【报错解决】The Unicode character [进] at code point [36,827] cannot be encoded as it is outside the permitted range of 0 to 255
摘要:: The HTTP response header [Content-Disposition] with value [attachment; filename="进度(导入模板).xlsx.xlsx"] has been removed from the response because it is invalid
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The Unicode character [进] at code point [36,827] cannot be encoded as it is outside the permitted range of 0 to 255
摘要:场景还原 有一个字段是 已删除 deleted 如果0 则是未删除 如果1 则是已删除 我写的where条件是 deleted != 1 然后数据库里面这个字段的值都是null 我当时就想,null值,也就是不等于1,没毛病,但是就是查不出来,于是我问了一下通义千问,回答如下: AI回答 理解你的困