算法导论 快速排序算法学习
快速排序(Quick Sort)
伪代码 QuickSort(A,p,r)
if p < r
q = Partition(A,p,r)
为了排序一个数组\(A\)的全部元素,初始调用是 QuickSort(A,1,A.length)
伪代码 Partition(A,p,r)
x = A[r]
i = p-1
for j = p to r-1
if A[j] <= x
i = i + 1
exchange A[i] with A[j]
exchange A[i+1] with A[r]
return i + 1
- 若\(p \leq k \leq i\),则\(A[k] \leq x\)。
- 若\(i+1 \leq k \leq j-1\),则\(A[k]>x\)。
- 若\(k=r\),则\(A[k]=x\)。
因为Partition函数生成的两个子问题的规模总和为\(n-1\),所以参数\(q\)的变化范围是$0 \backsim {n-1} $。
我们不妨假设\(T(n) \leq cn^2\)成立,其中\(c\)为常数。将此式带入上递归式,得:
表达式\(q^2+(n-q+1)^2\)在参数取值区间\(0 \leq q \leq n-1\)的端点上取得最大值。
在可能的最平衡划分中,Partition得到的两个子问题的规模都不大于\(n/2\)。这是因为其中一个子问题的规模为\(\lfloor n/2 \rfloor\),而另一个子问题的规模为\(\lfloor n/2 \rfloor-1\)。在这种情况下,快速排序的性能非常好。
此时,算法运行时间的递归式为:\(T(n)=2T(n/2)+\Theta(n)\) (我们忽略了一些余项及减1操作的影响)
解得 \(T(n)=\Theta(nlogn)\)。
采用随机抽样(random sampling)的随机化技术。随机抽样是从子数组\(A[p..r]\)中随机选择一个元素作为主元。为达到这一目的,首先将\(A[r]\)与从\(A[p..r]\)中随机选择的一个元素交换位置。通过对序列\(p,\cdots,r\)的随机抽样,我们可以保证主元元素\(x=A[r]\)是等概率地从子数组的\(r-p+1\)个元素中选取的。因为主元元素是随机选取的,我们期望在平均情况下,对输入数组的划分是比较均衡的。
if p < r
q = Randomized_Partition(A,p,r)
i = Random(p,r)
exchange A[r] with A[i]
return Partition(A,p,r)
为了便于分析,我们将数组A的各个元素重新命名为\(z_i,z_{i+1},\cdots ,z_j\),其中\(z_i\)是数组\(A\)中的第\(i\)小的元素。
我们还定义\(Z_{ij}=\{z_i,z_{i+1},\cdots ,z_j\}\)为\(z_i\)与\(z_j\)之间(含\(i\)和\(j\))的元素集合。
An alternative analysis of the running time of randomized quicksort focuses on the expected running time of each individual recursive call to \(\text{RANDOMIZED-QUICKSORT}\), rather than on the number of comparisons performed.
a. 给定一个大小为\(n\)的数组,特定元素选为主元的概率为\(1/n\)。利用这一点来定义指示器随机变量:
\[X_{i}=I\{第i小的元素被选为主元\}=\begin{cases}1,如果第i小的元素被选为主元发生 \\ 0,如果第i小的元素被选为主元不发生 \end{cases} \]\(E[X_i]\)是什么?
