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上一篇文章里,我们讲解了“Bgr24彩色位图转为Gray8灰度位图”算法。本文将探讨“Bgr24彩色位图转为灰度的Bgr24位图”。区别在于目标位图也是Bgr24格式的,只是将像素数据由彩色转为了灰度。这些算法也是跨平台的,同一份源代码,能在 X86及Arm架构上运行,且均享有SIMD硬件加速。


1.1 算法实现


public static unsafe void ScalarDoBatch(byte* pSrc, int strideSrc, int width, int height, byte* pDst, int strideDst) {
    const int cbPixel = 3; // Bgr24
    const int shiftPoint = 16;
    const int mulPoint = 1 << shiftPoint; // 0x10000
    const int mulRed = (int)(0.299 * mulPoint + 0.5); // 19595
    const int mulGreen = (int)(0.587 * mulPoint + 0.5); // 38470
    const int mulBlue = mulPoint - mulRed - mulGreen; // 7471
    byte* pRow = pSrc;
    byte* qRow = pDst;
    for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
        byte* p = pRow;
        byte* q = qRow;
        for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
            byte gray = (byte)((p[2] * mulRed + p[1] * mulGreen + p[0] * mulBlue) >> shiftPoint);
            q[0] = q[1] = q[2] = gray;
            p += cbPixel; // Bgr24
            q += cbPixel; // Bgr24 store grayscale.
        pRow += strideSrc;
        qRow += strideDst;

1.2 基准测试代码

使用 BenchmarkDotNet 进行基准测试。

[Benchmark(Baseline = true)]
public void Scalar() {
    ScalarDo(_sourceBitmapData, _destinationBitmapData, 0);

public void ScalarParallel() {
    ScalarDo(_sourceBitmapData, _destinationBitmapData, 1);

public static unsafe void ScalarDo(BitmapData src, BitmapData dst, int parallelFactor = 0) {
    int width = src.Width;
    int height = src.Height;
    int strideSrc = src.Stride;
    int strideDst = dst.Stride;
    byte* pSrc = (byte*)src.Scan0.ToPointer();
    byte* pDst = (byte*)dst.Scan0.ToPointer();
    int processorCount = Environment.ProcessorCount;
    int batchSize = 0;
    if (parallelFactor > 1) {
        batchSize = height / (processorCount * parallelFactor);
    } else if (parallelFactor == 1) {
        if (height >= processorCount) batchSize = 1;
    bool allowParallel = (batchSize > 0) && (processorCount > 1);
    if (allowParallel) {
        int batchCount = (height + batchSize - 1) / batchSize; // ceil((double)length / batchSize)
        Parallel.For(0, batchCount, i => {
            int start = batchSize * i;
            int len = batchSize;
            if (start + len > height) len = height - start;
            byte* pSrc2 = pSrc + start * strideSrc;
            byte* pDst2 = pDst + start * strideDst;
            ScalarDoBatch(pSrc2, strideSrc, width, len, pDst2, strideDst);
    } else {
        ScalarDoBatch(pSrc, strideSrc, width, height, pDst, strideDst);


2.1 算法思路

对于24位转8位灰度,可以使用这种办法: 每次从源位图读取3个向量,进行3-元素组的解交织运算,得到 R,G,B 平面数据。随后使用向量化的乘法与加法,来计算灰度值。最后将存储了灰度值的那一个向量,进行3-元素组的交织运算,便能存储到目标位图。


例如 Sse指令集使用的是128位向量,此时1个向量为16字节。每次从源位图读取3个向量,就是读取了48字节,即16个RGB像素。最后将灰度向量做“3-元素组的交织运算”,结果是3个向量。将那3个向量存储到目标位图,就是写入了48字节,即16个RGB像素。

对于3-元素组的交织,可以使用 shuffle 类别的指令来实现。例如对于X86架构的 128位向量,可以使用 SSSE3 的 _mm_shuffle_epi8 指令,它对应 NET 中的 Ssse3.Shuffle 方法。源代码如下。

