- “This above all: to thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.” —William Shakespeare
- “Are the many aspects of my being all equally part of my ‘self,’ or is there only one of me—and if so, which, where, how, and why?” (“我”是什么)
- We will, instead, turn to a single source that has phenomenal direct knowledge on the subject. We will turn to one expert who, for every moment of every day of their life, has been collecting the data necessary to finally put this great inquiry to rest. And that expert is you. (只有自己才了解自己 人类的自我意识可真是神奇,这种自我意识本身是如何生发出来的呢?)
- We simply need to sort it out
- Remember, if we are seeking the root of “self,” what we are actually seeking is you. (我们不是在寻找客观的定义,而是自己最真实的体验)
1 the voice inside your head#
- If you spend some time observing this mental voice, the first thing you will notice is that it never shuts up. When left to its own, it just talks (内心的声音从未停止)
- It’s actually a shocking realization when you first notice that your mind is constantly talking.
- Make it say “hello” right now.
- As long as you think that one thing it’s saying is you, but the other thing it’s saying is not you, you’ve lost your objectivity.
- you are not the voice of the mind—you are the one who hears it
- They have no effect on anything or anybody, except you. (我在我的心灵和世界中间 我保护着它,也隔绝着它)
- If you spend your time hoping that it doesn’t rain tomorrow, you are wasting your time. (担忧是没有用的)
- Now this raises a serious question: If so much of what the voice says is meaningless and unnecessary, then why does it even exist?
- For example, in some cases the mental voice talks for the same reason that a teakettle whistles. That is, there’s a buildup of energy inside that needs to be released (哈哈茶壶,好有趣的比喻)
- Just watch how many times the inner voice tells them off before you even see them.
- By verbalizing it mentally, you brought that initial direct experience of the world into the realm of your thoughts (语言加工了感觉材料,让感受真正进入了主观情感的领域)
- This inner world is an alternate environment that is under your control. The outside world, however, marches to its own laws
- What you end up experiencing is really a personal presentation of the world according to you, rather than the stark, unfiltered experience of what is really out there. (人化自然)
- Reality is just too real for most of us, so we temper it with the mind
- True personal growth is about transcending the part of you that is not okay and needs protection. (超越那个需要被保护的自己)
2 your inner roommate#
- If you ask, “What should I do about it?” you’ve already fallen into believing that there really is a problem outside that must be dealt with.
- If you want to achieve peace in the face of your problems, you must understand why you perceive a particular situation as a problem. (为什么我们把某个东西视为问题)
- This act of maintaining objective awareness of the inner problem is always better than losing yourself in the outer situation. This is the essential difference between a spiritually minded person and a worldly person.
- You think that if you change things outside, you’ll be okay. (世俗的人,会觉得世界决定了自己)
- But nobody has ever truly become okay by changing things outside. (即使外部世界改变了,也只有当它们满足了我们的预期,我们的心态和感受才会因此改变)
- There are two distinct aspects of your inner being. The first is you, the awareness, the witness, the center of your willful intentions; and the other is that which you watch. The problem is, the part that you watch never shuts up. If you could get rid of that part, even for a moment, the peace and serenity would be the nicest vacation you’ve ever had.
- That part of you can ruin anything and everything, and it generally does.
- Your shower is for washing the body, not for watching the mind talk nonstop.
- Make believe that your roommate, the psyche, has a body of its own.
- Now spend a day with that person.
- Now make that person your best friend. After all, how many friends do you spend all of your time with and pay absolute attention to every word they say
- If someone outside of you said that, you’d ignore them. (其实,我们是充分信任自己内心的声音的)
- If you want to free yourself, you must first become conscious enough to understand your predicament (要想解决问题,首先要充分认识问题)
- This is your life—reclaim it.
3 who are you?#
- But I’m going to challenge this response by taking out a piece of paper and writing the letters S-a-l-l-y S-m-i-t-h, and then showing it to you. Is that who you are—a collection of letters?
- You’ve just described all these experiences, but who had these experiences?
- We can very easily generalize by saying that if you are the one who is looking at something, then that something is not you
- René Descartes, a great philosopher, once said, “I think, therefore I am.” But is that really what’s going on? The dictionary defines the verb “to think” as “to form thoughts, to use the mind to consider ideas and make judgments” (Microsoft Encarta 2007). The question is, who is using the mind to form thoughts and then manipulate them into ideas and judgments? Does this experiencer of thoughts exist even when thoughts are not present? (我思故我在 但是是谁在思考呢 我是思考本身吗 如果我不做否定的批判的话,我就不存在吗)
- You don’t “think” it, you are simply aware of “no thoughts. (我们可以意识到,“没有思考”这种状态的存在)
- Again, you have a subject-object relationship with your thoughts. You are the subject, and thoughts are just another object you can be aware of. You are not your thoughts. You are simply aware of your thoughts (我和我的思想,并不是同一的关系,而是主客体的关系,因为我会想到体验、摆脱、疏离自己的思想)
- And that quality is awareness, consciousness, an intuitive sense of existence. (存在是一种感知的直觉)
- How long would it take your mental voice to describe all that detail to you, versus the instantaneous snapshot of consciousness just seeing? (思考快与慢)
- It doesn’t matter how many things are in front of you; if you turn off the consciousness, there is nothing. If you are conscious, however, there can be nothing in front of you but you are fully aware that there is nothing
- You live in the seat of consciousness. A true spiritual being lives there, without effort and without intent.
- At each stage of your life you have seen different thoughts, emotions, and objects pass before you
- Take everything else away and you’re still there, aware that everything is gone.
- That center is the seat of Self. From that seat, you are aware that there are thoughts, emotions, and a world coming in through your senses.
4 the lucid self#
- There is a type of dream, called a lucid dream, in which you know that you’re dreaming
- This distinction is exactly the difference between being aware that you are aware in your daily life, and not being aware that you are aware. When you are an aware being, you no longer become completely immersed in the events around you. (就像在梦中我们可以意识到我们在做梦一样,我们也可以在存在的过程中意识到自己的存在。 只不过梦境可以会退到现实,但是现实无法回退)
- The essence of consciousness is awareness, and awareness has the ability to become more aware of one thing and less aware of something else. (意识的本质是关注)
- It is no longer aware that it is aware of the object; it just becomes object-conscious. Have you ever noticed that when you’re deeply absorbed in watching TV, you have no awareness of where you’re sitting or what else is going on in the room? (出神了)
- If you ever want to re-center, just start saying “hello” inside, over and over (找回意识)
- Now we have the full dimension of the experience: five physical senses, plus thoughts and emotions. Imagine going to that movie and getting plugged in. Careful, that would be the end of you as you know yourself. There would be no object of consciousness that is not synchronized with the experience. Any place your awareness falls would be part of the movie.
