Codeforces Round #259 (Div. 2)

A. Little Pony and Crystal Mine 




 1 var n,i,j:longint;
 2 begin
 3   readln(n);
 4   for i:=1 to n>>1 do
 5    begin
 6      for j:=1 to (n-i<<1+1)>>1 do write('*');
 7      for j:=1 to i<<1-1 do write('D');
 8      for j:=1 to (n-i<<1+1)>>1 do write('*');
 9      writeln;
10    end;
11   for i:=1 to n do write('D');writeln;
12   for i:=n>>1 downto 1 do
13    begin
14      for j:=1 to (n-i<<1+1)>>1 do write('*');
15      for j:=1 to i<<1-1 do write('D');
16      for j:=1 to (n-i<<1+1)>>1 do write('*');
17      writeln;
18    end;
19 end.
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B. Little Pony and Sort by Shift




 1 var n,i,cnt:longint;
 2     a:array[0..250000] of longint;
 3 begin
 4   readln(n);
 5   a[0]:=maxlongint;
 6   for i:=1 to n do read(a[i]);
 7   for i:=1 to n do a[n+i]:=a[i];
 8   cnt:=0;
 9   for i:=1 to n<<1 do
10    if a[i]>=a[i-1] then
11     begin
12       inc(cnt);
13       if cnt=n-1 then break;
14     end
15    else cnt:=0;
16   if cnt<>n-1 then writeln('-1')
17   else if i=n then writeln('0')
18   else writeln(n<<1-i);
19 end.     
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posted @ 2014-08-16 01:30  ZYF-ZYF  Views(243)  Comments(0Edit  收藏  举报