysterical raisins only. No one has an
         *    idea what they were meant for. Don't use.
        u8 type;

         * @expose_to_userspace:
         * Indicates whether the mode is to be exposed to the userspace.
         * This is to maintain a set of exposed modes while preparing
         * user-mode's list in drm_mode_getconnector ioctl. The purpose of
         * this only lies in the ioctl function, and is not to be used
         * outside the function.
        bool expose_to_userspace;

         * @head:
         * struct list_head for mode lists.
        struct list_head head;

         * @name:
         * Human-readable name of the mode, filled out with drm_mode_set_name().
        char name[DRM_DISPLAY_MODE_LEN];

         * @status:
         * Status of the mode, used to filter out modes not supported by the
         * hardware. See enum &drm_mode_status.
        enum drm_mode_status status;
         * @picture_aspect_ratio:
         * Field for setting the HDMI picture aspect ratio of a mode.
        enum hdmi_picture_aspect picture_aspect_ratio;



  • hdisplay:行有效像素;
  • hsync_start:行同步起始像素;
  • hsync_end:行同步结束像素;
  • htotal:行总大小;
  • hskew:行偏差,通常为 0(暂不清楚具体含义);
  • vdisplay:帧有效行;
  • vsync_start:帧同步起始行;
  • vsync_end:帧同步结束行;
  • vtotal:一帧总行数;
  • vscan: 帧扫描信号,通常为 0(暂不清楚具体含义);
  • crtc_hdisplay:硬件模式的行有效像素;;
  • crtc_hblank_start:硬件模式的行空白起始像素;
  • crtc_hblank_end:硬件模式的行空白结束像素;
  • crtc_hsync_start:硬件模式的行同步起始像素;
  • crtc_hsync_end:硬件模式的行同步结束像素;
  • crtc_htotal:硬件模式的行总大小;
  • crtc_hskew:硬件模式的行偏差,通常为 0(暂不清楚具体含义);
  • crtc_vdisplay:硬件模式的帧有效行;
  • crtc_vblank_start:硬件模式的帧空白起始行;
  • crtc_vblank_end:硬件模式的帧空白结束行;
  • crtc_vsync_start:硬件模式的帧同步起始行;
  • crtc_vsync_end:硬件模式的帧同步结束行;
  • crtc_vtotal:硬件模式的一帧总行数;



2.1.2 struct drm_crtc_state

struct drm_crtc_state用于表示crtc的状态,定义在include/drm/drm_crtc.h

 * struct drm_crtc_state - mutable CRTC state
 * Note that the distinction between @enable and @active is rather subtle:
 * Flipping @active while @enable is set without changing anything else may
 * never return in a failure from the &drm_mode_config_funcs.atomic_check
 * callback. Userspace assumes that a DPMS On will always succeed. In other
 * words: @enable controls resource assignment, @active controls the actual
 * hardware state.
 * The three booleans active_changed, connectors_changed and mode_changed are
 * intended to indicate whether a full modeset is needed, rather than strictly
 * describing what has changed in a commit. See also:
 * drm_atomic_crtc_needs_modeset()
 * WARNING: Transitional helpers (like drm_helper_crtc_mode_set() or
 * drm_helper_crtc_mode_set_base()) do not maintain many of the derived control
 * state like @plane_mask so drivers not converted over to atomic helpers should
 * not rely on these being accurate!
struct drm_crtc_state {
        /** @crtc: backpointer to the CRTC */
        struct drm_crtc *crtc;

         * @enable: Whether the CRTC should be enabled, gates all other state.
         * This controls reservations of shared resources. Actual hardware state
         * is controlled by @active.
        bool enable;

         * @active: Whether the CRTC is actively displaying (used for DPMS).
         * Implies that @enable is set. The driver must not release any shared
         * resources if @active is set to false but @enable still true, because
         * userspace expects that a DPMS ON always succeeds.
         * Hence drivers must not consult @active in their various
         * &drm_mode_config_funcs.atomic_check callback to reject an atomic
         * commit. They can consult it to aid in the computation of derived
         * hardware state, since even in the DPMS OFF state the display hardware
         * should be as much powered down as when the CRTC is completely
         * disabled through setting @enable to false.
        bool active;