- Consciousness is neither pure nor impure; it has no qualities. It’s just there, aware that it’s aware. The difference is that when your consciousness is not centered within, it becomes totally focused on the objects of consciousness. (意识本身没有区别,也没有纯净与不纯净之分)
- For the deepest meditation, you must not only have the ability to focus your consciousness completely on one object, you must also have the ability to make awareness itself be that object. (冥想的最高境界是关注到意识本身)
- As you pull back into the consciousness, this world ceases to be a problem. It’s just something you’re watching. (但是这有一个问题,这样一来,岂不是一切都没有意义了,我只是一个没有体验,也没有目的的看客吗?)
5 infinite energy#
- For example, if you concentrate on a thought and another thought interferes, you will have to assert an opposing force to fight the interfering thought. (自控力是需要消耗能量的)
- Have you ever noticed that when you are mentally and emotionally drained, food doesn’t help that much? Conversely, if you look at the times in your life when you were in love, or excited and inspired by something, you were so filled with energy that you didn’t even want to eat.
- You feel that you have no way out, and it seems like you will stay there forever. Then suddenly, one day, the phone rings. (爱情真有力量啊!确实啊!太神奇了!我体验过那种充满动力的感觉! 精神上的能量似乎就是在一瞬间获取的! 其实这也说明一个道理,精神的力量非常重要,而它完全是可以由我们自己做主的。)
- You were completely drained. For months and months, you had no energy. Then out of nowhere, in a matter of seconds, there is so much energy it blows you away.
- Although various energy centers exist within you, the one you intuitively know the most about opening and closing is your heart. (heart是什么意思)
- The heart is an energy center, and it can open or close (心灵是一个能量中心)
- The only thing you have to know is that opening allows energy in, and closing blocks it out
- Closing is a habit, and just like any other habit, it can be broken
- We are programmed based upon our past impressions such that all kinds of things can cause us to open and close. If you pay attention, you will see it happen regularly throughout each day.
- You practice opening by not closing (应该怎么翻译呢?)
- At first it feels unnatural since your innate tendency is to close as a means of protection. But closing your heart does not really protect you from anything; it just cuts you off from your source of energy. In the end, it only serves to lock you inside.
- If you make lists of how the world must be for you to open, you have limited your openness to those conditions. Better to be open no matter what. (不要觉得我要如何才能快乐,要让自己学会快乐)
- If you really want to stay open, pay attention when you feel love and enthusiasm.
- You feel love until somebody says something you don’t like, and then you give up the love. You feel enthused about your job until someone criticizes something, and then you want to quit. It’s your choice. (其实任何人,任何事情,都不会直接影响我们的情绪。我们一定是选择了某种情绪。 但是问题在于,当我们看到不和谐,让人厌恶和伤感的事情时,我们一定会感觉到不快乐,这是我们的本能)
- You can actually feel it flowing off your hands, out your heart, and through other energy centers.
- You become a source of light for all those around you. (影响身边的人)
- Energy can heal, and that’s why love can heal. (内心的能量可以让我们放松,让我们保持年轻)
- Remember, if you love life, nothing is worth closing over. Nothing, ever, is worth closing your heart over.
6 the secrets of the spiritual heart#
- If at any given point in time the heart happens to open, we fall in love. If at any given point in time it happens to close, the love stops.
- You are so identified with them that you use the words “I” and “me” when you refer to what’s going on in your heart. But in truth, you are not your heart. You are the experiencer of your heart. (我们以为我们是我们的心灵本身,但实际上不是,只是它离我们太近,而且我们不是看着心灵,而是感受着心灵。这种“感觉”,是奇妙的,独一无二的)
- We begin this analysis by asking a fundamental question: What is it about the structure of the heart center that permits it to close? (好的一面和坏的一面,都是分析问题的切入点)
- As events take place in this world, they come in through your senses and have an impact on your inner state of being. (这确实让人感觉有些奇怪。如果我是一个观察者,那么我的能动性在哪里呢)
- Form itself does not come into your mind or heart. Form stays outside, but it is processed by your senses into energy patterns that your mind and heart can receive and experience. (mind和喋喋不休的thoughts是一个东西吗)
- For example, when you’re driving down a highway, you probably pass thousands of trees. They don’t leave impressions on you. They’re gone as soon as they’re perceived. (形象的比喻 很多事情并不会留下印象)
- It’s meant to take things in, allow you to experience them, and then let them pass through so that you’re fully present in the next moment.
