due 过期

This bill was due two weeks ago, but i forgot to pay it.

A payment is due now.

dye [dai] 印染

The dyeing factory made pollution.

You can dye your skirt yourself.  你可自己染自己的裙子。

eel [i:l] 鳗鱼  wriggle [ˈrɪgəl]  扭动 slimy [ˈslaɪmi:] 黏滑的;谄媚的;虚伪的

The eel wriggled away out of his hands.

Eels have smooth and slimy skin.

elk [elk] 麋鹿  spreading [ˈsprediŋ] 铺展 antler [ˈæntlə] 鹿角  ridge [ridʒ] 山脊

Elks have large, spreading antlers.

The campers saw two elks at the top of the ridge.

elm [elm] 榆树

He lives on Elm Street.

High Street separates here into East Street and Elm Street.

Ewe [ju:] 母羊 rancher  [ˈræntʃə] 农场主,牧羊人  ram [ræm]  公羊

The rancher was driving the ewes into a sheep pen.

The ram was after the ewe.

eye 注视  plump [plʌmp] 丰满的 pigeon [ˈpidʒin]  鸽子

An eagle coldly eyed a plump pigeon.

He eyed every change in the stock market.

fad  [fæd]    风尚  casual [ˈkæʒjuəl] 休闲的,非正式的

Wearing casual clothes is the latest fad.

You can only catch the tail-end of the new fad.

fan 爱好者

Today millions of football fans crowd into the stadium to watch their favorite teams.

fig [fig] 无花果 fruitcake 水果派

I bought some figs for the fruitcake.

This dessert is made with figs and dates.  这道甜点是用无花果和枣椰子做的。

fin [fin] 鱼翅  Shark [ʃɑ:k]  鲨鱼 broth [brɔ:θ, brɔθ] 肉汤

Could you find me a book on fins?

This is Shark's  fin cooked in chicken broth.

fir []  冷杉 needle [ˈni:dl]  针 cone  [kəun] 圆锥

Firs have flat single needles and erect cones. 冷杉的叶子是单叶的阔针叶。