poj2001 Shortest Prefixes (trie)
type node=record w:longint; go:array['a'..'z'] of longint; end; var i,n,tot:longint; s:string; a,ans:array[0..1100] of string; t:array[0..1000000] of node; procedure getintree(s:string); var i,now:longint; begin now:=1; for i:=1 to length(s) do begin inc(t[now].w); if t[now].go[s[i]]<>0 then now:=t[now].go[s[i]] else begin inc(tot); fillchar(t[tot].go,sizeof(t[tot].go),0); t[now].go[s[i]]:=tot; now:=tot; end; end; end; procedure check(s:string;x:longint); var i,now:longint; flag:boolean; st:string; begin now:=1;i:=0; flag:=false; st:=''; repeat inc(i);st:=st+s[i]; now:=t[now].go[s[i]]; if t[now].w=1 then flag:=true; until (flag) or (i=length(s)); ans[x]:=st; end; begin while true do begin readln(s);if s='' then break; inc(n);a[n]:=s; getintree(s); end; for i:=1 to n do check(a[i],i); for i:=1 to n do writeln(a[i],' ',ans[i]); end.