- Moment after moment, experiences are coming in and you’re learning and growing. (感受和经历是自发的,直觉的,永不停息的)
- Imagine if you were so fully present during each experience of life that it was touching you to the depth of your being. Every moment would be a stimulating, moving experience because you would be completely open, and life would be flowing right through you. (“活在当下” 但是这听上去似乎并没有那么迷人。体验每一个瞬间,每一个瞬间都触及灵魂)
- There’s light bouncing off of objects, passing through your retina, and making a visual impression on your mind. (视觉本身,只是下意识的信号罢了)
- At some point, you’ll have to stop focusing on it in order to deal with something else—like the next stoplight. What you don’t realize is that your entire experience of life is about to change because of what didn’t make it through you. (这听上去有些奇怪 就是说,如果某些经历激发了我们,我们又搁置了它,那么这些能量就会停留在我们内心)
- You didn’t need to process the trees, but you need to process this. Because you resisted, it got stuck, and now you have a problem. You see the thoughts start up: “Well, maybe it wasn’t her. Of course it wasn’t her. How could that possibly have been?” (我们活着,难道就是为了感受,腾出空间来感受吗)
- As you willfully struggle to keep these events from passing through your consciousness, the energy first tries to release by manifesting through the mind. This is why the mind becomes so active. (当我们想要摆脱,释放一种能量的时候,能量会从不同的途径释放出来,比如非常活跃的思绪)
- In the yogic tradition, that unfinished energy pattern is called a Samskara. This is a Sanskrit word meaning “impression,” and in the yogic teachings it is considered one of the most important influences affecting your life. (Samskara 印象)
- There is a way that the energy can both keep moving and stay in one place—and that is to circle around itself. We see this in atoms and in planetary orbits. (原地运动)
- Everything that did not make it through you, from the time you were a baby all the way to this moment, is still inside of you
- No wonder we’re so overwhelmed. No wonder the heart keeps opening and closing. The energy that’s stored there is real, and it interacts with the flow of current thoughts and events. (潜意识里会有太多意想不到的事情,激发埋藏在内心的能量)
- The Samskara can store a complete snapshot of the event. It is way beyond any computer storage system created by human beings. It can archive everything you were feeling, everything you were thinking, and everything that was happening surrounding the event. All this information is stored into a tiny energy bubble within your heart. (远比任何存储系统都要复杂)
- Of all these impressions, the only ones that get blocked are those that cause either problems or some extraordinary sense of enjoyment. Yes, you store positive impressions too. (真正的感官刺激,都会为我们带来印象)
- When a wonderful experience happens to you, it doesn’t make it through because you cling to it. Clinging means “I don’t want this one to go away. He told me he loved me and I felt so loved and protected. I want to keep reliving that moment. Play it back for me over and over again…” (Clinging,不知道这个应该怎么翻译,就是抓紧的意思)
- In both cases, you are not letting them pass, and you are wasting precious energy by blocking the flow through resisting and clinging. (在自然的状态下,感知会时刻发生,并不受干扰,不留下痕迹地,自由地流动 但是当我们想要抵抗,或者抓住感觉的时候,也就是我们想要改变能量的自然流动规律的时候,能量就会产生紊乱,就会在心中留下某种印象。)
- The highest state you have ever experienced is simply the result of how open you were.
- This can go on all the time—unending inspiration, unending love, and unending openness. That is the natural state of a healthy heart. (心灵的自然状态)
- If old energies come back up because you were unable to process them before, let go of them now. (如果曾经执迷过,那就在现在释怀 可是我觉得留住美好的感觉,也是人生的意义,就像我们记录生活一样。那么,为什么要记录,而不仅仅是感知呢)
- When that light blue Mustang drives by and you feel fear or jealousy, just smile. Be happy that this Samskara, which has been stored down there for all this time, has the opportunity to make it through you. Just open, relax your heart, forgive, laugh, or do anything you want. Just don’t push it back down. (让能量释放出来,然后释怀。坏的事情可以释怀,好的事情呢?)
- Just like the physical body purges bacteria and other foreign matter, the natural flow of your energy will purge the stored patterns from your heart. (心灵的自我净化)
- The very fact that you even want to go through this process of freeing the energy flow means you are great. (这是在洗脑吗)
7 transcending the tendency to close#
- We now experience the daily need to defend our self-concepts rather than our bodies.
- Since it’s not socially acceptable to run into the woods and hide like a deer, you hide inside. You withdraw, close down, and pull back behind your protective shield.
- Because you’re scared, you have locked yourself within your house and pulled down all the shades. Now it’s dark and you want to feel the sunlight, but you can’t.
- A good day means you made it through without getting hurt. The longer you live like this, the more closed you become.
- There is simply the pure energy pouring inside of you that creates the ripples of thoughts and emotions, and there is the consciousness that’s aware of it. (我体验到的心情,只是能量的涨落吗)
- After all, the purpose of closing was to make sure that the sensitive parts of your psyche don’t get exposed.
- For instance, somebody says something, and you start to feel the energy get a little strange inside. You will actually start to feel a tightening. That is your cue that it’s time to grow. It’s not time to defend yourself, because you don’t want the part of you that you would be defending. If you don’t want it, let it go. (出现问题的时候,不要逃避。这正是成长的时机)
- Consciousness has the tendency to focus on disturbance, and disturbed energies inside are no exception. (人类是变化探测器)
- It could have just been—here comes the car and there it goes, and here comes the thought and there it goes. (Here it comes and there it goes.)
- Consciousness is a tremendously powerful force. When you concentrate on these thoughts and emotions, they become charged with energy and power. (如果我们的注意力被某种状态吸引,这种状态会愈加强烈)
- The moment the energy moves, you simply relax and release. Play with letting go and falling behind this sense of being bothered. (Play with life)
- The moment the energy moves, you simply relax and release.
- You just make a game out of relaxing in the face of its melodrama. (in the face of its melodrama)
- The root is where the consciousness is aware of the pull of these energies. (在开始的那一刻,我们一定是可以意识到的)
- There is nothing wrong with feeling the energies of fear, jealousy, or attraction. It’s not your fault that such energies exist. All the attractions, repulsions, thoughts, and feelings don’t make any difference. They don’t make you pure or impure. They are not you. (这不是我,这只是一种能量)
- You will then be free to explore the nature and source of your true being—Pure Consciousness. (我看到这里就觉得有一种很深的不理解。如果我们只是意识,那我们的能动性呢,我们不需要改变世界吗,不需要追求吗)
8 let go now or fall#
- Change can be viewed as either exciting or frightening, but regardless of how we view it, we must all face the fact that change is the very nature of life.
- They end up keeping their fear and trying to prevent things from happening that would stimulate it. (不要把恐惧藏起来,然后又让自己躲藏起来)
- Because you resist these changes, you feel that you are struggling with life. You feel like this person is not behaving the way they should, and this event is not unfolding the way you want. (世界一定是在改变的)
- Who said that the way life naturally unfolds is not all right? The answer is, fear says so. (我们总想把握生活,做世界的主人,但是我们并不需要如此,而且也做不到)
- All they have to do is say or do one thing, and the next thing you know there’s disturbance inside of you. That makes life a threat.
- We’re really not trying to be free of our stuff; we’re trying to justify keeping it. (我们在将自己的恐惧合理化? 但是那些羁绊呢?它们是没有意义的吗)
- Life is surrounding you with people and situations that stimulate growth. (那些不顺心意的事情,都是命运为了让我们成长的安排)
- If you want to be free to the core of your being, you must let go right away because it will not be easier later. (真的吗)
- The consciousness goes to the place that distracts it the most.
- your seat of consciousness falls down to where the disturbance is happening, and the whole world looks different.
