线性DP SGU167 I-country

167. I-country.

time limit per test: 0.75 sec.
memory limit per test: 65536 KB
input: standard
output: standard


According to top-secret A-country plans, I-country is divided into N*M equal squares, each square contains some oil resources. They want to occupy all the territory of I-country, but the UN (United Nations) will allow them to occupy only K squares. Of course, A-country want to get control over as many oil as possible, but, they will have to guard all their territory. So, they need their territory to be easy-controlled, i.e. from any square to any it must be possible to get moving only along two directions (selected from the next list: left, right, up, down; for different squares pairs of directions may differ).
You are to write a program, which determinies, what squares will be occupyed by A-country. If there are several solutions, you may output any.

On the first line of input there are 3 integer numbers N,M,K (1<=N,M<=15, 0<=K<=N*M). Next N lines contains M integers each, which are the number of oil resource on that square. Each of this numbers lies in range of 0 to 1000.

On the first line of output, write string "Oil : X", where integer number X --- the maximal number of oil which can be controlled by A-country. Next you should output K pairs of numbers --- coordinates of the squares which will be occupied by A-country. The first coordinate is number of row (top to bottom, starting from 1), second is number of column (left to right, starting from 1).

Sample test(s)

2 3 4
10 20 30
40 2 3

Oil : 100
1 1
1 2
1 3
2 1


 1 #include<iostream>
 2 #include<cstdio>
 3 #include<cstring>
 4 #include<algorithm>
 5 using namespace std;
 6 int n,m,k,ans,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,cnt;
 7 int sum[20][20],f[20][230][20][20][2][2],a[20][230][20][20][2][2];
 8 struct data{
 9     int h,z;
10 }dt[230];
11 //f[row][i][l][r][x][y] x/y为0表示增,为1表示减 
12 void add(int ro,int ii,int ll,int rr,int xx,int yy){
13     if(ro==n) return;
14     for(int i=(!xx?1:ll);i<=rr;i++)
15         for(int j=max(i,ll);j<=(!yy?rr:m);j++){
16             int t1,t2;
17             if(i==ll) t1=xx;
18             else t1=(i<ll?0:1);
19             if(j==rr) t2=yy;
20             else t2=(j<rr?0:1);
21             if(f[ro+1][ii+j-i+1][i][j][t1][t2]<f[ro][ii][ll][rr][xx][yy]+sum[ro+1][j]-sum[ro+1][i-1]){
22                 f[ro+1][ii+j-i+1][i][j][t1][t2]=f[ro][ii][ll][rr][xx][yy]+sum[ro+1][j]-sum[ro+1][i-1];
23                 a[ro+1][ii+j-i+1][i][j][t1][t2]=(ll<<12)+(rr<<8)+(xx<<4)+(yy);
24             }
25          } 
26 }
27 void print(int ro,int ll,int rr,int xx,int yy,int kk){
28     if(!ro||!kk) return;
29     for(int i=ll;i<=rr;i++) dt[++cnt].h=ro,dt[cnt].z=i;
30     print(ro-1,(a[ro][kk][ll][rr][xx][yy]>>12)%16,(a[ro][kk][ll][rr][xx][yy]>>8)%16,(a[ro][kk][ll][rr][xx][yy]>>4)%16,a[ro][kk][ll][rr][xx][yy]%16,kk-rr+ll-1);
31 }
32 bool cmp(const data&aa,const data&bb){
33     if(aa.h!=bb.h) return aa.h<bb.h;
34     if(aa.z!=bb.z) return aa.z<bb.z;
35 }
36 int main(){
37     scanf("%d%d%d",&n,&m,&k);
38     for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
39         for(int j=1;j<=m;j++) scanf("%d",&sum[i][j]),sum[i][j]+=sum[i][j-1];
40     memset(f,-1,sizeof(f));
41     ans=-1;
42     for(int row=1;row<=n;row++)
43         for(int l=1;l<=m;l++)
44             for(int r=1;r<=m;r++)
45                 for(int x=0;x<=1;x++)
46                     for(int y=0;y<=1;y++){
47                         f[row][r-l+1][l][r][x][y]=sum[row][r]-sum[row][l-1];
48                         for(int i=r-l+1;i<=k;i++)
49                             if(f[row][i][l][r][x][y]>0){
50                                 add(row,i,l,r,x,y);
51                                 if(i==k&&f[row][i][l][r][x][y]>ans){
52                                     ans=f[row][i][l][r][x][y];
53                                     a1=row;
54                                     a2=l;
55                                     a3=r;
56                                     a4=x;
57                                     a5=y;
58                                 }
59                             }
60                     }
61     printf("Oil : %d\n",ans);
62     print(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,k);
63     sort(dt+1,dt+cnt+1,cmp);
64     for(int i=1;i<=cnt;i++) printf("%d %d\n",dt[i].h,dt[i].z);
65     return 0;
66 }


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