static readonly Vector128<byte> YGroup3Zip_Shuffle_Byte_X_Part0 = Vector128.Create((sbyte)0, -1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 2, -1, -1, 3, -1, -1, 4, -1, -1, 5).AsByte();
static readonly Vector128<byte> YGroup3Zip_Shuffle_Byte_X_Part1 = Vector128.Create((sbyte)-1, 0, -1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 2, -1, -1, 3, -1, -1, 4, -1, -1).AsByte();
static readonly Vector128<byte> YGroup3Zip_Shuffle_Byte_X_Part2 = Vector128.Create((sbyte)-1, -1, 0, -1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 2, -1, -1, 3, -1, -1, 4, -1).AsByte();
static readonly Vector128<byte> YGroup3Zip_Shuffle_Byte_Y_Part0 = Vector128.Create((sbyte)-1, -1, 6, -1, -1, 7, -1, -1, 8, -1, -1, 9, -1, -1, 10, -1).AsByte();
static readonly Vector128<byte> YGroup3Zip_Shuffle_Byte_Y_Part1 = Vector128.Create((sbyte)5, -1, -1, 6, -1, -1, 7, -1, -1, 8, -1, -1, 9, -1, -1, 10).AsByte();
static readonly Vector128<byte> YGroup3Zip_Shuffle_Byte_Y_Part2 = Vector128.Create((sbyte)-1, 5, -1, -1, 6, -1, -1, 7, -1, -1, 8, -1, -1, 9, -1, -1).AsByte();
static readonly Vector128<byte> YGroup3Zip_Shuffle_Byte_Z_Part0 = Vector128.Create((sbyte)-1, 11, -1, -1, 12, -1, -1, 13, -1, -1, 14, -1, -1, 15, -1, -1).AsByte();
static readonly Vector128<byte> YGroup3Zip_Shuffle_Byte_Z_Part1 = Vector128.Create((sbyte)-1, -1, 11, -1, -1, 12, -1, -1, 13, -1, -1, 14, -1, -1, 15, -1).AsByte();
static readonly Vector128<byte> YGroup3Zip_Shuffle_Byte_Z_Part2 = Vector128.Create((sbyte)10, -1, -1, 11, -1, -1, 12, -1, -1, 13, -1, -1, 14, -1, -1, 15).AsByte();

public static Vector128<byte> YGroup3Zip_Shuffle(Vector128<byte> x, Vector128<byte> y, Vector128<byte> z, out Vector128<byte> data1, out Vector128<byte> data2) {
    var f0A = YGroup3Zip_Shuffle_Byte_X_Part0;
    var f0B = YGroup3Zip_Shuffle_Byte_X_Part1;
    var f0C = YGroup3Zip_Shuffle_Byte_X_Part2;
    var f1A = YGroup3Zip_Shuffle_Byte_Y_Part0;
    var f1B = YGroup3Zip_Shuffle_Byte_Y_Part1;
    var f1C = YGroup3Zip_Shuffle_Byte_Y_Part2;
    var f2A = YGroup3Zip_Shuffle_Byte_Z_Part0;
    var f2B = YGroup3Zip_Shuffle_Byte_Z_Part1;
    var f2C = YGroup3Zip_Shuffle_Byte_Z_Part2;
    var rt0 = Sse2.Or(Sse2.Or(Ssse3.Shuffle(x, f0A), Ssse3.Shuffle(y, f0B)), Ssse3.Shuffle(z, f0C));
    var rt1 = Sse2.Or(Sse2.Or(Ssse3.Shuffle(x, f1A), Ssse3.Shuffle(y, f1B)), Ssse3.Shuffle(z, f1C));
    var rt2 = Sse2.Or(Sse2.Or(Ssse3.Shuffle(x, f2A), Ssse3.Shuffle(y, f2B)), Ssse3.Shuffle(z, f2C));
    data1 = rt1;
    data2 = rt2;
    return rt0;

VectorTraits 库已经集成了上述算法,提供了“Vectors.YGroup3Zip”方法。该方法能够跨平台,它会使用各个平台的shuffle指令。

2.2 算法实现

有了 YGroup3Unzip、YGroup3Zip 方法后,便能方便的编写彩色转灰度的算法了。灰度系数有8位精度,于是需要将 8位数据变宽为16位后,再来计算乘法与加法。最后再将 16位数据,变窄为8位。源代码如下。