b. 设\(T(n)\)是一个表示快速排序在一个大小为\(n\)的数组上的运行时间的随机变量,试证明:
\[E[T(n)]=E[\sum_{q=1}^nX_q(T(q-1)+T(n-q)+\Theta(n))] \ \ \ (7.5) \]
c. 证明公式\((7.5)\)可以重写为:
\[E[T(n)] = \frac{2}{n} \sum_{q=2}^{n-1}E[T(q)]+\Theta(n) \ \ \ (7.6) \]
d. 证明:
\[\sum_{k=2}^{n-1}klogk\leq \frac{1}{2}n^2logn-\frac{1}{8}n^2 \ \ (7.7) \](提示:可以将该累加式分成两个部分,一部分是\(k=2,3,\cdots,\lceil n/2 \rceil-1\),另一部分是\(k=\lceil n/2 \rceil ,\cdots,n-1\)。)
e. 利用公式\((7.7)\)给出的界,证明:公式\((7.6)\)中的递归式有解\(E[T(n)]=\Theta(nlog(n))\)。
(提示:使用代入法,证明对某个正常数\(a\)和足够大的\(n\),有\(E[T(n)]\leq anlog(n)\))。
\[X_{i}=I\{第i小的元素被选为主元\}=\begin{cases}1,如果第i小的元素被选为主元发生 \\ 0,如果第i小的元素被选为主元不发生 \end{cases} \]Since the pivot is selected as a random element in the array, which has size \(n\), the probabilities of any particular element being selected are all equal, and add to one, so, are all$ \frac{1}{n}$. .
\[\begin{aligned}E[X_i] &=Pr\{第i小的元素被选为主元\} \\ &=\frac{1}{n}\end{aligned} \]b.证明:
We can apply linearity of expectation over all of the events \(X_i\). Suppose we have a particular \(X_i\) be true.
Then, we will have one of the sub arrays be length \(i - 1\) and the other be \(n - i\),
and will of course still need linear time to run the partition procedure.
This corresponds exactly to the summand in equation \((7.5)\)。
被随机选中的元素 $$z_1$$ $$z_2$$ $$\dots$$ \(z_{n-1}\) \(z_n\) 运行时间 \((T(0)+T(n-1)+O(n))\) \((T(1)+T(n-2)+O(n))\) \(\dots\) \((T(n-2)+T(1)+O(n))\) \((T(n-1)+T(0)+O(n))\) 概率 $$X_1$$ $$X_2$$ \(\dots\) \(X_{n-1}\) \(X_{n}\) \[T(n)=\sum_{q=1}^nX_q(T(q-1)+T(n-q)+\Theta(n)) \\ E[T(n)]=E[\sum_{q=1}^nX_q(T(q-1)+T(n-q)+\Theta(n))] \] -
\[E[T(n)] = \frac{2}{n} \sum_{q=2}^{n-1}E[T(q)]+\Theta(n) \ \ \ (7.6) \]证明:
\[\begin{aligned} E[T(n)]& =E[\sum_{q=1}^nX_q(T(q-1)+T(n-q)+\Theta(n))] \ \ \ (7.5)\\ & =\sum_{q=1}^nE[X_q(T(q-1)+T(n-q)+\Theta(n))] \\ & =\sum_{q=1}^nE[X_q]*E[(T(q-1)+T(n-q)+\Theta(n))] \\ & =\sum_{q=1}^n\frac{1}{n}*E[T(q-1)+T(n-q)+\Theta(n)] \\ &= \Theta(n)+\frac{1}{n} * \sum_{q=1}^{n-1}(E[T(q-1)+T(n-q)]) \\ \end {aligned} \]选定\(X_q\)并完成一次Partition操作后,需要排序的数组剩余长度为n-1,
\[\begin{aligned} E[T(n)] &= \Theta(n)+\frac{1}{n} * \sum_{q=1}^{n-1}(E[T(q-1)+T(n-q)]) \\ &=\Theta(n)+\frac{1}{n} * \sum_{q=1}^{n-1}(E[T(q-1)+T(q-1)]) \\ &=\Theta(n)+\frac{2}{n} * \sum_{q=1}^{n-1}(E[T(q-1)]) \\ &=\Theta(n)+\frac{2}{n} * \sum_{q=2}^{n}(E[T(q)]) \\ \end {aligned} \]实际上,当只有一个元素时可以认为已经排序完成,不需要再次排序。
\[\sum_{k=2}^{n-1}klogk\leq \frac{1}{2}n^2logn-\frac{1}{8}n^2 \ \ (7.7) \](提示:可以将该累加式分成两个部分,一部分是\(k=2,3,\cdots,\lceil n/2 \rceil-1\),另一部分是\(k=\lceil n/2 \rceil ,\cdots,n-1\)。)