         * @planes_changed: Planes on this crtc are updated. Used by the atomic
         * helpers and drivers to steer the atomic commit control flow.
        bool planes_changed : 1;

         * @mode_changed: @mode or @enable has been changed. Used by the atomic
         * helpers and drivers to steer the atomic commit control flow. See also
         * drm_atomic_crtc_needs_modeset().
         * Drivers are supposed to set this for any CRTC state changes that
         * require a full modeset. They can also reset it to false if e.g. a
         * @mode change can be done without a full modeset by only changing
         * scaler settings.
        bool mode_changed : 1;
         * @active_changed: @active has been toggled. Used by the atomic
         * helpers and drivers to steer the atomic commit control flow. See also
         * drm_atomic_crtc_needs_modeset().
        bool active_changed : 1;

         * @connectors_changed: Connectors to this crtc have been updated,
         * either in their state or routing. Used by the atomic
         * helpers and drivers to steer the atomic commit control flow. See also
         * drm_atomic_crtc_needs_modeset().
         * Drivers are supposed to set this as-needed from their own atomic
         * check code, e.g. from &drm_encoder_helper_funcs.atomic_check
        bool connectors_changed : 1;
         * @zpos_changed: zpos values of planes on this crtc have been updated.
         * Used by the atomic helpers and drivers to steer the atomic commit
         * control flow.
        bool zpos_changed : 1;
         * @color_mgmt_changed: Color management properties have changed
         * (@gamma_lut, @degamma_lut or @ctm). Used by the atomic helpers and
         * drivers to steer the atomic commit control flow.
        bool color_mgmt_changed : 1;

         * @no_vblank:
         * Reflects the ability of a CRTC to send VBLANK events. This state
         * usually depends on the pipeline configuration. If set to true, DRM
         * atomic helpers will send out a fake VBLANK event during display
         * updates after all hardware changes have been committed. This is
         * implemented in drm_atomic_helper_fake_vblank().
         * One usage is for drivers and/or hardware without support for VBLANK
         * interrupts. Such drivers typically do not initialize vblanking
         * (i.e., call drm_vblank_init() with the number of CRTCs). For CRTCs
         * without initialized vblanking, this field is set to true in
         * drm_atomic_helper_check_modeset(), and a fake VBLANK event will be
         * send out on each update of the display pipeline by
         * drm_atomic_helper_fake_vblank().
         * Another usage is CRTCs feeding a writeback connector operating in
         * oneshot mode. In this case the fake VBLANK event is only generated
         * when a job is queued to the writeback connector, and we want the
         * core to fake VBLANK events when this part of the pipeline hasn't
         * changed but others had or when the CRTC and connectors are being
         * disabled.
         * __drm_atomic_helper_crtc_duplicate_state() will not reset the value
         * from the current state, the CRTC driver is then responsible for
         * updating this field when needed.
         * Note that the combination of &drm_crtc_state.event == NULL and
         * &drm_crtc_state.no_blank == true is valid and usually used when the
         * writeback connector attached to the CRTC has a new job queued. In
         * this case the driver will send the VBLANK event on its own when the
         * writeback job is complete.
        bool no_vblank : 1;

         * @plane_mask: Bitmask of drm_plane_mask(plane) of planes attached to
         * this CRTC.
        u32 plane_mask;

         * @connector_mask: Bitmask of drm_connector_mask(connector) of
         * connectors attached to this CRTC.
        u32 connector_mask;

         * @encoder_mask: Bitmask of drm_encoder_mask(encoder) of encoders
         * attached to this CRTC.
        u32 encoder_mask;

         * @adjusted_mode:
         * Internal display timings which can be used by the driver to handle
         * differences between the mode requested by userspace in @mode and what
         * is actually programmed into the hardware.
         * For drivers using &drm_bridge, this stores hardware display timings
         * used between the CRTC and the first bridge. For other drivers, the
         * meaning of the adjusted_mode field is purely driver implementation
         * defined information, and will usually be used to store the hardware
         * display timings used between the CRTC and encoder blocks.
        struct drm_display_mode adjusted_mode;