public static unsafe void UseVectorsDoBatch(byte* pSrc, int strideSrc, int width, int height, byte* pDst, int strideDst) {
    const int cbPixel = 3; // Bgr24
    const int shiftPoint = 8;
    const int mulPoint = 1 << shiftPoint; // 0x100
    const ushort mulRed = (ushort)(0.299 * mulPoint + 0.5); // 77
    const ushort mulGreen = (ushort)(0.587 * mulPoint + 0.5); // 150
    const ushort mulBlue = mulPoint - mulRed - mulGreen; // 29
    Vector<ushort> vmulRed = new Vector<ushort>(mulRed);
    Vector<ushort> vmulGreen = new Vector<ushort>(mulGreen);
    Vector<ushort> vmulBlue = new Vector<ushort>(mulBlue);
    int vectorWidth = Vector<byte>.Count;
    int maxX = width - vectorWidth;
    byte* pRow = pSrc;
    byte* qRow = pDst;
    for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
        Vector<byte>* pLast = (Vector<byte>*)(pRow + maxX * cbPixel); // Bgr24
        Vector<byte>* qLast = (Vector<byte>*)(qRow + maxX * cbPixel); // Bgr24 store grayscale.
        Vector<byte>* p = (Vector<byte>*)pRow;
        Vector<byte>* q = (Vector<byte>*)qRow;
        for (; ; ) {
            Vector<byte> r, g, b, gray, gray0, gray1, gray2;
            Vector<ushort> wr0, wr1, wg0, wg1, wb0, wb1;
            // Load.
            b = Vectors.YGroup3Unzip(p[0], p[1], p[2], out g, out r);
            // widen(r) * mulRed + widen(g) * mulGreen + widen(b) * mulBlue
            Vector.Widen(r, out wr0, out wr1);
            Vector.Widen(g, out wg0, out wg1);
            Vector.Widen(b, out wb0, out wb1);
            wr0 = Vectors.Multiply(wr0, vmulRed);
            wr1 = Vectors.Multiply(wr1, vmulRed);
            wg0 = Vectors.Multiply(wg0, vmulGreen);
            wg1 = Vectors.Multiply(wg1, vmulGreen);
            wb0 = Vectors.Multiply(wb0, vmulBlue);
            wb1 = Vectors.Multiply(wb1, vmulBlue);
            wr0 = Vector.Add(wr0, wg0);
            wr1 = Vector.Add(wr1, wg1);
            wr0 = Vector.Add(wr0, wb0);
            wr1 = Vector.Add(wr1, wb1);
            // Shift right and narrow.
            wr0 = Vectors.ShiftRightLogical_Const(wr0, shiftPoint);
            wr1 = Vectors.ShiftRightLogical_Const(wr1, shiftPoint);
            gray = Vector.Narrow(wr0, wr1);
            // Store.
            gray0 = Vectors.YGroup3Zip(gray, gray, gray, out gray1, out gray2);
            q[0] = gray0;
            q[1] = gray1;
            q[2] = gray2;
            // Next.
            if (p >= pLast) break;
            p += cbPixel;
            q += cbPixel;
            if (p > pLast) p = pLast; // The last block is also use vector.
            if (q > qLast) q = qLast;
        pRow += strideSrc;
        qRow += strideDst;

2.3 基准测试代码


public void UseVectors() {
    UseVectorsDo(_sourceBitmapData, _destinationBitmapData, 0);

public void UseVectorsParallel() {
    UseVectorsDo(_sourceBitmapData, _destinationBitmapData, 1);

public static unsafe void UseVectorsDo(BitmapData src, BitmapData dst, int parallelFactor = 0) {
    int vectorWidth = Vector<byte>.Count;
    int width = src.Width;
    int height = src.Height;
    if (width <= vectorWidth) {
        ScalarDo(src, dst, parallelFactor);
    int strideSrc = src.Stride;
    int strideDst = dst.Stride;
    byte* pSrc = (byte*)src.Scan0.ToPointer();
    byte* pDst = (byte*)dst.Scan0.ToPointer();
    int processorCount = Environment.ProcessorCount;
    int batchSize = 0;
    if (parallelFactor > 1) {
        batchSize = height / (processorCount * parallelFactor);
    } else if (parallelFactor == 1) {
        if (height >= processorCount) batchSize = 1;
    bool allowParallel = (batchSize > 0) && (processorCount > 1);
    if (allowParallel) {
        int batchCount = (height + batchSize - 1) / batchSize; // ceil((double)length / batchSize)
        Parallel.For(0, batchCount, i => {
            int start = batchSize * i;
            int len = batchSize;
            if (start + len > height) len = height - start;
            byte* pSrc2 = pSrc + start * strideSrc;
            byte* pDst2 = pDst + start * strideDst;
            UseVectorsDoBatch(pSrc2, strideSrc, width, len, pDst2, strideDst);
    } else {
        UseVectorsDoBatch(pSrc, strideSrc, width, height, pDst, strideDst);