\[\begin{aligned} let: \ \ &f(k) =k log(k) \\ &f'=log(k)+1 \\ & if \ k>2, f(k) \nearrow \\ F &=\int f(k) \\ &=\frac{x^2}{2}(log(x)-\frac{1}{2})+C \\ & because \ f(k)>0 , F \nearrow \\ \int_2^{n-1} f(k)&=F_{n-1}-F_2 \\ &\leq F_n -F_2 \\ &=\frac{n^2}{2}log(n)-\frac{n^2}{4}-2(log(2)- \frac{1}{2}) \\ &\leq\frac{n^2}{2}log(n)-\frac{n^2}{4} \\ &\leq\frac{n^2}{2}log(n)-\frac{n^2}{8} \\ \sum_{k=2}^{n-1}klogk&\leq \int_2^{n-1} f(k) \\ &\leq \frac{n^2}{2}log(n)-\frac{n^2}{8}\\ \end {aligned} \]5.利用公式\((7.7)\)给出的界,证明:公式\((7.6)\)中的递归式有解\(E[T(n)]=\Theta(nlog(n))\)。
(提示:使用代入法,证明对某个正常数\(a\)和足够大的\(n\),有\(E[T(n)]\leq anlog(n)\))。
\[\begin{aligned} &let: \ \ T(q)\leq qlog(q)+ \Theta(n) \\ E[T(n)] &= \frac{2}{n} \sum_{q=2}^{n-1}E[T(q)]+\Theta(n) \ \ \ (7.6) \\ &\leq \frac{2}{n} \sum_{q=2}^{n-1} (qlog(q)+ \Theta(n) )+ \Theta(n)\\ &=\frac{2}{n} \sum_{q=2}^{n-1} qlog(q)+\frac{2}{n}(n-3)\Theta(n)+\Theta(n) \\ &\leq \frac{2}{n} (\frac{n^2}{2}log(n)-\frac{n^2}{8}) +\Theta(n) \\ &=nlog(n)-\frac{n}{4}+\Theta(n) \\ &=nlog(n)+\Theta(n) \end{aligned} \]
The \(\text{QUICKSORT}\) algorithm of Section 7.1 contains two recursive calls to itself. After \(\text{QUICKSORT}\) calls \(\text{PARTITION}\), it recursively sorts the left subarray and then it recursively sorts the right subarray. The second recursive call in \(\text{QUICKSORT}\) is not really necessary; we can avoid it by using an iterative control structure. This technique, called *tail recursion*, is provided automatically by good compilers. Consider the following version of quicksort, which simulates tail recursion:
TAIL-RECURSIVE-QUICKSORT(A, p, r) while p < r // Partition and sort left subarray. q = PARTITION(A, p, r) TAIL-RECURSIVE-QUICKSORT(A, p, q - 1) p = q + 1
a. Argue that \(\text{TAIL-RECURSIVE-QUICKSORT}(A, 1, A.length)\) correctly sorts the array \(A\).
Compilers usually execute recursive procedures by using a *stack* that contains pertinent information, including the parameter values, for each recursive call. The information for the most recent call is at the top of the stack, and the information for the initial call is at the bottom. Upon calling a procedure, its information is *pushed* onto the stack; when it terminates, its information is *popped*. Since we assume that array parameters are represented by pointers, the information for each procedure call on the stack requires \(O(1)\) stack space. The *stack depth* is the maximum amount of stack space used at any time during a computation.
b. Describe a scenario in which \(\text{TAIL-RECURSIVE-QUICKSORT}\)'s stack depth is \(\Theta(n)\) on an \(n\)-element input array.
c. Modify the code for \(\text{TAIL-RECURSIVE-QUICKSORT}\) so that the worst-case stack depth is \(\Theta(\lg n)\). Maintain the \(O(n\lg n)\) expected running time of the algorithm.
实际上,在\(C++ STL\)库中就使用了尾递归,这样可以减少栈空间的使用。
a. The book proved that \(\text{QUICKSORT}\) correctly sorts the array \(A\). \(\text{TAIL-RECURSIVE-QUICKSORT}\) differs from \(\text{QUICKSORT}\) in only the last line of the loop.
