#>>>>>>the Three character of class:inherit;polymorphic;package and cover:
#>>>>>>...1:inherit:change and stretch
#>>>>>>...2:polymorphic:different obj to use the same method:
1 # class H20: 2 # def __init__(self,name,temprature): 3 # self.name = name 4 # self.temprature =temprature 5 # 6 # def turn_ice(self): 7 # if self.temprature < 0: 8 # print('%s is so low'%self.name) 9 # elif self.temprature > 0 and self.temprature < 100: 10 # print('%s is so normal'%self.name) 11 # if self.temprature > 100: 12 # print('%s is so high' % self.name) 13 # 14 # class Water(H20): 15 # pass 16 # class Ice(H20): 17 # pass 18 # class Steam(H20): 19 # pass 20 # 21 # w1 = Water('water',50) 22 # i1 = Ice('ice', -20) 23 # s1 = Water('steam', 1000)\ 24 # # 25 # # w1.turn_ice() 26 # # i1.turn_ice() 27 # # s1.turn_ice() 28 # 29 # #write a func to include the same method: 30 # def func(obj): 31 # obj.turn_ice() 32 # 33 # func(w1) 34 # func(i1) 35 # func(s1)
#>>>>>>...3:package: package the contents in the class
#>>>>>>>>3.1:cover1:when you import you can use the method but do not know the logical
#>>>>>>>>3.2:cover2:use small unserline'_'
1 # class People: 2 # 3 # # _start = 'earth' #can be use outside,out of the module,should't be used out of the module 4 # __start = 'earth' #can be called by _print(p1.People__start) 5 # def __init__(self,id,name,age,salary): 6 # print('>>>>>>',self.__start) #put it here can call the __start directly 7 # self.id = id 8 # self.name = name 9 # self.age = age 10 # self.salary = salary 11 # 12 # def get_id(self): 13 # print("the id I find is [%s]"%self.id) 14 # 15 # # visit(port) function: 16 # def get_start(self): 17 # print(self.__start) #visit function:the function is not hidden so can call the __strt 18 # 19 # p1 = People('500245845439','alex',18,349020) 20 # # print(p1.__dict__) 21 # # print(p1._start ) 22 # print(People.__dict__) #have this :'_People__start': 'earth', 23 # # print(p1._People__start) 24 # p1.get_start() 25 26 class Room: 27 def __init__(self,name,owner,width,length,height): 28 self.name = name 29 self.owner = owner 30 # self.__width = width #if the contend is not private,there is no need to hide it 31 # self.__length = length 32 self.width = width 33 self.length = length 34 self.height = height 35 # def tell_area(self): 36 # return self.__width * self.__length 37 38 r1 = Room('bathroom','alex',29,30,45) 39 # print(r1.tell_area()) 40 # print(r1.__width * r1.__length) #report wrong 41 print(r1.width * r1.length)
#the 4 methods below used in class and object:
1 class BlackMedium: 2 feture = 'Ugly' 3 def __init__(self,name,addr): 4 self.name = name 5 self.addr = addr 6 7 def sell_house(self): 8 print('[%s] is saling house' % self.name) 9 10 def rent_house(self): 11 print('[%s] is renting house' % self.name) 12 13 b1 = BlackMedium('mingrun','zhongloujie') 14 # print(hasattr(b1,'name')) 15 # print(hasattr(b1,'sell_house')) 16 # print(getattr(b1,'name')) 17 # print(getattr(b1,'rent_house')) 18 # func = getattr(b1,'rent_house') 19 # func() 20 # print(getattr(b1,'dfjadsfjdsfka','no the attribute')) #no need to write defualt='' 21 # b1.sb = True 22 # setattr(b1,'sb',True) 23 # setattr(b1,'sb1',123) 24 # setattr(b1,'name','SB') 25 # setattr(b1,'func',lambda x:x+1) 26 # setattr(b1,'func1',lambda self:self.name+'sb') 27 # print(b1.func(1)) 28 # print(b1.func1(b1)) 29 # print(b1.__dict__) 30 # del b1.sb 31 # delattr(b1,'sb1') 32 # print(b1.__dict__)
3:FTP example:
1 class FtpClient: 2 def __init__(self,addr): 3 self.addr = addr 4 print('linking the server[%s]' % self.addr) 5 def put(self): 6 print('loading') 7 ########################### 8 from ftp_client import FtpClient 9 f1 = FtpClient('') 10 # f1.put() 11 if hasattr(f1,'put'): 12 func_get = getattr(f1,'put') 13 func_get() 14 else: 15 print('other logical')