         * @mode:
         * Display timings requested by userspace. The driver should try to
         * match the refresh rate as close as possible (but note that it's
         * undefined what exactly is close enough, e.g. some of the HDMI modes
         * only differ in less than 1% of the refresh rate). The active width
         * and height as observed by userspace for positioning planes must match
         * exactly.
         * For external connectors where the sink isn't fixed (like with a
         * built-in panel), this mode here should match the physical mode on the
         * wire to the last details (i.e. including sync polarities and
         * everything).
        struct drm_display_mode mode;

         * @mode_blob: &drm_property_blob for @mode, for exposing the mode to
         * atomic userspace.
        struct drm_property_blob *mode_blob;

         * @degamma_lut:
         * Lookup table for converting framebuffer pixel data before apply the
         * color conversion matrix @ctm. See drm_crtc_enable_color_mgmt(). The
         * blob (if not NULL) is an array of &struct drm_color_lut.
        struct drm_property_blob *degamma_lut;

         * @ctm:
         * Color transformation matrix. See drm_crtc_enable_color_mgmt(). The
         * blob (if not NULL) is a &struct drm_color_ctm.
        struct drm_property_blob *ctm;

         * @gamma_lut:
         * Lookup table for converting pixel data after the color conversion
         * matrix @ctm.  See drm_crtc_enable_color_mgmt(). The blob (if not
         * NULL) is an array of &struct drm_color_lut.
         * Note that for mostly historical reasons stemming from Xorg heritage,
         * this is also used to store the color map (also sometimes color lut,
         * CLUT or color palette) for indexed formats like DRM_FORMAT_C8.
        struct drm_property_blob *gamma_lut;

         * @target_vblank:
         * Target vertical blank period when a page flip
         * should take effect.
        u32 target_vblank;

         * @async_flip:
         * This is set when DRM_MODE_PAGE_FLIP_ASYNC is set in the legacy
         * PAGE_FLIP IOCTL. It's not wired up for the atomic IOCTL itself yet.
        bool async_flip;

         * @vrr_enabled:
         * Indicates if variable refresh rate should be enabled for the CRTC.
         * Support for the requested vrr state will depend on driver and
         * hardware capabiltiy - lacking support is not treated as failure.
        bool vrr_enabled;

         * @self_refresh_active:
         * Used by the self refresh helpers to denote when a self refresh
         * transition is occurring. This will be set on enable/disable callbacks
         * when self refresh is being enabled or disabled. In some cases, it may
         * not be desirable to fully shut off the crtc during self refresh.
         * CRTC's can inspect this flag and determine the best course of action.
        bool self_refresh_active;

         * @scaling_filter:
         * Scaling filter to be applied
        enum drm_scaling_filter scaling_filter;

         * @event:
         * Optional pointer to a DRM event to signal upon completion of the
         * state update. The driver must send out the event when the atomic
         * commit operation completes. There are two cases:
         *  - The event is for a CRTC which is being disabled through this
         *    atomic commit. In that case the event can be send out any time
         *    after the hardware has stopped scanning out the current
         *    framebuffers. It should contain the timestamp and counter for the
         *    last vblank before the display pipeline was shut off. The simplest
         *    way to achieve that is calling drm_crtc_send_vblank_event()
         *    somewhen after drm_crtc_vblank_off() has been called.
         *  - For a CRTC which is enabled at the end of the commit (even when it
         *    undergoes an full modeset) the vblank timestamp and counter must
         *    be for the vblank right before the first frame that scans out the
         *    new set of buffers. Again the event can only be sent out after the
         *    hardware has stopped scanning out the old buffers.
         *  - Events for disabled CRTCs are not allowed, and drivers can ignore
         *    that case.
         * For very simple hardware without VBLANK interrupt, enabling
         * &struct drm_crtc_state.no_vblank makes DRM's atomic commit helpers
         * send a fake VBLANK event at the end of the display update after all
         * hardware changes have been applied. See
         * drm_atomic_helper_fake_vblank().
         * For more complex hardware this
         * can be handled by the drm_crtc_send_vblank_event() function,
         * which the driver should call on the provided event upon completion of
         * the atomic commit. Note that if the driver supports vblank signalling
         * and timestamping the vblank counters and timestamps must agree with
         * the ones returned from page flip events. With the current vblank
         * helper infrastructure this can be achieved by holding a vblank
         * reference while the page flip is pending, acquired through
         * drm_crtc_vblank_get() and released with drm_crtc_vblank_put().
         * Drivers are free to implement their own vblank counter and timestamp
         * tracking though, e.g. if they have accurate timestamp registers in
         * hardware.
         * For hardware which supports some means to synchronize vblank