It is clear that the conditions starting the second iteration of the while loop in \(\text{TAIL-RECURSIVE-QUICKSORT}\) are identical to the conditions starting the second recursive call in \(\text{QUICKSORT}\). Therefore, \(\text{TAIL-RECURSIVE-QUICKSORT}\) effectively performs the sort in the same manner as \(\text{QUICKSORT}\). Therefore, \(\text{TAIL-RECURSIVE-QUICKSORT}\) must correctly sort the array \(A\).
b. The stack depth will be \(\Theta(n)\) if the input array is already sorted. The right subarray will always have size \(0\) so there will be \(n − 1\) recursive calls before the while-condition \(p < r\) is violated.\
MODIFIED-TAIL-RECURSIVE-QUICKSORT(A, p, r) while p < r q = PARTITION(A, p, r) if q < floor((p + r) / 2) MODIFIED-TAIL-RECURSIVE-QUICKSORT(A, p, q - 1) p = q + 1 else MODIFIED-TAIL-RECURSIVE-QUICKSORT(A, q + 1, r) r = q - 1
One way to improve the \(\text{RANDOMIZED-QUICKSORT}\) procedure is to partition around a pivot that is chosen more carefully than by picking a random element from the subarray. One common approach is the *median-of-3*method: choose the pivot as the median (middle element) of a set of 3 elements randomly selected from the subarray. (See exercise 7.4-6.) For this problem, let us assume that the elements of the input array \(A[1..n]\) are distinct and that \(n \ge 3\). We denote the sorted output array by \(A'[1..n]\). Using the median-of-3 method to choose the pivot element \(x\), define \(p_i = \Pr\{x = A'[i]\}\).
a. Give an exact formula for \(p_i\) as a function of \(n\) and \(i\) for \(i = 2, 3, \ldots, n - 1\). (Note that \(p_1 = p_n = 0\).)
b. By what amount have we increased the likelihood of choosing the pivot as \(x = A'[\lfloor (n + 1) / 2 \rfloor]\), the median of \(A[1..n]\), compared with the ordinary implementation? Assume that \(n \to \infty\), and give the limiting ratio of these probabilities.
c. If we define a "good" split to mean choosing the pivot as \(x = A'[i]\), where \(n / 3 \le i \le 2n / 3\), by what amount have we increased the likelihood of getting a good split compared with the ordinary implementation? (\(\textit{Hint:}\) Approximate the sum by an integral.)
d. Argue that in the \(\Omega(n\lg n)\) running time of quicksort, the median-of-3 method affects only the constant factor.
a. \(p_i\) is the probability that a randomly selected subset of size three has the \(A'[i]\) as it's middle element. There are 6 possible orderings of the three elements selected. So, suppose that \(S'\) is the set of three elements selected. We will compute the probability that the second element of \(S'\) is \(A'[i]\) among all possible \(3\)-sets we can pick, since there are exactly six ordered \(3\)-sets corresponding to each \(3\)-set, these probabilities will be equal. We will compute the probability that \(S'[2] = A[i]\).
For any such \(S'\), we would need to select the first element from \([i - 1]\) and the third from \({i + 1, \ldots , n}\). So, there are \((i - 1)(n - i)\) such \(3\)-sets.
The total number of \(3\)-sets is \(\binom{n}{3} = \frac{n(n - 1)(n - 2)}{6}\).
