
Windows 10 配置neovim + VSCode SSH


  • install from download



  • 系统变量/Path
    • D:\ProgramFiles\Neovim\bin

neovim installation in Windows 10
I'd wasted a huge amount of time and nerves while installing neovim in Windows 10. I'd decided to share step by step algorithm with others to save their time.


If you don't need any plugins, it's enough to make only 2 first steps

Python is required by many plugins, if you don't need it you can skip 8th and 9th steps

There several other options to manage plugins. I use Plug. If you don't need them make only first 2 steps

I recommend downloading cmder terminal to have linux commands on windows.

Here's the algorithm:

Download nvim and unpack it to C:\Program Files\

Add env variable linking to that folder. C:\Program Files\Neovim\bin\

Create .config folder in ~/

Create nvim folder in ~/.config/

Create init.vim file in ~/.config/nvim/

Create autoload folder in ~/.config/nvim/

Download plug.vim to ~/.config/nvim/autoload/

Install python >= 2.7 or py3

Install neovim package via python - pip install neovim

Add plugins to ~/.config/nvim/init.vim

Open nvim nvim

Run :PlugInstall

Here's the link to nvim - https://github.com/neovim/neovim/wiki/Installing-Neovim. I recommend downloading pre-built archives. Put it's content to C:\Program Files\ and go the second step.

Hope I'd really helped you!


posted @ 2022-07-14 10:15  ZXYFrank  阅读(323)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报