Given an increasing sequence of integers a1, a2, a3, . . . , ak, the E-transform produces a sequence of thesame length, b1, b2, b3, . . . , bk such th... 阅读全文
Given n points on the XY plane, count how many regular rectangles are formed. A rectangle is regular if and only if its sides are all parallel to the ... 阅读全文
1296: [SCOI2009]粉刷匠Descriptionwindy有 N 条木板需要被粉刷。 每条木板被分为 M 个格子。 每个格子要被刷成红色或蓝色。 windy每次粉刷,只能选择一条木板上一段连续的格子,然后涂上一种颜色。 每个格子最多只能被粉刷一次。 如果windy只能粉刷 T 次,他最多... 阅读全文
C. New Year and DominoThey say "years are like dominoes, tumbling one after the other". But would a year fit into a grid? I don't think so.Limak is a ... 阅读全文
B. New Year and Old PropertyThe year 2015 is almost over.Limak is a little polar bear. He has recently learnt about the binary system. He noticed that... 阅读全文
A. New Year and DaysToday is Wednesday, the third day of the week. What's more interesting is that tomorrow is the last day of the year 2015.Limak is ... 阅读全文
题意: 求[n, m]之间包含0的数字的个数题解:转化为求solve(n) - solve(m-1)的前缀问题 对于求0到n的解,我们举例 n = 25789 对于8这位,让其为0对答案的贡献是 (0~257)*(0~9) 假设是 n = 25709 那么让这位为0的答案贡献是... 阅读全文
Consider this sequence {1, 2, 3, . . . , N}, as a initial sequence of first N natural numbers. You canearrange this sequence in many ways. There will b... 阅读全文
Children are always sweet but they can sometimes make you feel bitter. In this problem, you will seehow Tintin, a five year’s old boy, creates trouble ... 阅读全文
An integer is divisible by 3 if the sum of its digits is also divisible by 3. For example, 3702 is divisibleby 3 and 12(3+7+0+2) is also divisible by ... 阅读全文