- The moment you start seeing that you don’t like the people you used to like, the moment you start seeing that your life looks really different, the moment it all starts getting negative—let go. (当我们发现世界变了模样的时候,放手)
- First you fall into the darkness, and then you manifest that darkness. When you do this, you are literally taking the energy of the blockage and passing it on. (我在用自己的行动加强着混乱的能量)
- Anything you put out comes back.
- This energy then strengthens you instead of weakening you.
- Getting involved in the darkness does not dispel darkness; it feeds it. Don’t even turn toward it. (能量的紊乱会自然地消散,我们无需干预)
- Always let go as soon as you’re aware that you didn’t. Don’t waste your time; use the energy to go up. You are a great being who has been given a tremendous opportunity to explore beyond yourself. The whole process is very exciting, and you will have good times and bad times. All sorts of things will happen. That’s the fun of the journey. (好事坏事,都是生活的组成部分,正是因为这样的多样性,生活才变得有趣,才有探索的可能,永不穷尽。 哈哈真好呀,看书,不管认不认同这里面的观点,内心都回变得更加开放)
- So let all of your blockages and disturbances become the fuel for the journey.
- That which is holding you down can become a powerful force that raises you up.
9 removing your inner thorn#
- So now you’ve got a whole life built around this thorn, and you’re proud of it.
- This thorn used to run my life. Now it doesn’t run anything.” The truth is, the thorn completely runs your entire life.
- We are walking around with lots of thorns touching right against the most sensitive part of our hearts.
- What is it that you can say or do in order to not feel so lonely? Notice that you aren’t asking how to get rid of the problem; you’re asking how to protect yourself from feeling it.
- Should you be fortunate enough to find someone who manages to diminish the feeling of loneliness, you will then begin worrying about keeping your relationship with this person. (我们总觉得有些情绪和执念的出现是客观的,不可改变的。 但其实我们从来没有让这种情绪的模式释放出来)
- The root problem is now buried under all these shallower issues that are all about avoiding the deeper ones.
- You want to love because you truly love, not because you need to avoid your inner problems.
- The problem is, you either completely avoid situations that would cause them to release, or you push them back down in the name of protecting yourself. (要么是根本和外界的刺激隔绝,要么是封闭着自己,不愿意释怀)
- Stored energy from the past releases from the heart and generates thoughts. (很多想法,是能量在心中激起的涟漪)
10 stealing freedom for your soul#
- You must decide that you want to enjoy your life and that there is no reason for stress, inner pain, or fear.
- Under normal, healthy situations, you are not thinking about your body. You just go about your business walking, driving, working, and playing without focusing on it. (在健康自然的情况下,我们是不会关注自己的身体的,我们只是在专心地做其他事情)
- The only reason that you think about your psychological well-being so much is because it has not been okay for a very long time. It’s actually quite fragile in there. Just about anything can upset the psyche. (我们总是在关注我们的内心,是因为我们的精神,长期以来都非常敏感)
- Pain is not bad; it’s how the body talks to you. When you overeat, you get a stomachache. When you do something that puts too much stress on your arm, it starts to hurt. The body is communicating through its universal language: pain. Your psyche is communicating through its universal language: fear. Self-consciousness, jealousy, insecurity, anxiety—they are all fear. (疼痛不是一件坏事,疼痛是身体的语言)
- And I want everything to happen that I do like.” Then you said, “Now, mind, figure out how to make every one of these things a reality, even if you have to think about it day and night.” (我们有太多的要求了)
- That is why the mind is so active; you gave it an impossible task to do. It’s equivalent to expecting your body to lift trees and scale mountains in a single jump. (这里有一些迷惑 我究竟是谁,作为意识本身的我有没有目的和要求呢)
- Suppose it tells you, “If I could just get that promotion, then I’d be fine. I’d feel good about myself, and I could get my life back together.” Have you found that to be true? After you get the promotion, does that end all your insecurities and leave you financially satisfied for the rest of your life? Of course not. All that happens is that the next problem comes to the surface. (一劳永逸的事情从未发生过,也永远不会有)
- But the external situations are not the cause of the inner problem. (外界的情况从来就不是问题的根本原因)
- If you try to find the perfect person to love and adore you, and you manage to succeed, then you have actually failed.
- You could enjoy things, and you could actually get to know people instead of needing them. You could just live and experience your life, instead of trying to use life to fix what’s wrong inside of you. You are capable of achieving that state. It’s never too late.
- You can wake up in the morning, look forward to the day, and not worry about what will happen. Your daily life can be like a vacation. Work can be fun; family can be fun; you can just enjoy all of it. That does not mean you don’t do your best; you just have fun doing your best. Then, at night when you go to sleep, you let it all go. You just live your life without getting uptight and worrying about it. You actually live life instead of fearing or fighting it. (Have fun doing my best:) 感受这个全心全意的过程)
- The way you stop smoking is to stop putting cigarettes in your mouth. All the other techniques are just ways that you think will help.
- Whenever it starts up telling you what you should or shouldn’t do in order to get the world to match your preconceived concepts, don’t listen. It’s just like when you try to stop smoking. Regardless of what your mind says, you don’t pick up a cigarette and put it in your mouth. (我们的思想会为了摆脱紊乱,说出一些不现实的方法,这也会让我们倍感焦虑 这不是思想应该有的任务,所以不要听他的,也不要让他来承担这份责任。)
- You are the one who is trying to use the analytical mind to protect yourself from the natural unfolding of life.
- Watch the mind try to figure out what to do about it. Just marvel at the fact that all of this is going on inside simply because someone didn’t say hello to you.
- Do not get involved in it. And do not try to stop it. Simply be aware that you are seeing it.
- Set up trigger points in everyday life that help you remember who you are and what’s going on inside.
11 pain, the price of freedom#
- Becoming familiar with this pain is part of your growth. (成长要熟悉改变的过程)
- If you are afraid of being rejected by someone and you approach that person with the intention of winning their acceptance, you are skating on thin ice. All they have to do is look at you sideways or say the wrong thing, and you will feel the pain of rejection. (如果我们带着某种必然满足的期待生活,那么我们必然是忐忑不安的)
- If you want to validate this, just see what happens if someone mentions your weight or criticizes your clothes: you feel pain.
