【SaltStack官方版】—— returners——返回器
By default the return values of the commands sent to the Salt minions are returned to the Salt master, however anything at all can be done with the results data.
默认情况下,发送给Salt minions的命令的返回值将会返回给Salt master,但是可以使用结果数据完成任何操作。
By using a Salt returner, results data can be redirected to external data-stores for analysis and archival.
Returners pull their configuration values from the Salt minions. Returners are only configured once, which is generally at load time.
Returners 从Salt minions拉取得他们的配置值。Returners只配置一次,通常在加载时。
The returner interface allows the return data to be sent to any system that can receive data. This means that return data can be sent to a Redis server, a MongoDB server, a MySQL server, or any system.
carbon_return |
Take data from salt and "return" it into a carbon receiver |
cassandra_cql_return |
Return data to a cassandra server |
cassandra_return |
Return data to a Cassandra ColumnFamily |
couchbase_return |
Simple returner for Couchbase. |
couchdb_return |
Simple returner for CouchDB. |
django_return |
A returner that will inform a Django system that returns are available using Django's signal system. |
elasticsearch_return |
Return data to an elasticsearch server for indexing. |
etcd_return |
Return data to an etcd server or cluster |
highstate_return |
Return the results of a highstate (or any other state function that returns data in a compatible format) via an HTML email or HTML file. |
hipchat_return |
Return salt data via hipchat. |
influxdb_return |
Return data to an influxdb server. |
kafka_return |
Return data to a Kafka topic |
librato_return |
Salt returner to return highstate stats to Librato |
local |
The local returner is used to test the returner interface, it just prints the |
local_cache |
Return data to local job cache |
mattermost_returner |
Return salt data via mattermost |
memcache_return |
Return data to a memcache server |
mongo_future_return |
Return data to a mongodb server |
mongo_return |
Return data to a mongodb server |
multi_returner |
Read/Write multiple returners |
mysql |
Return data to a mysql server |
nagios_return |
Return salt data to Nagios |
odbc |
Return data to an ODBC compliant server. |
pgjsonb |
Return data to a PostgreSQL server with json data stored in Pg's jsonb data type |
postgres |
Return data to a postgresql server |
postgres_local_cache |
Use a postgresql server for the master job cache. |
pushover_returner |
Return salt data via pushover (http://www.pushover.net) |
rawfile_json |
Take data from salt and "return" it into a raw file containing the json, with one line per event. |
redis_return |
Return data to a redis server |
sentry_return |
Salt returner that reports execution results back to sentry. |
slack_returner |
Return salt data via slack |
sms_return |
Return data by SMS. |
smtp_return |
Return salt data via email |
splunk |
Send json response data to Splunk via the HTTP Event Collector |
sqlite3_return |
Insert minion return data into a sqlite3 database |
syslog_return |
Return data to the host operating system's syslog facility |
telegram_return |
Return salt data via Telegram. |
xmpp_return |
Return salt data via xmpp |
zabbix_return |
Return salt data to Zabbix |
using returners
All Salt commands will return the command data back to the master. Specifying returners will ensure that the data is _also_ sent to the specified returner interfaces.
Specifying what returners to use is done when the command is invoked:
salt '*' test.ping --return redis_return
This command will ensure that the redis_return returner is used.
It is also possible to specify multiple returners:
salt '*' test.ping --return mongo_return,redis_return,cassandra_return
In this scenario all three returners will be called and the data from the test.ping command will be sent out to the three named returners.
writing a returner
Returners are Salt modules that allow the redirection of results data to targets other than the Salt Master.
Returners是Salt模块,可以将结果数据重定向到Salt Master以外的目标。
returners are easy to write!
Writing a Salt returner is straightforward.
A returner is a Python module containing at minimum a returner
function. Other optional functions can be included to add support for master_job_cache
, Storing Job Results in an External System, and Event Returners.
- The
function must accept a single argument. The argument contains return data from the called minion function. If the minion functiontest.ping
is called, the value of the argument will be a dictionary. Run the following command from a Salt master to get a sample of the dictionary: - 返回者函数必须接受一个参数。该参数包含来自被调用的minion函数的返回数据。如果调用minion函数test.ping,则参数的值将是一个字典。从Salt master中运行以下命令以获取字典的样本:
salt-call --local --metadata test.ping --out=pprint
1 import redis 2 import salt.utils.json 3 4 def returner(ret): 5 ''' 6 Return information to a redis server 7 ''' 8 # Get a redis connection 9 serv = redis.Redis( 10 host='redis-serv.example.com', 11 port=6379, 12 db='0') 13 serv.sadd("%(id)s:jobs" % ret, ret['jid']) 14 serv.set("%(jid)s:%(id)s" % ret, salt.utils.json.dumps(ret['return'])) 15 serv.sadd('jobs', ret['jid']) 16 serv.sadd(ret['jid'], ret['id'])
The above example of a returner set to send the data to a Redis server serializes the data as JSON and sets it in redis.
using custom returner modules
Place custom returners in a _returners/ directory within the file_roots specified by the master config file.