         * interrupt delivery with committing display state there's also
         * drm_crtc_arm_vblank_event(). See the documentation of that function
         * for a detailed discussion of the constraints it needs to be used
         * safely.
         * If the device can't notify of flip completion in a race-free way
         * at all, then the event should be armed just after the page flip is
         * committed. In the worst case the driver will send the event to
         * userspace one frame too late. This doesn't allow for a real atomic
         * update, but it should avoid tearing.
        struct drm_pending_vblank_event *event;

         * @commit:
         * This tracks how the commit for this update proceeds through the
         * various phases. This is never cleared, except when we destroy the
         * state, so that subsequent commits can synchronize with previous ones.
        struct drm_crtc_commit *commit;

        /** @state: backpointer to global drm_atomic_state */
        struct drm_atomic_state *state;

2.2 操作函数

2.2.1 struct drm_crtc_funcs

struct drm_crtc_funcs用于定义与crtc相关的函数和操作,该结构体包含了一系列函数指针,用于实现包括模式设置、帧缓冲区映射、显示控制等功能。定义在include/drm/drm_crtc.h

 * struct drm_crtc_funcs - control CRTCs for a given device
 * The drm_crtc_funcs structure is the central CRTC management structure
 * in the DRM.  Each CRTC controls one or more connectors (note that the name
 * CRTC is simply historical, a CRTC may control LVDS, VGA, DVI, TV out, etc.
 * connectors, not just CRTs).
 * Each driver is responsible for filling out this structure at startup time,
 * in addition to providing other modesetting features, like i2c and DDC
 * bus accessors.
struct drm_crtc_funcs {
         * @reset:
         * Reset CRTC hardware and software state to off. This function isn't
         * called by the core directly, only through drm_mode_config_reset().
         * It's not a helper hook only for historical reasons.
         * Atomic drivers can use drm_atomic_helper_crtc_reset() to reset
         * atomic state using this hook.
        void (*reset)(struct drm_crtc *crtc);

         * @cursor_set:
         * Update the cursor image. The cursor position is relative to the CRTC
         * and can be partially or fully outside of the visible area.
         * Note that contrary to all other KMS functions the legacy cursor entry
         * points don't take a framebuffer object, but instead take directly a
         * raw buffer object id from the driver's buffer manager (which is
         * either GEM or TTM for current drivers).
         * This entry point is deprecated, drivers should instead implement
         * universal plane support and register a proper cursor plane using
         * drm_crtc_init_with_planes().
         * This callback is optional
         * RETURNS:
         * 0 on success or a negative error code on failure.
        int (*cursor_set)(struct drm_crtc *crtc, struct drm_file *file_priv,
                          uint32_t handle, uint32_t width, uint32_t height);

         * @cursor_set2:
         * Update the cursor image, including hotspot information. The hotspot
         * must not affect the cursor position in CRTC coordinates, but is only
         * meant as a hint for virtualized display hardware to coordinate the
         * guests and hosts cursor position. The cursor hotspot is relative to
         * the cursor image. Otherwise this works exactly like @cursor_set.
         * This entry point is deprecated, drivers should instead implement
         * universal plane support and register a proper cursor plane using
         * drm_crtc_init_with_planes().
         * This callback is optional.
         * RETURNS:
         * 0 on success or a negative error code on failure.
        int (*cursor_set2)(struct drm_crtc *crtc, struct drm_file *file_priv,
                           uint32_t handle, uint32_t width, uint32_t height,
                           int32_t hot_x, int32_t hot_y);

