【贪心+中位数】【新生赛3 1007题】 Problem G (K)
Problem G
Time Limit : 4000/2000ms (Java/Other) Memory Limit : 32768/32768K (Java/Other)
Total Submission(s) : 16 Accepted Submission(s) : 5
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Problem Description
There are Y lines parallel to x axis. And there are exactly n number of point in each lines. Now wanwan want to move these point in lines which is parallel to y axis. And exactly n lines totaly. And for each point (x,y) , only the value of x can be changed.
And no two point can in the same position. Move a point (x, y) to (x', y) cost abs(x' - x) . Now wanwan want to know the minimum of the total cost to finish the job.
The first line of the input is an integer T, which means there are exactly T cases in the input.
For each test , the first line contain tow integers Y , n(0<Y ,n< 1000), and follow Y lines , every line contain n integers , the jth integer x[ i ][ j ] represent the x_axis of the jth point in the ith line(abs( x[i][j]) < 1000000 )
For each test , the first line contain tow integers Y , n(0<Y ,n< 1000), and follow Y lines , every line contain n integers , the jth integer x[ i ][ j ] represent the x_axis of the jth point in the ith line(abs( x[i][j]) < 1000000 )
For each case, output the minimum of the total cost to finish the job.
Sample Input
1 3 3 1 2 3 1 3 4 0 1 2
Sample Output
给你Y行点 每行有N个
使1,2,...Y行的这 N个点 都对齐
在第I列的点 在移动后依旧排在第I列
(2)若I 必须要跨过I+1个点到K点
可以等价为 I移动到I+1 I+1再移动到K点
可以将问题转换为 将所有行第I列的 合并到一行。
一条直线上的点 移动到那移动 总位移最小
显然是中位数 证明见前面的文章
代码不贴了 因为测评关闭了 也懒得写了