多线程同步中的哲学家就餐问题 - linux 平台实现

本文是哲学家就餐问题在 linux 上的程序实现,与windows 平台的实现类似,



#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <semaphore.h>

#include "RasUtil.h"

using namespace std;

const unsigned int PHILOSOPHER_NUM=5;
const char THINKING=1;
const char HUNGRY=2;
const char DINING=3;

// each fork has a semaphore
sem_t semph[PHILOSOPHER_NUM];

// Mutex for printing
pthread_mutex_t mutex;

void* philosopherProc(void* param);

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
       int i;
       pthread_t philosopherThread[PHILOSOPHER_NUM];
       int phId[PHILOSOPHER_NUM];

       pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL);
       for (i=0; i<PHILOSOPHER_NUM; i++)
               phId[i] = i;
              sem_init(&semph[i], 0, 1);
              pthread_create(&philosopherThread[i], NULL, philosopherProc, (void*)(&phId[i]));

       return 0;

void* philosopherProc(void* param)
       int myid;
       char idStr[128];
       char stateStr[128];
       char mystate;
       int ret;
       unsigned int leftFork;
       unsigned int rightFork;

       myid = *((int*)(param));
       RasUtil::intToStr(myid, idStr);
       cout << "philosopher " << myid << " begin......" << endl;

       // initial state is THINKING
       mystate = THINKING;
       leftFork = (myid) % PHILOSOPHER_NUM;
       rightFork = (myid + 1) % PHILOSOPHER_NUM;

       while (true)
              case THINKING:
                     // changing my state
                     mystate = HUNGRY;
                     strcpy(stateStr, "HUNGRY");

              case HUNGRY:
                     strcpy(stateStr, "HUNGRY");
                     // first test the left fork ...
                     ret = sem_trywait(&semph[leftFork]);
                     if (ret == 0)
                            // left fork is ok, take it up !
                            // then test the right fork ...
                            ret = sem_trywait(&semph[rightFork]);
                            if (ret == 0)
                                   // right fork is also ok !
                                   // changing my state
                                   mystate = DINING;
                                   strcpy(stateStr, "DINING");
                                   // right fork is being used by others, so I must put down
                                   // the left fork.

              case DINING:
                     // put down both the left and right fork

                     // changing my state
                     mystate = THINKING;
                     strcpy(stateStr, "THINKING");

              // print my state
              cout << "philosopher " << myid << " is : " << stateStr << endl;  
              // sleep a random time : between 1 - 5 s
              int sleepTime; 
              sleepTime = 1 + (int)(5.0*rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0)); 

RasUtil.h : 完成整数转换为字符串

#ifndef _RasUtil_h_
#define _RasUtil_h_

class RasUtil
       static inline void intToStr(int i, char* str);


inline void RasUtil::intToStr(int i, char* str)
     int dec;
     int sign;
     char* p;

     p = ecvt(i, 10, &dec, &sign);
     strcpy(str, p);
     str[dec] = 0;


posted @ 2009-05-31 17:29  coding_rabbit  阅读(614)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报