         * @cursor_move:
         * Update the cursor position. The cursor does not need to be visible
         * when this hook is called.
         * This entry point is deprecated, drivers should instead implement
         * universal plane support and register a proper cursor plane using
         * drm_crtc_init_with_planes().
         * This callback is optional.
         * RETURNS:
         * 0 on success or a negative error code on failure.
        int (*cursor_move)(struct drm_crtc *crtc, int x, int y);

         * @gamma_set:
         * Set gamma on the CRTC.
         * This callback is optional.
         * Atomic drivers who want to support gamma tables should implement the
         * atomic color management support, enabled by calling
         * drm_crtc_enable_color_mgmt(), which then supports the legacy gamma
         * interface through the drm_atomic_helper_legacy_gamma_set()
         * compatibility implementation.
        int (*gamma_set)(struct drm_crtc *crtc, u16 *r, u16 *g, u16 *b,
                         uint32_t size,
                         struct drm_modeset_acquire_ctx *ctx);

         * @destroy:
         * Clean up CRTC resources. This is only called at driver unload time
         * through drm_mode_config_cleanup() since a CRTC cannot be hotplugged
         * in DRM.
        void (*destroy)(struct drm_crtc *crtc);

         * @set_config:
         * This is the main legacy entry point to change the modeset state on a
         * CRTC. All the details of the desired configuration are passed in a
         * &struct drm_mode_set - see there for details.
         * Drivers implementing atomic modeset should use
         * drm_atomic_helper_set_config() to implement this hook.
         * RETURNS:
         * 0 on success or a negative error code on failure.
        int (*set_config)(struct drm_mode_set *set,
                          struct drm_modeset_acquire_ctx *ctx);
         * @page_flip:
         * Legacy entry point to schedule a flip to the given framebuffer.
         * Page flipping is a synchronization mechanism that replaces the frame
         * buffer being scanned out by the CRTC with a new frame buffer during
         * vertical blanking, avoiding tearing (except when requested otherwise
         * through the DRM_MODE_PAGE_FLIP_ASYNC flag). When an application
         * requests a page flip the DRM core verifies that the new frame buffer
         * is large enough to be scanned out by the CRTC in the currently
         * configured mode and then calls this hook with a pointer to the new
         * frame buffer.
         * The driver must wait for any pending rendering to the new framebuffer
         * to complete before executing the flip. It should also wait for any
         * pending rendering from other drivers if the underlying buffer is a
         * shared dma-buf.
         * An application can request to be notified when the page flip has
         * completed. The drm core will supply a &struct drm_event in the event
         * parameter in this case. This can be handled by the
         * drm_crtc_send_vblank_event() function, which the driver should call on
         * the provided event upon completion of the flip. Note that if
         * the driver supports vblank signalling and timestamping the vblank
         * counters and timestamps must agree with the ones returned from page
         * flip events. With the current vblank helper infrastructure this can
         * be achieved by holding a vblank reference while the page flip is
         * pending, acquired through drm_crtc_vblank_get() and released with
         * drm_crtc_vblank_put(). Drivers are free to implement their own vblank
         * counter and timestamp tracking though, e.g. if they have accurate
         * timestamp registers in hardware.
         * This callback is optional.
         * NOTE:
         * Very early versions of the KMS ABI mandated that the driver must
         * block (but not reject) any rendering to the old framebuffer until the
         * flip operation has completed and the old framebuffer is no longer
         * visible. This requirement has been lifted, and userspace is instead
         * expected to request delivery of an event and wait with recycling old
         * buffers until such has been received.
         * RETURNS:
         * 0 on success or a negative error code on failure. Note that if a
         * page flip operation is already pending the callback should return
         * -EBUSY. Pageflips on a disabled CRTC (either by setting a NULL mode
         * or just runtime disabled through DPMS respectively the new atomic
         * "ACTIVE" state) should result in an -EINVAL error code. Note that
         * drm_atomic_helper_page_flip() checks this already for atomic drivers.
        int (*page_flip)(struct drm_crtc *crtc,
                         struct drm_framebuffer *fb,
                         struct drm_pending_vblank_event *event,
                         uint32_t flags,
                         struct drm_modeset_acquire_ctx *ctx);

