What happened to you ,Shiely

Almost all coming here want to know the key to the question.

Nobody can answer the question directly.

You know, this problem is not explained clearly with one word or two.

but in my opinion, if you spend one or two hours talking in English here per day, you will find your English improved in two weeks.

Nobody will laugh at you. You know, He who laughs last laughs best.

From the result of questionnaire, we can see that almost all the students show great interest in these games From the findings of the network, most of the students ahere to thinking oral English plays an important role.

ok. let's discuss the following sentence.

if you want to follow me to learn English, please follow my footprint.



I just want to fall in love with somebody.
fall in love with sb.=lose one's heart to sb=be sweet on sb.

I just want to lose my heart to you= I just want to be sweet on you.


Don’t expect too much of man.类似短语:
make too much of: 过分重视;过于着重
Economists warned not to make too much of those reports.
expect too much of/from sb: 对某人期望很大
Don't expect too much of / from me.


Hey, baby, you looks in a sad mood . What's the matter?
in a sad mood= in (a)bad mood.
I've been in bad mood recently.
look down in the dumps.= look in bad mood.
Carl , it's you. I'm just facing a choice, a tough one, between my parents and my boyfriend. I have no idea on it.
have no idea on/of...没有...观念;一点不知道;听也没有听过;不知
I have no idea( of )what my timetable is.



I quite understand you . I think it will be a good way to get a happy ending. That is , your boyfriend tries his best to show your parents his capacity and charm, making your parents believe he can give you a bright life ,then he will be accepted by your parents. Usually parents won't refuse a eminent son-in law .
get a happy ending:皆大欢喜;幸福结局。
eminent:standing above others in quality or position有名的
He was an eminent pickpocket.
capacity and charm:能力和魅力。
son in law. 女婿。

father-in-law:老丈人 mother-in-law:老丈娘

daughter-in-law :the wife of your son儿媳妇

我对您在登在报纸上的那套公寓很感兴趣。 I’m interested in the apartment you advertised in the paper.
advertise:make publicity for; try to sell (a product)
If you want to sell your product you must advertise it.


Could you tell me something about the apartment? And how large is it?


There are two bedrooms, a bathroom, and a kitchen. It’s about 98 square meters.

There are two bedrooms. One is a bathroom;the other is a kitchen. It is about 98 square metres in size or in area