So,$$p_i = \frac{6(n - i)(i - 1)}{n(n - 1)(n - 2)}.$$
b. If we let \(i = \lfloor \frac{n + 1}{2} \rfloor\), the previous result gets us an increase of
\[\frac{6(\lfloor\frac{n - 1}{2}\rfloor)(n - \lfloor\frac{n + 1}{2}\rfloor)}{n(n - 1)(n - 2)} - \frac{1}{n} \]in the limit \(n\) going to infinity, we get $$\lim_{n \to \infty} \frac{\frac{6(\lfloor \frac{n - 1}{2} \rfloor)(n - \lfloor \frac{n + 1}{2} \rfloor)}{n(n - 1)(n - 2)}}{\frac{1}{n}} = \frac{3}{2}.$$
c. To save the messiness, suppose \(n\) is a multiple of \(3\). We will approximate the sum as an integral, so,
\[\begin{aligned} \sum_{i = n / 3}^{2n / 3} & \approx \int_{n / 3}^{2n / 3} \frac{6(-x^2 + nx + x - n)}{n(n - 1)(n - 2)}dx \\ & = \frac{6(-7n^3 / 81 + 3n^3 / 18 + 3n^2 / 18 - n^2 / 3)}{n(n - 1)(n - 2)}, \end{aligned} \]which, in the limit \(n\) goes to infinity, is \(\frac{13}{27}\) which is a constant that \(>\frac{1}{3}\) as it was in the original randomized quicksort implementation.
d. Even though we always choose the middle element as the pivot (which is the best case), the height of the recursion tree will be \(\Theta(\lg n)\). Therefore, the running time is still \(\Omega(n\lg n)\).
Consider the problem in which we do not know the numbers exactly. Instead, for each number, we know an interval on the real line to which it belongs. That is, we are given \(n\) closed intervals of the form \([a_i, b_i]\), where \(a_i \le b_i\). We wish to *fuzzy-sort* these intervals, i.e., to produce a permutation \(\langle i_1, i_2, \ldots, i_n \rangle\) of the intervals such that for \(j = 1, 2, \ldots, n\), there exists \(c_j \in [a_{i_j}, b_{i_j}]\) satisfying \(c_1 \le c_2 \le \cdots \le c_n\).
a. Design a randomized algorithm for fuzzy-sorting \(n\) intervals. Your algorithm should have the general structure of an algorithm that quicksorts the left endpoints (the \(a_i\) values), but it should take advantage of overlapping intervals to improve the running time. (As the intervals overlap more and more, the problem of fuzzy-sorting the intervals becoes progressively easier. Your algorithm should take advantage of such overlapping, to the extend that it exists.)
b. Argue that your algorithm runs in expected time \(\Theta(n\lg n)\) in general, but runs in expected time \(\Theta(n)\) when all of the intervals overlap (i.e., when there exists a value \(x\) such that \(x \in [a_i, b_i]\) for all \(i\)). Your algorithm should not be checking for this case explicitly; rather, its performance should naturally improve as the amount of overlap increases.
a. With randomly selected left endpoint for the pivot, we could trivially perform fuzzy sorting by quicksorting the left endpoints, \(a_i\)'s. This would achieve the worst-case expected running time of \(\Theta(n\lg n)\). We definitely can do better by exploit the characteristic that we don't have to sort overlapping intervals. That is, for two overlapping intervals, \([a_i, b_i]\) and \([a_j, b_j]\). In such situations, we can always choose \(\{c_i, c_j\}\) (within the intersection of these intervals) such that \(c_i \le c_j\) or \(c_j \le c_i\).
Since overlapping intervals do not require sorting, we can improve the expected running time by modifying quicksort to identify overlaps:
FIND-INTERSECTION(A, p, r) rand = RANDOM(p, r) exchange A[rand] with A[r] a = A[r].a b = A[r].b for i = p to r - 1 if A[i].a ≤ b and A[i].b ≥ a if A[i].a > a a = A[i].a if A[i].b < b b = A[i].b return (a, b)
On lines 2 through 3 of \(\text{FIND-INTERSECTION}\), we select a random pivot interval as the initial region of overlap \([a ,b]\). There are two situations:
- If the intervals are all disjoint, then the estimated region of overlap will be this randomly-selected interval;
- otherwise, on lines 6 through 11, we loop through all intervals in arrays \(A\) (except the endpoint which is the initial pivot interval). At each iteration, we determine if the current interval overlaps the current estimated region of overlap. If it does, we update the estimated region of overlap as \([a, b] = [a_i, b_i] \cap [a, b]\).
\(\text{FIND-INTERSECTION}\) has a worst-case running time \(\Theta(n)\) since we evaluate the intersection from index \(1\) to \(A.length\) of the array.
