The methods to view the oracle error messages.
In unix, there is a utility named oerr, but oracle does not provide this in the windows world. Yong Huang written a Perl script "Windows oerr" that reads the Oracle documentation Error Message pages and returns the error description and suggested action. But that is not aviable.
Then, give you a pl/sql function to view the simple oracle error message. you can do this is sql*plus
SQL> set serveroutput on
SQL> exec dbms_output.put_line( sqlerrm( -24760 ) );
ORA-24760: 无效的隔离层标志
SQL> exec dbms_output.put_line( sqlerrm( -1422 ) );
ORA-01422: 实际返回的行数超出请求的行数
The error message file stored in the "oraclehome\ora92\rdbms\mesg", whoses format are.MSB.
reference url:
The method to view oracle error messages (en-us)
Wish to help you!Good Luck!
Then, give you a pl/sql function to view the simple oracle error message. you can do this is sql*plus
SQL> set serveroutput on
SQL> exec dbms_output.put_line( sqlerrm( -24760 ) );
ORA-24760: 无效的隔离层标志
SQL> exec dbms_output.put_line( sqlerrm( -1422 ) );
ORA-01422: 实际返回的行数超出请求的行数
The error message file stored in the "oraclehome\ora92\rdbms\mesg", whoses format are
reference url:
The method to view oracle error messages (en-us)
Wish to help you!Good Luck!