- Every time you do something in the name of avoiding pain, that something becomes a link that holds the potential for the pain you’re avoiding. (如果带着赌注生活,我们的内心就会有越来越多的隐患和不安)
- If the reason you called Spot was to feed him, you’d just put the bowl down and let him eat when he wants. But if you called Spot because you had a hard day, and Spot didn’t come, you would feel pain. (小狗的例子)
- It is because deep inside there is pain that you have not processed. (我们带着解决恐惧的期待生活,就像带着定时炸弹,像是为内心的不安下了赌注。 让这份恐惧和不安与生活中自然存在的,未知的不确定性联系在了一起,如果这样的期待不被满足,那么我们就要承担巨大的代价)
- Notice, you’re no longer focused directly on rejection. Now it’s about your clothes, how you walk, or what you drive. You’ve gone another layer further away from the core pain.
- At the core there is the pain. Then, in order to avoid the pain, you try to stay busy with friends and hide in their acceptance. That is the first layer out. Then, in order to assure your acceptance, you try to present yourself a certain way so that you can win friends and influence people. That is another layer out. Each layer is attached to the original pain. (为了不被拒绝和否定,你尝试获得朋友的认同。为了获得更多认同,你又开始社交,希望引起更多注意。 其实认同本身,或者能不能接触到某些人本身,都是鸡毛蒜皮的小事,但是这些东西却和躲避痛苦的期待联系在了一起,因而变成了生活的累赘)
- If the core pain was not the motivation behind proving yourself each day, what people say would not affect you.
- Walk outside on a clear night and just look up into the sky
- If you feel insecurity, it’s just a feeling. You can handle a feeling. If you feel embarrassed, it’s just a feeling. It’s just a part of creation. (这不是一个坎,这是造物的杰作之一,是内心的波澜)
- Laugh at it, have fun with it, but don’t be afraid of it. It cannot touch you unless you touch it.
- If you want to be free, you have to learn to stop fighting these human feelings. (敞开心扉,让惶恐和不安的能量进入内心,唤醒蓄积的紊乱的能量,让它们自然地消散)
- You will feel tremendous resistance to doing this, and that’s what makes it so powerful. As you relax and feel the resistance, the heart will want to pull away, to close, to protect, and to defend itself. Keep relaxing. Relax your shoulders and relax your heart. Let go and give room for the pain to pass through you. It’s just energy. Just see it as energy and let it go. (痛苦之所以让我们下意识地保护自己,让我们想要闭塞内心,正是因为那是停滞在心中的,紊乱的能量)
- If you relax when the pain comes up inside your heart, and actually dare to face it, it will pass. (直面困难,才能战胜困难)
- It’s like damming up a stream. (如果我们不让这些能量经过我们的内心,即使那会带来巨大的震颤,那么我们就要永远承受这些能量带来的压力)
- In fact, as you relax into the energy of the pain, you may feel tremendous heat in your heart. That is the pain being purified from your heart. Learn to enjoy that burning. It is called the fire of yoga.
- Spiritual growth exists in that moment when you are consciously willing to pay the price of freedom.
- This world will never be able to bother you again because the worst the world can do is to hit the pain stored within you.
- Over time, you will form an intensely personal relationship with this beautiful inner force. It will replace the relationship you currently have with inner pain and disturbance. Now peace and love will run your life. (任何改变都是需要时间的)
12 taking down the walls#
- Much like Plato used dialogue to tell his “Allegory of the Cave” in 360 BC, we will use a short story to tell our allegory of a very special house. (洞穴比喻 想象力也可以打开人类认知的疆界,让我们脱离现实的思维定势)
- Imagine that you found yourself in the midst of an open field where the sun was always shining. It was a beautiful place of great light and great openness. It was so beautiful that you decided you wanted to live there. (如果晴天和阳光,温暖美好的事物变成了亘古不变的背景,只有极昼,这样的氛围有些孤独,甚至有些可怕 有些事情我们在渴求,但是仔细想想,或许充满了它们的生活,并不会是我们想要的。 或者说,如果我们从外界找寻内心平和的条件,那么总是会有新的问题出现。 一切都是不确定的,只有自己的意识是和自己的存在等同着的,确定的)
- After all, the inside was familiar, predictable, and within the realm of your control.
- You were no longer aware of exactly what you were so afraid of; you were just aware of always being scared and uncomfortable.
- You didn’t have a clue what this book was talking about because you could only view things in relation to the way you were living. (我只看到了房间里的景象)
- It is so solid that not one ray of natural light comes in. The only light we get is what we manage to create for ourselves.
- Your house is made of your thoughts and emotions.
- That which you collected from your past forms a boundary that you intuitively want to avoid. That’s natural, that’s what we do with walls; we avoid running into them. (边界并不是有多么坚固,只是我们越走近,就越抵触)
- Time and again, every day, the natural flow of life collides with our walls and tries to tear them down. But time and again, we defend them.
- It would shake up your whole inner being. Just one wrong thought and the structure starts to crumble.
- We decorate our walls with the memories of our past experiences and with our dreams of the future. In other words, we decorate them with thoughts. But just as the people in the house had the potential to step out of their own self-made, artificial world into the beauty of the natural light, you can step outside your house of thoughts into the unlimited.
- You can get out simply by letting everyday life take down the walls you hold around yourself. You simply don’t participate in supporting, maintaining, and defending your fortress. (只要不固步自封,时间和生活会冲破我们的顾虑的)
- Now imagine the walls crumbling down, and the effortless release of consciousness expanding into the brilliance of what is and always was. Now give that experience a name—enlightenment.
13 far, far beyond#
- You must now struggle day and night to make the world fit your model, and you label everything that doesn’t fit as wrong, bad, or unfair.
- What you experience when this happens is one of the most important learning experiences of your life.
- If you decide to stop smoking, you quickly confront the urges that cause you to smoke. These urges are the reason you smoke. They are the outermost layer of cause. If you can sit through these urges, you will see what caused them. If you can get comfortable with what you see, you will face the next layer of causation, and so on, layer upon layer.
- If you want to see why you care so much about what you wear and what your hair is like, then just don’t do it one day. (看看自己不做会怎么样。就能一层一层地找到自己做某些事情的原因)
- If you happened to be inside at the time, would you panic and want to get out, or would you thank them for helping you feel safe? (安全和进步,永远都是一堆矛盾)
- I’m locked in this tiny world in which everything has to be a certain way.
- You see that you have to stay on top of everything in order to be okay
- The tiger knows the limits of his cage when he hits the bars. You know the limits of your cage when the psyche starts to resist.