完整源码在 Bgr24ToGrayBgr24Benchmark.cs


3.1 X86 架构


BenchmarkDotNet v0.14.0, Windows 11 (10.0.22631.4460/23H2/2023Update/SunValley3)
AMD Ryzen 7 7840H w/ Radeon 780M Graphics, 1 CPU, 16 logical and 8 physical cores
.NET SDK 8.0.403
  [Host]     : .NET 8.0.10 (8.0.1024.46610), X64 RyuJIT AVX-512F+CD+BW+DQ+VL+VBMI
  DefaultJob : .NET 8.0.10 (8.0.1024.46610), X64 RyuJIT AVX-512F+CD+BW+DQ+VL+VBMI

| Method               | Width | Mean         | Error      | StdDev     | Ratio |
|--------------------- |------ |-------------:|-----------:|-----------:|------:|
| Scalar               | 1024  |  1,128.81 us |   4.436 us |   3.932 us |  1.00 |
| ScalarParallel       | 1024  |    157.96 us |   1.007 us |   0.942 us |  0.14 |
| UseVectors           | 1024  |    123.79 us |   1.144 us |   1.014 us |  0.11 |
| UseVectorsParallel   | 1024  |     26.05 us |   0.503 us |   0.471 us |  0.02 |
|                      |       |              |            |            |       |
| Scalar               | 2048  |  4,279.99 us |  37.658 us |  35.226 us |  1.00 |
| ScalarParallel       | 2048  |    622.01 us |   3.989 us |   3.537 us |  0.15 |
| UseVectors           | 2048  |    631.53 us |   6.741 us |   6.305 us |  0.15 |
| UseVectorsParallel   | 2048  |    330.47 us |   5.479 us |   4.857 us |  0.08 |
|                      |       |              |            |            |       |
| Scalar               | 4096  | 17,252.90 us | 106.215 us |  99.353 us |  1.00 |
| ScalarParallel       | 4096  |  3,743.78 us |  25.989 us |  24.310 us |  0.22 |
| UseVectors           | 4096  |  3,273.92 us |  32.645 us |  30.537 us |  0.19 |
| UseVectorsParallel   | 4096  |  3,746.83 us |  11.083 us |   9.255 us |  0.22 |
  • Scalar: 标量算法。
  • ScalarParallel: 并发的标量算法。
  • UseVectors: 矢量算法。
  • UseVectorsParallel: 并发的矢量算法。

3.2 Arm 架构

同样的源代码可以在 Arm 架构上运行。基准测试结果如下。

BenchmarkDotNet v0.14.0, macOS Sequoia 15.0.1 (24A348) [Darwin 24.0.0]
Apple M2, 1 CPU, 8 logical and 8 physical cores
.NET SDK 8.0.204
  [Host]     : .NET 8.0.4 (8.0.424.16909), Arm64 RyuJIT AdvSIMD
  DefaultJob : .NET 8.0.4 (8.0.424.16909), Arm64 RyuJIT AdvSIMD

| Method               | Width | Mean         | Error      | StdDev     | Median       | Ratio | RatioSD |
|--------------------- |------ |-------------:|-----------:|-----------:|-------------:|------:|--------:|
| Scalar               | 1024  |    719.32 us |   0.215 us |   0.201 us |    719.34 us |  1.00 |    0.00 |
| ScalarParallel       | 1024  |    157.38 us |   1.423 us |   1.111 us |    157.25 us |  0.22 |    0.00 |
| UseVectors           | 1024  |    169.25 us |   0.538 us |   0.503 us |    169.40 us |  0.24 |    0.00 |
| UseVectorsParallel   | 1024  |     57.81 us |   0.998 us |   2.149 us |     58.11 us |  0.08 |    0.00 |
|                      |       |              |            |            |              |       |         |
| Scalar               | 2048  |  2,963.48 us |   6.674 us |   5.211 us |  2,961.39 us |  1.00 |    0.00 |
| ScalarParallel       | 2048  |    627.47 us |  11.680 us |  25.142 us |    616.63 us |  0.21 |    0.01 |
| UseVectors           | 2048  |    716.27 us |   2.097 us |   1.961 us |    717.02 us |  0.24 |    0.00 |
| UseVectorsParallel   | 2048  |    368.49 us |   7.320 us |  21.469 us |    378.95 us |  0.12 |    0.01 |
|                      |       |              |            |            |              |       |         |
| Scalar               | 4096  | 12,449.32 us | 177.868 us | 157.676 us | 12,508.13 us |  1.00 |    0.02 |
| ScalarParallel       | 4096  |  2,510.22 us |  34.541 us |  30.620 us |  2,501.37 us |  0.20 |    0.00 |
| UseVectors           | 4096  |  2,968.72 us |  20.503 us |  18.175 us |  2,965.71 us |  0.24 |    0.00 |
| UseVectorsParallel   | 4096  |  1,728.46 us |   4.362 us |   4.080 us |  1,729.00 us |  0.14 |    0.00 |