4:IMPORT module:
1 # from m1 import t 2 module_t = __import__('m1.t') 3 print(module_t) #>>>>>>m1 4 module_t.t.test1() 5 6 import importlib 7 importlib.import_module('m1.t') #>>>>>>m1.t 8 9 # m = __import__('dic') 10 # print(m) 11 # from m1.t import * 12 # from m1.t import test1,_test2 13 # test1() 14 # # test2() 15 # _test2()
5:PACKAGE the content:
1 class List(list): 2 def append(self,p_object): 3 if type(p_object) is str: 4 super().append(p_object) 5 else: 6 print('must be str') 7 8 def show_middle(self): 9 mid_index = int(len(self)/2) 10 return self[mid_index] 11 12 l1 = List('helloworld') 13 # l2 = list('hello world') 14 # print(l1,type(l1)) 15 # print(l2,type(l2)) 16 # print(l1.show_middle()) 17 # l1.append(11111111) 18 l1.append('SB') 19 print(l1)
6:UNDERLINE __***attr__ method:
1 # class Foo: 2 # x=1 3 # def __init__(self,y): 4 # self.y = y 5 # 6 # # def __getattr__(self, item): 7 # # print('excuting __getttr__') 8 # 9 # def __delattr__(self, item): 10 # del self.item #infinite recursion 11 # self.__dict__.pop(item) 12 # print('deleting __getttr__') 13 # 14 # def __setattr__(self, key, value): 15 # print('deleting __setattr__') 16 # # self.key = value #infinite recursion 17 # self.__dict__[key] = value 18 # 19 # f1 = Foo(10) 20 # print(f1.__dict__) 21 # f1.z = 2 #>>>>>trigur __setattr__ 22 # print(f1.__dict__) 23 # del f1.y 24 25 # print(f1.y) 26 # print(getattr(f1,'y')) 27 # f1.ssssssssssss #>>>>>>>>>>>>excuting __getttr__ 28 29 # class Foo: 30 # def __getattr__(self, item): 31 # print('------->>') 32 # print(Foo.__dict__) 33 # print(dir(Foo)) 34 # f1=Foo() 35 # print(f1.x) #>>>>>>when the attribute not exist,trigur the __getattr__ 36 37 38 class Foo: 39 def __init__(self,name): 40 self.name = name #trigure __setattr__ 41 def __getattr__(self, item): 42 print('the attribute you find is not exist %s' %item) 43 44 def __setattr__(self, k, v): 45 print('excute __setattr__',k,v) 46 if type(v) is str: 47 print('start setting') 48 # self.k = v #trigure __setattr__ 49 # self.__dict__[k]=v 50 self.__dict__[k] = v.upper() 51 else: 52 print('must be str') 53 def __delattr__(self, item): 54 print('no qulification to delet %s' %item) 55 56 57 58 f1 = Foo('alex') 59 f1.age = 18 #trigure __setattr__ 60 # f1.gender = 'male' 61 print(f1.__dict__) 62 #--------------->>:print 63 # excute __setattr__ name alex 64 # excute __setattr__ age 18 65 # excute __setattr__ gender male 66 # {} 67 68 # print(f1.name) 69 # print(f1.age) 70 del f1.name
1 import time 2 class Open: 3 def __init__(self,filename,mode='r',encoding='utf-8'): 4 # self.filename = filename 5 self.file = open(filename,mode,encoding=encoding) 6 self.mode = mode 7 self.encoding = encoding 8 9 # def read(self): 10 # pass 11 def write(self,line): 12 print('------>>') 13 t = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %X') 14 self.file.write('%s %s\n' %(t,line)) 15 16 def __getattr__(self, item): #used for the error 17 # print(item,type(item)) #read #str 18 # self.file.read 19 return getattr(self.file,item) 20 21 # f1 = Open('a1.txt','w') 22 # print(f1.file) 23 f1 = Open('a1.txt','r+') 24 # f1.read #trigure __getattr__ 25 f1.write('111111111111') 26 f1.write('heavy cpu loding') 27 f1.write('low memory capacity') 28 f1.write('low disk capacity') 29 # print(f1.read()) 30 31 # print(f1.seek(4)) 32 print(f1.seek(0)) 33 print(f1.read()) 34 35 # the result: 36 # 2020-04-21 19:28:36 111111111111 37 # 2020-04-21 19:28:36 heavy cpu loding 38 # 2020-04-21 19:28:36 low memory capacity 39 # 2020-04-21 19:28:36 low disk capacity