《C++ Primer Plus》第十四章学习笔记




160:Compile-time errors are better than runtime errors.



















           2、使用using声明函数名 EG:using std::valarray<double>::min




167:Multiple Inheritance的两个主要问题:





• Why the term virtual?

• Why don’t we dispense with declaring base classes virtual and make virtual behavior the norm for MI?

• Are there any catches?


First, why the term virtual? After all, there doesn’t seem to be an obvious connection between the concepts of virtual functions and virtual base classes. It turns out that there is strong pressure from the C++ community to resist the introduction of new keywords. It would be awkward, for example, if a new keyword corresponded to the name of some important function or variable in a major program. So C++ merely recycled the keyword virtual for the new

facility—a bit of keyword overloading.


Next, why don’t we dispense with declaring base classes virtual and make virtual behavior the norm for MI? First, there are cases in which you might want multiple copies of a base. Second, making a base class virtual requires that a program do some additional accounting, and you shouldn’t have to pay for that facility if you don’t need it. Third, there are the disadvantages presented in the next paragraph.


Finally, are there catches? Yes. Making virtual base classes work requires adjustments to C++ rules, and you have to code some things differently. Also, using virtual base classes may involve changing existing code. For example, adding the SingingWaiter class to the Worker hierarchy requires that you go back and add the virtual keyword to the Singer and Waiter classes.






171:The main change, and the reason for virtual base classes, is that a class that inherits from one or more instances of a virtual base class inherits just one base class object. Implementing this feature entails other requirements:

• A derived class with an indirect virtual base class should have its constructors invoke the indirect base class constructors directly, which is illegal for indirect nonvirtual base classes.

• Name ambiguity is resolved via the dominance rule.






173:除非编译器实现了新的 export关键字(在每一个模板声明前加上export),否则将模板成员函数放置在一个独立的实现文件中将无法运行。


174:One way to use a stack of pointers is to have the calling program provide an array of pointers, with each pointer pointing to a different string.




176:模板头template<class T, int n>,其中第二种参数被称为非类型(non-type)参数,注意点:

           1、它可以是整型,枚举,引用或指针,所以double n是不合法的,double* pn是合法的;






178:Explicit Specialization(用于具体化某个类型的类定义)用法:

template <class T>
class name
   ...//details omitted

class name<char *>
...//details omitted




180:http://www.iis.sinica.edu.tw/~kathy/vcstl/templates.htm 讲类模板,思路蛮清晰的。




P478 “valarray简介”往下数第13行注释中的”int”应改为”double”;

P513 倒数16行的”pop”应改为”po”;

P519程序 14.18 第20行的”/ 10”应改为”/ 5”;

P523 标题“14.4.7”往上数第二行的”Trio<int, short>”应改为”Trio<int, short, short>”;

P533 “14.6 复习题”往上数第5行的”6”应改为”10”;








posted on 2012-02-03 12:30  zyearn  阅读(256)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报