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JavaScript 中的继承

那些定义在构造器函数中的、用于给予对象实例的。这些都很容易发现 - 在您自己的代码中,它们是构造函数中使用this.x = x类型的行;在内置的浏览器代码中,它们是可用于对象实例的成员(通常通过使用new关键字调用构造函数来创建,例如var myInstance = new myConstructor())。
那些直接在构造函数上定义、仅在构造函数上可用的。这些通常仅在内置的浏览器对象中可用,并通过被直接链接到构造函数而不是实例来识别。 例如Object.keys()。

<!DOCTYPE html>
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    <title>Object-oriented JavaScript inheritance</title>

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      const input = document.querySelector('input');
      const btn = document.querySelector('button');
      const para = document.querySelector('p');

      btn.onclick = function() {
        const code = input.value;
        para.textContent = eval(code);
      // 定义 Person 构造函数
      function Person(first, last, age, gender, interests) {
        this.name = {
        this.age = age;
        this.gender = gender;
        this.interests = interests;
      //Person 添加 bio 方法
      Person.prototype.bio = function() {
        // First define a string, and make it equal to the part of
        // the bio that we know will always be the same.
        let string = this.name.first + ' ' + this.name.last + ' is ' + this.age + ' years old. ';
        // define a variable that will contain the pronoun part of
        // the second sentence
        let pronoun;

        // check what the value of gender is, and set pronoun
        // to an appropriate value in each case
        if(this.gender === 'male' || this.gender === 'Male' || this.gender === 'm' || this.gender === 'M') {
          pronoun = 'He likes ';
        } else if(this.gender === 'female' || this.gender === 'Female' || this.gender === 'f' || this.gender === 'F') {
          pronoun = 'She likes ';
        } else {
          pronoun = 'They like ';

        // add the pronoun string on to the end of the main string
        string += pronoun;

        // use another conditional to structure the last part of the
        // second sentence depending on whether the number of interests
        // is 1, 2, or 3
        if(this.interests.length === 1) {
          string += this.interests[0] + '.';
        } else if(this.interests.length === 2) {
          string += this.interests[0] + ' and ' + this.interests[1] + '.';
        } else {
          // if there are more than 2 interests, we loop through them
          // all, adding each one to the main string followed by a comma,
          // except for the last one, which needs an and & a full stop
          for(let i = 0; i < this.interests.length; i++) {
            if(i === this.interests.length - 1) {
              string += 'and ' + this.interests[i] + '.';
            } else {
              string += this.interests[i] + ', ';

        // finally, with the string built, we alert() it
        //Person greeting 方法
      Person.prototype.greeting = function() {
        alert('Hi! I\'m ' + this.name.first + '.');

      Person.prototype.farewell = function() {
        alert(this.name.first + ' has left the building. Bye for now!');
      //创建 Person 的实例对象
      let person1 = new Person('Tammi', 'Smith', 17, 'female', ['music', 'skiing', 'kickboxing']);
      //定义 Teacher 的构造函数
        function Teacher(first, last, age, gender, interests, subject) {
            //peeson.call 继承 person 的属性和方法
          Person.call(this, first, last, age, gender, interests);
            //额外的  subject 属性
          this.subject = subject;
      //设置 Teacher() 的原型和构造器引用
    Teacher.prototype = Object.create(Person.prototype);
    Teacher.prototype.constructor = Teacher;
    //添加 Teacher 的greeting 的方法
    Teacher.prototype.greeting = function() {
      var prefix;

      if(this.gender === 'male' || this.gender === 'Male' || this.gender === 'm' || this.gender === 'M') {
        prefix = 'Mr.';
      } else if(this.gender === 'female' || this.gender === 'Female' || this.gender === 'f' || this.gender === 'F') {
        prefix = 'Mrs.';
      } else {
        prefix = 'Mx.';

      alert('Hello. My name is ' + prefix + ' ' + this.name.last + ', and I teach ' + this.subject + '.');
    var teacher1 = new Teacher('Dave', 'Griffiths', 31, 'male', ['football', 'cookery'], 'mathematics');


posted on 2020-11-13 17:21  zzzzy09  阅读(67)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报