SQL server自动创建日历表。



CREATE TABLE [dbo].[time_dimension] ( [time_id] [
int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL , [the_date] [datetime] NULL , [the_day] [nvarchar] (15) NULL , [the_month] [nvarchar] (15) NULL , [the_year] [smallint] NULL , [day_of_month] [smallint] NULL , [holiday_type] [int] NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] 再执行存储过程 DECLARE @WeekString varchar(12), @dDate SMALLDATETIME, @sMonth varchar(20), @iYear smallint, @iDayOfMonth smallint, @iWeekOfYear smallint, @iMonthOfYear smallint, @sQuarter varchar(2), @sSQL varchar(100), @adddays int SELECT @adddays = 1 --日期增量(可以自由设定) SELECT @dDate = '01/01/2021 ' --开始日期 WHILE @dDate < '12/31/2022 ' --结束日期 BEGIN SELECT @WeekString = DATENAME (dw, @dDate) SELECT @sMonth=DATENAME(mm,@dDate) SELECT @iYear= DATENAME (yy, @dDate) SELECT @iDayOfMonth=DATENAME (dd, @dDate) SELECT @iWeekOfYear= DATENAME (week, @dDate) SELECT @iMonthOfYear=DATEPART(month, @dDate) SELECT @sQuarter = 'Q ' + CAST(DATENAME (quarter, @dDate)as varchar(1)) INSERT INTO time_dimension(the_date, the_day, the_month, the_year, day_of_month ) VALUES (@dDate, @WeekString, @sMonth, @iYear, @iDayOfMonth) SELECT @dDate = @dDate + @adddays END GO






update time_dimension set holiday_type=1

update time_dimension set holiday_type=2 where the_day='星期六' or the_day='星期日'

update time_dimension set holiday_type=3 where the_year=2022 and the_month=01 and day_of_month between 1 and 3
update time_dimension set holiday_type=3 where the_year=2022 and the_month=01 and day_of_month=31
update time_dimension set holiday_type=1 where the_year=2022 and the_month=01 and day_of_month between 29 and 30
select count(holiday_type) from time_dimension where holiday_type=1 and the_year=2022 and the_month=01





posted @ 2022-01-09 16:02  闪耀星空  阅读(1285)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报