- So you see, a cage doesn’t have to look like a cage. It can be a cage created by your fear of discomfort.
- And remember, decorating your cage with beautiful experiences, fond memories, and great dreams is not the same as going beyond.
- Sometimes you can’t even fall asleep at night because you’re too busy thinking about what you need to do to stay within your cage: “How can I make it so that she will never leave me? How can I keep her from ever becoming interested in someone else?” (可是这些问题都是现实存在的啊,我们应该以怎样的态度面对它们呢 太抽象了,没有实际例子啊)
- The collar cannot actually hurt him; it’s just uncomfortable. If he is willing to go beyond his comfort zone, he is free to come and go at will.
- Spirituality begins when you decide that you’ll never stop trying. Spirituality is the commitment to go beyond, no matter what it takes. It’s an infinite journey based upon going beyond yourself every minute of every day for the rest of your life. (超越永远是进行时)
- If your edges happen to get hit, the mind doesn’t complain.
- When you are trained, like a great athlete, to immediately relax through your edges when they get hit, then it’s all over. (运动家精神就是挑战自我,放松地直面困难)
- Nothing can ever bother you except your edges, and now you know what to do with them. You end up loving your edges because they point your way to freedom. (不安的疆界 指明着自由的方向)
14 letting go of false solidity#
- You can be aware of feeling just one finger, or you can be aware of feeling your entire body at once. You can be totally lost in a single thought, or you can be simultaneously aware of your thoughts, your emotions, your body, and your surroundings. (意识并不是一个只会移动的,固定形态的存在物)
- But what determines where you focus your consciousness? (有逻辑的,清晰的发问)
- You immediately realize that the more focused you become on the object, the slower it moves. Until, eventually, if you focus on it enough, it stops. The force of consciousness ends up holding the object stable simply by concentrating on it.
- The very act of differentiating the amount of awareness focused on one particular object over any other creates clinging. And the result of clinging is that selective thoughts and emotions stay in one place long enough to become the building blocks of the psyche. (思维和情感本是流动的。是因为意识的关注,它们才静止,并且凝固下来,变成了执念)
- Then, as you cling to more and more thoughts, you build an inner structure for consciousness to focus on. The more consciousness narrows its focus onto this mental structure, the greater the tendency to utilize it to define the concept of self.
- You think, “I am a woman, I am of a certain age and I believe in one philosophy versus another.” You literally define yourself based on what you believe: “I believe in God or I don’t believe in God. I believe in peace and nonviolence, or I believe in survival of the fittest. I believe in capitalism, or I believe in neo-socialism.” (我们抽取了一些可以用的概念,定义自己的样子)
- You do this because you are lost inside.
- By having preconceived notions about other people’s behavior, you feel safer and more in control. (我们的概念,思想,都是可以受到影响的。如果我们用凝固的观念构建起自己的自我认同,支撑自己的意识,那么我们必然会害怕改变,害怕其他人和我们不同。因为变化,总是会导致我们构建的思想结构失控,即使我们设计了再复杂的,装满弹簧的自适应的系统。)
- So we are all clinging and then building. Some of us are better at this than others. In most societies you are well rewarded for how good you are at clinging and building.
- And if the someone you create is what others want and need, you can be very popular and successful. (世俗意义上的成功,只是一种匹配罢了)
- It’s not that there is anything wrong with this. Obviously, everybody does it. But who are you that’s doing this, and why are you doing it?
- When you do it well, you are rewarded with hugs and showered with positive accolades. When you don’t do it well, you are punished, either physically, mentally, or emotionally. (我们的人格,其实就是一种行为模式,一系列对错的判断)
- If you stop clinging, you will see why the tendency to cling was there.
- If you let go of your façade, and don’t try to trade it in for a new one, your thoughts and emotions will become unanchored and begin passing through you.
- However, you’ll find that if you’re willing to face that sense of panic, there is a way to go past it. You can go further back into the consciousness that is experiencing it, and the panic will stop. Then there will be a great peace, like nothing you’ve ever felt. (我们会感觉到不安 但是我们可以再后退一步,我们就会发现,是我们作为主体,意识到了不安这个客体)
- You will be aware that there is no solidity and you will become comfortable with that.
- You have no concepts, no hopes, no dreams, no beliefs, and no security. (这种无为的状态真的是好的吗,就像我把所有的东西全部初始化了一样)
- Here comes this moment, then the next moment, and then the next.
- But if you really want to break through, you have to be willing to just watch the fear without protecting yourself from it. You must be willing to see that this need to protect yourself is where the entire personality comes from. (我们的人格,就是从保护自己的欲望中,从恐惧和不安中一点点建构起来的)
- You will see that you’re literally taking all your memories, pulling them together in an orderly fashion, and saying that’s who you are.
- In fact, you built your house in empty space.
- It means that the events that happen in the moment belong to the moment. They don’t belong to you.
- Instead, you will actually permit the things that disturb your model to act as the dynamite to break it up and free you. This is what it means to live spiritually.
- That which everybody else wants, you don’t want. That which everybody else resists, you totally accept. You want your model to break, and you honor the experience when something happens that can cause disturbance within you. (这大概是超越的最极端的境界)
- If anything can cause disturbance inside of you, it means it hit your model. (我完全去除了自己的目的性)
- If your mind becomes hyperactive, just watch it. If your heart starts to heat up, let it go through what it must. Try to find the part of you that is capable of noticing that your mind is hyperactive and that your heart is heating up. That part is your way out.
- That fortress would not be protecting you; it would be imprisoning you.
- When your mind is disturbed, don’t ask, “What do I do about this?” Instead ask, “Who am I that notices this?”
- You can experience a life in which waves of love can rush up inside of you any time you want. (但是爱的感觉是什么呢 的确,我们可以回到一个充满光亮的世界,一切自然而无拘束地发生 但是这样没有矛盾的世界,是不是也是一片冷漠和荒凉呢。又或许超越了一切思想,矛盾就是不存在的,因为一切语境,一切指代都将不复存在。 或许正是人间的种种羁绊,才让人类拥有了属于自己的世界,让每个人都人生变得奇妙而多彩。)
- This is not something you do; it is something that happens to you.
