# ************One:Number***********
# Transfer the string to number
# num='a'
# Transfer the string to number
# Count the binary bits
# ************Two:String***********
#v=test.capitalize() #thefirstwordbecapital
# Swith between capital and lower-case
# v=test.casefold()
# test.casefold()..better
#v=test.islower() # judge
#v=test.lower() # switch
#v=test.isupper() # judge
#v=test.upper() # switch
# make the capital be a lower-case and converse
# v=test.center(20,'*')
# set length and put the content in the center
# v= test.ljust(20,'~')
# v= test.rjust(20,'~')
#20 means the length
# '*' filled the blank: one character and have or not...
# test='aleXeddecv'
# v=test.count('e')
# v=test.count('ex')
# v=test.count('e',4)
# v=test.count('e',4,6)
# Count the subsequence in the string and set the start place to the end place)
# test='aleXeddecv'
# v=test.endswith('v',4,5)
# v=test.startwith('v',4,5)
# print(v)
# test='zxver'
# v=test.find('xv',1,4)
# print(v)
# Find the character from the start to the end
# Position ><=
# test='I am {name},age {a}'
# print(test)
# v=test.format(name='zxver',a=26)
# Ignore: v=test.index()
# print(v)
# Formatting :use a value to replace the placeholder of a string
# v=test.isalnum()
# just for decimal is true
# Can be true while symbolic number
# Even Chinese number is true
# Judges if the string just including number or word
# test='username\temail\tpassword\nchenzaizhi\t875804005@qq.com\tvgvhh888986\nliukeyu\t586975258@qq.com\tghhhv688569'
# v= test.expandtabs(25)
# print(v)
# Terminate the sentence with 25bytes and create a table
# a='_zxef\t'
# v= a.isidentifier()
# print(v)
# Judge is it qualified for identifier
# v=a.isprintable()
# if exist the characters that can't display :\n creat another line \t make table
# print(v)
# test=' '
# v= test.isspace()
# Judge if all the characters are blanks
# print(v)
# test='I Love liukeyu'
# v1=test.istitle()
# Judge if title
# print(v1)
# v2=test.title()
# Switch to the format of title
# print(v2)
# v3=v2.istitle()
# print(v3)
# ******* important
# test='1235468'
# t=' '
# v=t.join(test)
# v='_'.join(test)
# print(v)
# Appoint a separator to link every character
# test=' zverxd'
# v=test.strip()
# v=test.lstrip()
# v= test.rstrip('vrd')
#v=test.islower() # judge
#v=test.lower() # switch# Strip the blanks;\t \n;appointed character(notice the sequence)
# m='asdfg'
# n=str.maketrans('asdfg','12345')
# Make the rules
# v=m.translate(n)
# Replace
# print(v)
# test='xbhdhdbsj'
# v=test.partition('h')
# v=test.rpartition('h')
# v=test.split('h')
# v=test.rsplit('h')
# print(v)
# use partition or split depends if you want the separator
# test='xbhdhdbsj\njjjhhjkk\n'
# v=test.splitlines(True)
# devide the sentence :True of False to remain the \n or not
# print(v)
# Three:
# **********7 basic magic**********
# split strip join find upper lower replace
# test='sbxhdhwjbxbx'
# v=test.replace('bx','123',2)
# print(v)
# Four:
# **********5 gray magic**********
# test='sdxff'
# v=test[0]
# index:get the certain character of the string
# v=test[0:4]
# slice ' >= <'
# print(v)
# v=len(test)
# how many characters consists the string
# print(v)
# test='I love liukeyu'
# index = 0
# while index < len(test):
# v = test[index]
# print(v)
# index += 1
# print('#########')
# for circulation********
# for ai in test:
# print(ai)
# test=input('>>>>>>>')
# for ai in test:
# print(ai)
# *****demand: print the index of the appointed character
test = input('>>>>>')
for ai in range(0,len(test)):
# v=range(0,100,5)
# creat continuous number or discontinuous number by setting steps
# for ai in v:
# print(ai)
# Five:
# *********deep gray magic********
# *****Once the string is created it can't be changed ,if need be changed it will creat a new string