第十七天 约束条件 序列 视图
1.not null 非空约束
name varchar2(20) constraint student_name_nn not null
2.primary key 主键约束
例:sid int constraint student_sid_pk primary key
3.unique 唯一约束,值不能重复(空值除外)
email varchar2(50) constraint emp_email_uq unique
4.check 条件约束,插入的数据必须满足某些条件
sex char(5) constraint student_sex_ck check(sex in ('man','woman')),
age int constraint student_age_ck check(age between 16 and 20),
5.foreign key 外键
sid int constraint grade_sid_fk references student(sid),
SQL> create sequence test_seq increment by 1 start with 1 maxvalue 1000 nocycle cache 20;
SQL> create table t1(x int primary key, y int);
SQL> insert into t1 values (test_seq.nextval, 11); 反复执行
SQL> select * from t1;
create view student_message as
select s.sid,s.name,g.gid,c.subject,g.score
from student s,grade g,course c;
创建视图就相当于创建了一张虚拟的表。 可以查询。