但“Bgr24彩色位图转为灰度的Bgr24位图”不适合那样的验证。由于整数运算有精度损失,造成部分像素值会有一些小的偏差。若直接对各个字节做相等比较,那么结果总是 false.

private unsafe long SumDifference(BitmapData expected, BitmapData dst, out long countByteDifference, out int maxDifference) {
    const int cbPixel = 3; // Bgr24 store grayscale.
    long totalDifference = 0;
    countByteDifference = 0;
    maxDifference = 0;
    int maxPosX = -1, maxPosY = -1;
    int width = expected.Width;
    int height = expected.Height;
    int strideSrc = expected.Stride;
    int strideDst = dst.Stride;
    byte* pRow = (byte*)expected.Scan0.ToPointer();
    byte* qRow = (byte*)dst.Scan0.ToPointer();
    for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
        byte* p = pRow;
        byte* q = qRow;
        for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
            for (int k = 0; k < cbPixel; ++k) {
                int difference = Math.Abs((int)(*q) - *p);
                if (0 != difference) {
                    totalDifference += difference;
                    if (maxDifference < difference) {
                        maxDifference = difference;
                        maxPosX = j;
                        maxPosY = i;
        pRow += strideSrc;
        qRow += strideDst;
    if (maxDifference > 0) {
        //Console.WriteLine(string.Format("SumDifference maxDifference={0}, at ({1}, {2})", maxDifference, maxPosX, maxPosY));
    return totalDifference;

在 Setup 方法里增加检查代码。

// Check.
bool allowCheck = true;
if (allowCheck) {
    try {
        TextWriter writer = Console.Out;
        long totalDifference, countByteDifference;
        int maxDifference;
        double averageDifference;
        long totalByte = Width * Height * 3;
        double percentDifference;
        // Baseline
        ScalarDo(_sourceBitmapData, _expectedBitmapData);
        // ScalarParallel
        totalDifference = SumDifference(_expectedBitmapData, _destinationBitmapData, out countByteDifference, out maxDifference);
        averageDifference = (countByteDifference > 0) ? (double)totalDifference / countByteDifference : 0;
        percentDifference = 100.0 * countByteDifference / totalByte;
        writer.WriteLine(string.Format("Difference of ScalarParallel: {0}/{1}={2}, max={3}, percentDifference={4:0.000000}%", totalDifference, countByteDifference, averageDifference, maxDifference, percentDifference));
        // UseVectors
        totalDifference = SumDifference(_expectedBitmapData, _destinationBitmapData, out countByteDifference, out maxDifference);
        averageDifference = (countByteDifference > 0) ? (double)totalDifference / countByteDifference : 0;
        percentDifference = 100.0 * countByteDifference / totalByte;
        writer.WriteLine(string.Format("Difference of UseVectors: {0}/{1}={2}, max={3}, percentDifference={4:0.000000}%", totalDifference, countByteDifference, averageDifference, maxDifference, percentDifference));
        // UseVectorsParallel
        totalDifference = SumDifference(_expectedBitmapData, _destinationBitmapData, out countByteDifference, out maxDifference);
        averageDifference = (countByteDifference > 0) ? (double)totalDifference / countByteDifference : 0;
        percentDifference = 100.0 * countByteDifference / totalByte;
        writer.WriteLine(string.Format("Difference of UseVectorsParallel: {0}/{1}={2}, max={3}, percentDifference={4:0.000000}%", totalDifference, countByteDifference, averageDifference, maxDifference, percentDifference));
    } catch (Exception ex) {


  • totalDifference: 所有像素误差值总和。
  • countByteDifference: 发生误差的字节总数。
  • averageDifference: 平均每个字节的误差值。越小越好。
  • maxDifference: 最大误差值。即输出信息里的“max”。0表示完全匹配,12是正常,34表示误差较大,超过5一般是算法存在问题。
  • percentDifference: 发生误差的字节总数,在整个图片中的比例。越小越好。


Difference of ScalarParallel: 0/0=0, max=0, percentDifference=0.000000%
Difference of UseVectors: 422400/422400=1, max=1, percentDifference=13.427734%
Difference of UseVectorsParallel: 422400/422400=1, max=1, percentDifference=13.427734%



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