         * @page_flip_target:
         * Same as @page_flip but with an additional parameter specifying the
         * absolute target vertical blank period (as reported by
         * drm_crtc_vblank_count()) when the flip should take effect.
         * Note that the core code calls drm_crtc_vblank_get before this entry
         * point, and will call drm_crtc_vblank_put if this entry point returns
         * any non-0 error code. It's the driver's responsibility to call
         * drm_crtc_vblank_put after this entry point returns 0, typically when
         * the flip completes.
        int (*page_flip_target)(struct drm_crtc *crtc,
                                struct drm_framebuffer *fb,
                                struct drm_pending_vblank_event *event,
                                uint32_t flags, uint32_t target,
                                struct drm_modeset_acquire_ctx *ctx);

         * @set_property:
         * This is the legacy entry point to update a property attached to the
         * CRTC.
         * This callback is optional if the driver does not support any legacy
         * driver-private properties. For atomic drivers it is not used because
         * property handling is done entirely in the DRM core.
         * RETURNS:
         * 0 on success or a negative error code on failure.
        int (*set_property)(struct drm_crtc *crtc,
                            struct drm_property *property, uint64_t val);

         * @atomic_duplicate_state:
         * Duplicate the current atomic state for this CRTC and return it.
         * The core and helpers guarantee that any atomic state duplicated with
         * this hook and still owned by the caller (i.e. not transferred to the
         * driver by calling &drm_mode_config_funcs.atomic_commit) will be
         * cleaned up by calling the @atomic_destroy_state hook in this
         * structure.
         * This callback is mandatory for atomic drivers.
         * Atomic drivers which don't subclass &struct drm_crtc_state should use
         * drm_atomic_helper_crtc_duplicate_state(). Drivers that subclass the
         * state structure to extend it with driver-private state should use
         * __drm_atomic_helper_crtc_duplicate_state() to make sure shared state is
         * duplicated in a consistent fashion across drivers.
         * It is an error to call this hook before &drm_crtc.state has been
         * initialized correctly.
         * NOTE:
         * If the duplicate state references refcounted resources this hook must
         * acquire a reference for each of them. The driver must release these
         * references again in @atomic_destroy_state.
         * RETURNS:
         * Duplicated atomic state or NULL when the allocation failed.
        struct drm_crtc_state *(*atomic_duplicate_state)(struct drm_crtc *crtc);

         * @atomic_destroy_state:
         * Destroy a state duplicated with @atomic_duplicate_state and release
         * or unreference all resources it references
         * This callback is mandatory for atomic drivers.
        void (*atomic_destroy_state)(struct drm_crtc *crtc,
                                     struct drm_crtc_state *state);