- If you pass through a period of darkness or depression, just ask, “Who is aware of the darkness?” That’s how you pass through the different stages of your inner growth
- You will still have thoughts, emotions, and a self-concept floating around in inner space, but they will be just one small part of what you experience. (看到这句话让我感觉到了一种回家的安全感)
- The forces of creation will create creation, both inside and outside of you.
15 the path of unconditional happiness#
- To begin with, you have to realize that you really only have one choice in this life, and it’s not about your career, whom you want to marry, or whether you want to seek God. People tend to burden themselves with so many choices. But, in the end, you can throw it all away and just make one basic, underlying decision: Do you want to be happy, or do you not want to be happy? (这样的说法好洗脑)
- You want to qualify it. You want to say that as long as this doesn’t happen, or as long as that does happen, then you’re willing to be happy.
- You just have to really mean it when you say that you choose to be happy. And you have to mean it regardless of what happens.
- It’s so simple. You just have to decide whether or not you will break your vow.
- Regardless of your philosophical beliefs, the fact remains that you were born and you are going to die. During the time in between, you get to choose whether or not you want to enjoy the experience.
- You can be happy just to be alive. You can be happy having all these things happen to you, and then be happy to die. If you can live this way, your heart will be so open and your Spirit will be so free, that you will soar up to the heavens. (……难以想象 太洗脑了)
- You’re floating in empty space in a universe that goes on forever. If you have to be here, at least be happy and enjoy the experience. You’re going to die anyway. Things are going to happen anyway. Why shouldn’t you be happy? You gain nothing by being bothered by life’s events.
- You should examine what it is inside of you that believes there’s some benefit to closing.
- But you have the choice to either go with it or let it go. Your mind will tell you that it’s not reasonable to stay open when these things happen. (我们的思想会对我们下令。但是我们可以由它自言自语,我们可以继续体验生活。)
- You don’t have to be outwardly glowing all the time; you’re just joyful inside. Instead of complaining, you’re just having fun with the different situations that unfold.
- The ant comes and bites me, and it’s just so amazing that a tiny ant could be brave enough to bite a giant like me!
- If you want to be close to God, learn to be joyful.
- This is a beautiful path. Be happy.
16 the spiritual path of nonresistance#
- That’s what you use when you try to make things happen or not happen. (意志力)
- So we assert the force of will against the influence of the event in an attempt to stop it from passing through our hearts and minds.
- If you assert your will against the energy of an event that has already happened, it is like trying to stop the ripples caused by a leaf dropped into a still lake. Anything you do causes more disturbance, not less.
- Plenty of events make it right through you. Why did you decide to resist this one?
- You have to carefully watch the mental voice that tells you to resist something.
- That doesn’t mean you don’t deal with what happens. You’re welcome to deal with it, but first let the energy make it through you. If you don’t, you will not actually be dealing with the current event, you will be dealing with your own blocked energies from the past.
- When a person is dealing with their own fears, anxieties, and desires, how much energy is left for dealing with what’s actually happening?
- If you want to be content and enjoy your work, you have to let go of yourself and let events flow through you. Your real work is what is left to do after all else passes through.
- Your soul has now learned how to let disturbing energies pass through. (循序渐进,我们能够探索出适合自己的方法。这能让我们之后的进步事半功倍)
- If you have difficulty doing this, don’t get down on yourself. Just keep working with it. It’s the work of a lifetime to become that open, that complete, and that whole. (这是一生的修行)
- You just have to realize that life is giving you a gift, and that gift is the flow of events that takes place between your birth and your death. These events are exciting, challenging, and create tremendous growth.
17 contemplating death#
- It has been going on for billions of years. You simply get the honor of seeing a tiny slice of it.
- While someone could tell you that you are not your body, death shows you. While someone could remind you of the insignificance of the things that you cling to, death takes them all away in a second. While people can teach you that men and women of all races are equal and that there is no difference between the rich and the poor, death instantly makes us all the same. (死亡的意义无比重大)
- The question is, are you going to wait until that last moment to let death be your teacher?
- A wise being completely and totally embraces the reality, the inevitability, and the unpredictability of death.
- Let’s say you’re the jealous type, and you can’t stand anyone being close to your mate. Think about what will happen when you’re no longer here. Is it really all that romantic that your loved one should live alone with no one to care for them? If you can get past your personal issues, you’ll find that you want the person you love to be happy and to have a full and beautiful life. (我真正期望的是什么。 如果我真的爱一个人,那我希望她幸福和快乐。但是我又为什么会爱上一个人呢)
- Imagine that an angel comes down and tells you, “Straighten up your affairs. You will not awake from your sleep tonight. You’re coming to me.” Then you’d know that every person you see that day, you’d be seeing for the last time. How would you feel? How would you interact with them? Would you even bother with the little grudges and complaints you’ve been carrying around? How much love could you give the ones you love, knowing it would be the last time you’d get to be with them? Think about what it would be like if you lived like that every moment with everyone. Your life would be really different. You should contemplate this.
- Death is not a morbid thought. Death is the greatest teacher in all of life.
- Imagine if you knew you were going to die within a week or a month. How would that change things? How would your priorities change? How would your thoughts change? Think honestly about what you would do with your last week. What a wonderful thought to contemplate. Then ponder this question: If that’s really what you would do with your last week, what are you doing with the rest of your time? Wasting it? Throwing it away? Treating it like it’s not something precious? What are you doing with life? That is what death asks you. (死亡在人生的终点向我们发问,我们的一生就是我们存在的答案)
- Let’s say you’re living life without the thought of death, and the Angel of Death comes to you and says, “Come, it’s time to go.” You say, “But no. You’re supposed to give me a warning so I can decide what I want to do with my last week. I’m supposed to get one more week.” Do you know what Death will say to you? He’ll say, “My God! I gave you fifty-two weeks this past year alone. And look at all the other weeks I’ve given you. Why would you need one more? What did you do with all those?” If asked that, what are you going to say? How will you answer? “I wasn’t paying attention… I didn’t think it mattered.” That’s a pretty amazing thing to say about your life. (我给了你一生的时间)
- If you were to ask this question of people who are truly awakened, they wouldn’t have any problem answering you. Not a thing would change inside of them. Not a thought would cross their minds.
- Do you realize that what you’re doing at any moment is something that someone was doing when they died?