We can extend the \(\text{QUICKSORT}\) to allow fuzzy sorting using \(\text{FIND-INTERSECTION}\).
First, partition the input array into "left", "middle", and "right" subarrays. The "middle" subarray elements overlap the interval \([a, b]\) found by \(\text{FIND-INTERSECTION}\). As a result, they can appear in any order in the output.
We recursively call \(\text{FUZZY-SORT}\) on the "left" and "right" subarrays to produce a fuzzy sorted array in-place. The following pseudocode implements these basic operations. One can run \(\text{FUZZY-SORT}(A, 1, A.length)\) to fuzzy-sort an array.
The first and last elements in a subarray are indexed by \(p\) and \(r\), respectively. The index of the first and last intervals in the "middle" region are indexed by \(q\) and \(t\), respectively.
FUZZY-SORT(A, p, r) if p < r (a, b) = FIND-INTERSECTION(A, p, r) t = PARTITION-RIGHT(A, a, p, r) q = PARTITION-LEFT(A, b, p, t) FUZZY-SORT(A, p, q - 1) FUZZY-SORT(A, t + 1, r)
We need to determine how to partition the input arrays into "left", "middle", and "right" subarrays in-place.
First, we \(\text{PARTITION-RIGHT}\) the entire array from \(p\) to \(r\) using a pivot value equal to the left endpoint \(a\) found by \(\text{FIND-INTERSECTION}\), such that \(a_i \le a\).
Then, we \(\text{PARTITION-LEFT}\) the subarray from \(p\) to \(t\) using a pivot value equal to the right endpoint \(b\) found by \(\text{FIND-INTERSECTION}\), such that \(b_i < b\).
PARTITION-RIGHT(A, a, p, r) i = p - 1 for j = p to r - 1 if A[j].a ≤ a i = i + 1 exchange A[i] with A[j] exchange A[i + 1] with A[r] return i + 1 PARTITION-LEFT(A, b, p, t) i = p - 1 for j = p to t - 1 if A[j].b < b i = i + 1 exchange A[i] with A[j] exchange A[i + 1] with A[t] return i + 1
The \(\text{FUZZY-SORT}\) is similar to the randomized quicksort presented in the textbook. In fact, \(\text{PARTITION-RIGHT}\) and \(\text{PARTITION-LEFT}\) are nearly identical to the \(\text{PARTITION}\) procedure on page 171. The primary difference is the value of the pivot used to sort the intervals.
b. We expect \(\text{FUZZY-SORT}\) to have a worst-case running time \(\Theta(n\lg n)\) for a set of input intervals which do not overlap each other. First, notice that lines 2 through 3 of \(\text{FIND-INTERSECTION}\) select a random interval as the initial pivot interval. Recall that if the intervals are disjoint, then \([a, b]\) will simply be this initial interval.
Since for this example there are no overlaps, the "middle" region created by lines 4 and 5 of \(\text{FUZZY-SORT}\) will only contain the initially-selected interval. In general, line 3 is \(\Theta(n)\). Fortunately, since the pivot interval \([a, b]\) is randomly-selected, the expected sizes of the "left" and "right" subarrays are both \(\left\lfloor \frac{n}{2} \right\rfloor\). In conclusion, the recurrence of the running time is
\[\begin{aligned} T(n) & \le 2T(n / 2) + \Theta(n) \\ & = \Theta(n\lg n). \end{aligned} \]The \(\text{FIND-INTERSECTION}\) will always return a non-empty region of overlap \([a, b]\) containing \(x\) if the intervals all overlap at \(x\). For this situation, every interval will be within the "middle" region since the "left" and "right" subarrays will be empty, lines 6 and 7 of \(\text{FUZZY-SORT}\) are \(\Theta(1)\). As a result, there is no recursion and the running time of \(\text{FUZZY-SORT}\) is determined by the \(\Theta(n)\) running time required to find the region of overlap. Therefor, if the input intervals all overlap at a point, then the expected worst-case running time is \(\Theta(n)\).