         * @atomic_set_property:
         * Decode a driver-private property value and store the decoded value
         * into the passed-in state structure. Since the atomic core decodes all
         * standardized properties (even for extensions beyond the core set of
         * properties which might not be implemented by all drivers) this
         * requires drivers to subclass the state structure.
         * Such driver-private properties should really only be implemented for
         * truly hardware/vendor specific state. Instead it is preferred to
         * standardize atomic extension and decode the properties used to expose
         * such an extension in the core.
         * Do not call this function directly, use
         * drm_atomic_crtc_set_property() instead.
         * This callback is optional if the driver does not support any
         * driver-private atomic properties.
         * NOTE:
         * This function is called in the state assembly phase of atomic
         * modesets, which can be aborted for any reason (including on
         * userspace's request to just check whether a configuration would be
         * possible). Drivers MUST NOT touch any persistent state (hardware or
         * software) or data structures except the passed in @state parameter.
         * Also since userspace controls in which order properties are set this
         * function must not do any input validation (since the state update is
         * incomplete and hence likely inconsistent). Instead any such input
         * validation must be done in the various atomic_check callbacks.
         * RETURNS:
         * 0 if the property has been found, -EINVAL if the property isn't
         * implemented by the driver (which should never happen, the core only
         * asks for properties attached to this CRTC). No other validation is
         * allowed by the driver. The core already checks that the property
         * value is within the range (integer, valid enum value, ...) the driver
         * set when registering the property.
        int (*atomic_set_property)(struct drm_crtc *crtc,
                                   struct drm_crtc_state *state,
                                   struct drm_property *property,
                                   uint64_t val);
         * @atomic_get_property:
         * Reads out the decoded driver-private property. This is used to
         * implement the GETCRTC IOCTL.
         * Do not call this function directly, use
         * drm_atomic_crtc_get_property() instead.
         * This callback is optional if the driver does not support any
         * driver-private atomic properties.
         * RETURNS:
         * 0 on success, -EINVAL if the property isn't implemented by the
         * driver (which should never happen, the core only asks for
         * properties attached to this CRTC).
        int (*atomic_get_property)(struct drm_crtc *crtc,
                                   const struct drm_crtc_state *state,
                                   struct drm_property *property,
                                   uint64_t *val);

         * @late_register:
         * This optional hook can be used to register additional userspace
         * interfaces attached to the crtc like debugfs interfaces.
         * It is called late in the driver load sequence from drm_dev_register().
         * Everything added from this callback should be unregistered in
         * the early_unregister callback.
         * Returns:
         * 0 on success, or a negative error code on failure.
        int (*late_register)(struct drm_crtc *crtc);

         * @early_unregister:
         * This optional hook should be used to unregister the additional
         * userspace interfaces attached to the crtc from
         * @late_register. It is called from drm_dev_unregister(),
         * early in the driver unload sequence to disable userspace access
         * before data structures are torndown.
        void (*early_unregister)(struct drm_crtc *crtc);

         * @set_crc_source:
         * Changes the source of CRC checksums of frames at the request of
         * userspace, typically for testing purposes. The sources available are
         * specific of each driver and a %NULL value indicates that CRC
         * generation is to be switched off.
         * When CRC generation is enabled, the driver should call
         * drm_crtc_add_crc_entry() at each frame, providing any information
         * that characterizes the frame contents in the crcN arguments, as
         * provided from the configured source. Drivers must accept an "auto"
         * source name that will select a default source for this CRTC.
         * This may trigger an atomic modeset commit if necessary, to enable CRC
         * generation.
         * Note that "auto" can depend upon the current modeset configuration,
         * e.g. it could pick an encoder or output specific CRC sampling point.
         * This callback is optional if the driver does not support any CRC
         * generation functionality.
         * RETURNS:
         * 0 on success or a negative error code on failure.
        int (*set_crc_source)(struct drm_crtc *crtc, const char *source);

         * @verify_crc_source:
         * verifies the source of CRC checksums of frames before setting the
         * source for CRC and during crc open. Source parameter can be NULL
         * while disabling crc source.
         * This callback is optional if the driver does not support any CRC
         * generation functionality.
         * RETURNS:
         * 0 on success or a negative error code on failure.
        int (*verify_crc_source)(struct drm_crtc *crtc, const char *source,
                                 size_t *values_cnt);
         * @get_crc_sources:
         * Driver callback for getting a list of all the available sources for
         * CRC generation. This callback depends upon verify_crc_source, So
         * verify_crc_source callback should be implemented before implementing
         * this. Driver can pass full list of available crc sources, this
         * callback does the verification on each crc-source before passing it
         * to userspace.
         * This callback is optional if the driver does not support exporting of
         * possible CRC sources list.
         * RETURNS:
         * a constant character pointer to the list of all the available CRC
         * sources. On failure driver should return NULL. count should be
         * updated with number of sources in list. if zero we don't process any
         * source from the list.
        const char *const *(*get_crc_sources)(struct drm_crtc *crtc,
                                              size_t *count);