- You can be certain that they would tell you that the most important week they ever had was that last week. Everything is a million times more meaningful in that final week. What if you were to live every week that way? (但是我们也不能总是追寻局部最优解。我们也要有目标,即使死亡随时可能到来,我们也要乐观地生活。我们知道我们会保护好自己的身体,保护好自己的安全,同时,我们也要为目标努力积累,去我们想去的地方,去更多的地方看一看,体验更多的生活。 这是我这一生第一次说这样的话,我相信这个世界的唯物性。 如何平衡当下和未来,是我们要做的选择。)
- You will leave behind your possessions, your loved ones, and all your hopes and dreams for this life. (All the hopes and dreams 多么明亮和温暖的词汇)
- Imagine a person in a hospital bed who has just been told they’ve got a week to live. They look up at the doctor and say, “Can I walk outside? Can I look at the sky just one more time?”
- You’re probably not going to get a warning. Very few people are told when they’re going to die. Almost everybody just takes a breath and doesn’t know they didn’t take another.
- Be willing to be fully present without being afraid of what will happen in the next moment. That’s how people live when they face death. You get to do that too, because you are facing death every moment.
- If you live life fully, you won’t have any last wishes. You will have lived them every moment. (这也并不是一件好事吧)
- What actually gives life meaning is the willingness to live it. It isn’t any particular event; it’s the willingness to experience life’s events.
- The true seeker commits to live like that every moment and lets nothing stop them. Why should anything stop you? You’re just going to die anyway. (我们没有完全地体验当下,大概都是因为我们有所期望。 确实,死亡会带走一切意义。如果我们无欲无求,我们只会停在原地,不是吗?人类也从不会前进,创造出任何文明,如果每个人都无所希求的话。 或者说,我可以期待着,努力着,也在感受着。我让自己的能量完全滋养着我,推动者我,而对于世界的反馈,我全然地接纳。即使和我的期待不相符,我也全身心地生活,存在)
- You fear death because you crave life. You fear death because you think there’s something to get that you haven’t experienced yet. (我还有想做的事,和无欲无求相比,那个是我们的选择呢)
- You’re busy thinking about what you’re going to do next. You’re a month ahead of yourself, or even a year. You’re not living life; you’re living mind. (我们很多时候都在旅途中,是为了到达某个地方)
- I want to get so much more out of life! (这不也是对生命的渴求吗)
- You always wanted to hear your favorite classical composition played by your favorite orchestra. That was the dream of your life. Finally, it happens. You’re there and you’re actually hearing it. It completely fills you. The very first notes lift you to where you needed to go. This shows you that it only takes a moment to become absorbed in a transcendental peace. You really don’t need more time before death; what you need is more depth of experience during the time you’re given. (可如果我们没有看到呢,如果我们没有满足呢)
- Feel grateful to death for giving you another day, another experience, and for creating the scarcity that makes life so precious.
- But remember, it’s not your life. You should be experiencing the life that’s happening to you, not the one you wish was happening. Don’t waste a moment of life trying to make other things happen; appreciate the moments you are given. (这样的话,我们能去到那里呢?即使我们知道等我们的意识消失,一切都会是无意义的)
18 the secret of the middle way#
- No discussion of living life as a spiritual path is complete without addressing one of the deepest of all spiritual teachings, the Tao te Ching. (道德经)
- If you want to understand the Tao, you must take it very slowly and keep it very simple.
- In other words, your pendulum has swung off-center
- First you have to realize that since everything has its yin and yang, everything has its own balance point.
- To do otherwise is to waste energy dealing with the effects of eating too little, eating too much, or eating the wrong foods.
- The more extreme you are, the less forward movement there is.
- Amazingly enough, you do this by leaving it alone. It won’t keep swinging to the extremes unless you feed the extremes with energy.
- Like the eye of a hurricane, its power is its emptiness.
- You’re always there, and that makes you much more capable than the person who is reacting to past imbalances. (中庸就是专注)
- That’s because you’re confused, not because life’s confusing. (生活是确定的)
- You, the wind, the sail, and the water are one.
- You can’t have any concepts or preferences; you have to let the forces move you. (平衡和自然并不是一种假定,而是一种动态的平衡状态)
- The more you can work with the balance, the more you can just sail through life. (就像航行一样,我们可以有自己的主观意志,决定向哪里走,同时我们也要遵循和各种外部力量的平衡。)
- But if you feel the edges, and don’t go there, you will stay in the Way. That’s how you live in the Tao.
19 the loving eyes of god#
- You’re no longer held down to your earthly self, so you begin to feel more spaciousness inside. You feel that there’s more of a distance between you and the thoughts and emotions inside of you. You drift back, and then in and up. (超然的实感)
- There was only the ultimate expansiveness of their sense of Self merging into the love and light, like a single drop of water merging into the ocean.
- You become one with Him. Ultimately, the only way to know about God is by letting your being merge into The Being, and then seeing what happens to you.
- To understand this, imagine what would happen if you started feeling tremendous love for all creatures, for every plant, for every animal, and for all the beauties of nature. Imagine if every child seemed like your own, and every person you saw looked like a beautiful flower, with its own color, its own expression, shape, and sounds.
- To differentiate is to judge. To see, to experience, and to honor is to participate in life instead of standing back and judging it. (没有评判,一切就都是美的。 当然,这在世俗的意义上,当我们面对恶的时候是不可能的)
- The leaves are of all sizes and shapes and they face every-which-way. That’s what makes them beautiful. (美丽的本质就是自由和多样性)
- Somebody writes something and somebody else gets a Ph.D. proving it wrong. If you move your search for God down to the mental level, somebody will dispute it. It’s all part of the mind game.
- Love sees nothing but beauty in its beloved.
- She doesn’t focus on the shortcomings; in fact, she doesn’t even see them as shortcomings. (我甚至并不觉得这是缺点。缺点为什么会存在呢?)
- Does the sun shine more brightly on a saint than on anyone else? Is the air more available to the saint? Does the rain fall on one neighbor’s trees more than another’s? (世界生来平等)
- If you then turn them toward the light, the light is still there. It is there for you just the same as for the person who has enjoyed its brilliance for a hundred years. (黑暗也是一样的,光明与黑暗,这个世界本身,并没有评判。主观的只有人,只有人在评判,在区分。)
- If you say to the light, “I will not look at you. I’m going to live in darkness,” the light just keeps shining. If you say to God, “I don’t believe in you and want nothing to do with you,” creation continues to sustain you. (这样说确实很震撼。其实我们信仰的是自然)
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