         * @atomic_print_state:
         * If driver subclasses &struct drm_crtc_state, it should implement
         * this optional hook for printing additional driver specific state.
         * Do not call this directly, use drm_atomic_crtc_print_state()
         * instead.
        void (*atomic_print_state)(struct drm_printer *p,
                                   const struct drm_crtc_state *state);

         * @get_vblank_counter:
         * Driver callback for fetching a raw hardware vblank counter for the
         * CRTC. It's meant to be used by new drivers as the replacement of
         * &drm_driver.get_vblank_counter hook.
         * This callback is optional. If a device doesn't have a hardware
         * counter, the driver can simply leave the hook as NULL. The DRM core
         * will account for missed vblank events while interrupts where disabled
         * based on system timestamps.
         * Wraparound handling and loss of events due to modesetting is dealt
         * with in the DRM core code, as long as drivers call
         * drm_crtc_vblank_off() and drm_crtc_vblank_on() when disabling or
         * enabling a CRTC.
         * See also &drm_device.vblank_disable_immediate and
         * &drm_device.max_vblank_count.
         * Returns:
         * Raw vblank counter value.
        u32 (*get_vblank_counter)(struct drm_crtc *crtc);

         * @enable_vblank:
         * Enable vblank interrupts for the CRTC. It's meant to be used by
         * new drivers as the replacement of &drm_driver.enable_vblank hook.
         * Returns:
         * Zero on success, appropriate errno if the vblank interrupt cannot
         * be enabled.
        int (*enable_vblank)(struct drm_crtc *crtc);

         * @disable_vblank:
         * Disable vblank interrupts for the CRTC. It's meant to be used by
         * new drivers as the replacement of &drm_driver.disable_vblank hook.
        void (*disable_vblank)(struct drm_crtc *crtc);

         * @get_vblank_timestamp:
         * Called by drm_get_last_vbltimestamp(). Should return a precise
         * timestamp when the most recent vblank interval ended or will end.
         * Specifically, the timestamp in @vblank_time should correspond as
         * closely as possible to the time when the first video scanline of
         * the video frame after the end of vblank will start scanning out,
         * the time immediately after end of the vblank interval. If the
         * @crtc is currently inside vblank, this will be a time in the future.
         * If the @crtc is currently scanning out a frame, this will be the
         * past start time of the current scanout. This is meant to adhere
         * to the OpenML OML_sync_control extension specification.
         * Parameters:
         * crtc:
         *     CRTC for which timestamp should be returned.
         * max_error:
         *     Maximum allowable timestamp error in nanoseconds.
         *     Implementation should strive to provide timestamp
         *     with an error of at most max_error nanoseconds.
         *     Returns true upper bound on error for timestamp.
         * vblank_time:
         *     Target location for returned vblank timestamp.
         * in_vblank_irq:
         *     True when called from drm_crtc_handle_vblank().  Some drivers
         *     need to apply some workarounds for gpu-specific vblank irq quirks
         *     if flag is set.
         * Returns:
         * True on success, false on failure, which means the core should
         * fallback to a simple timestamp taken in drm_crtc_handle_vblank().
        bool (*get_vblank_timestamp)(struct drm_crtc *crtc,
                                     int *max_error,
                                     ktime_t *vblank_time,
                                     bool in_vblank_irq);


  • reset:用于将crtc硬件和软件重置为关闭状态,这个函数不会直接调用,只会通过drm_mode_config_reset调用;

  • cursor_set:更新光标图像,光标位置是相对于crtc,并且可以部分或完全位于可见区域之外;

  • cursor_set2:更新光标图像,包括热点信息;

  • cursor_move:更新光标位置。在调用此钩子时,光标不需要可见;

  • gamma_set:在crtc上设置gamma

  • destroy:清理crtc资源;

  • set_config:改变modeset state, 负责配置几个内容:

    • 更新正在扫描的framebuffer
    • 配置显示模式:时序、分辨率等;
    • 将连接器/编码器附加到crtc
  • page_flip:用于反转给定的framebuffer

  • ...

2.2.2 struct drm_crtc_helper_funcs


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