将自定义返回器放在由master配置文件指定的file_roots中的_returners /目录中。
Custom returners are distributed when any of the following are called:
Any custom returners which have been synced to a minion that are named the same as one of Salt's default set of returners will take the place of the default returner with the same name.
naming the returner
Note that a returner's default name is its filename (i.e. foo.py
becomes returner foo
), but that its name can be overridden by using a __virtual__ function. A good example of this can be found in the redis returner, which is named redis_return.py
but is loaded as simply redis
1 try: 2 import redis 3 HAS_REDIS = True 4 except ImportError: 5 HAS_REDIS = False 6 7 __virtualname__ = 'redis' 8 9 def __virtual__(): 10 if not HAS_REDIS: 11 return False 12 return __virtualname__
master job cache support
, Storing Job Results in an External System, and Event Returners. Salt's master_job_cache
allows returners to be used as a pluggable replacement for the Default Job Cache. In order to do so, a returner must implement the following functions:
master_job_cache,在外部系统中存储作业结果以及事件返回者。Salt的master_job_cache允许返回者用作默认作业缓存的可插拔替换。 为此,返回者必须执行以下功能:
注意: The code samples contained in this section were taken from the cassandra_cql returner. 本节中包含的代码示例取自cassandra_cql返回者。
Ensures that job ids (jid) don't collide, unless passed_jid is provided.
确保job ids(jid)不会相互冲突,除非提供了passed_jid。
is an optional boolean that indicates if return data should be cached. passed_jid
is a caller provided jid which should be returned unconditionally.
nochache 是一个可选的布尔值,用于指示是否应该缓存返回数据。passed_jid是一个调用者提供的jid,应该无条件地返回。
1 def prep_jid(nocache, passed_jid=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument 2 ''' 3 Do any work necessary to prepare a JID, including sending a custom id 4 ''' 5 return passed_jid if passed_jid is not None else salt.utils.jid.gen_jid()
Save job information. The jid
is generated by prep_jid
and should be considered a unique identifier for the job. The jid, for example, could be used as the primary/unique key in a database.
The load
is what is returned to a Salt master by a minion. The following code example stores the load as a JSON string in the salt.jids table.
load 是由一个minion返回Salt master的东西。以下代码示例将load作为JSON字符串存储在salt.jids表中。
1 import salt.utils.json 2 3 def save_load(jid, load): 4 ''' 5 Save the load to the specified jid id 6 ''' 7 query = '''INSERT INTO salt.jids ( 8 jid, load 9 ) VALUES ( 10 '{0}', '{1}' 11 );'''.format(jid, salt.utils.json.dumps(load)) 12 13 # cassandra_cql.cql_query may raise a CommandExecutionError 14 try: 15 __salt__['cassandra_cql.cql_query'](query) # 一种NoSQL数据库,使用cql语句 16 except CommandExecutionError: 17 log.critical('Could not save load in jids table.') 18 raise 19 except Exception as e: 20 log.critical( 21 'Unexpected error while inserting into jids: {0}'.format(e) 22 ) 23 raise
must accept a job id (jid) and return the job load stored bysave_load
, or an empty dictionary when not found.1 def get_load(jid): 2 ''' 3 Return the load data that marks a specified jid 4 ''' 5 query = '''SELECT load FROM salt.jids WHERE jid = '{0}';'''.format(jid) 6 7 ret = {} 8 9 # cassandra_cql.cql_query may raise a CommandExecutionError 10 try: 11 data = __salt__['cassandra_cql.cql_query'](query) 12 if data: 13 load = data[0].get('load') 14 if load: 15 ret = json.loads(load) 16 except CommandExecutionError: 17 log.critical('Could not get load from jids table.') 18 raise 19 except Exception as e: 20 log.critical('''Unexpected error while getting load from 21 jids: {0}'''.format(str(e))) 22 raise 23 24 return ret
external job cache support
Salt's Storing Job Results in an External System extends the master_job_cache
. External Job Cache support requires the following functions in addition to what is required for Master Job Cache support:
Salt的Storing Job Results in an External System扩展了master_job_cache。除了master job Cache支持所需的功能之外,外部作业缓存支持还需要以下功能:
Return a dictionary containing the information (load) returned by each minion when the specified job id was executed.
返回一个字典,其中包含执行指定job id 时由每个小工具返回的信息(load)。
{ "local": { "master_minion": { "fun_args": [], "jid": "20150330121011408195", "return": true, "retcode": 0, "success": true, "cmd": "_return", "_stamp": "2015-03-30T12:10:12.708663", "fun": "test.ping", "id": "master_minion" } } }
Return a dictionary of minions that called a given Salt function as their last function call.
{ "local": { "minion1": "test.ping", "minion3": "test.ping", "minion2": "test.ping" } }
Return a list of all job ids.
以列表形式返回所有job ids。
{ "local": [ "20150330121011408195", "20150330195922139916" ] }
Returns a list of minions
{ "local": [ "minion3", "minion2", "minion1", "master_minion" ] }
Please refer to one or more of the existing returners (i.e. mysql, cassandra_cql) if you need further clarification.
An event_return
function must be added to the returner module to allow events to be logged from a master via the returner. A list of events are passed to the function by the master.
一个event_return函数必须被添加到返回模块中,以允许事件通过返回者从master被记录。 master将事件列表传递给该功能。
The following example was taken from the MySQL returner. In this example, each event is inserted into the salt_events table keyed on the event tag. The tag contains the jid and therefore is guaranteed to be unique.
以下示例来自MySQL返回器。 在这个例子中,每个事件都被插入到事件标签上键入的salt_events表中。标签包含jid,因此保证是唯一的。
1 import salt.utils.json 2 3 def event_return(events): 4 ''' 5 Return event to mysql server 6 7 Requires that configuration be enabled via 'event_return' 8 option in master config. 9 ''' 10 with _get_serv(events, commit=True) as cur: 11 for event in events: 12 tag = event.get('tag', '') 13 data = event.get('data', '') 14 sql = '''INSERT INTO `salt_events` (`tag`, `data`, `master_id` ) 15 VALUES (%s, %s, %s)''' 16 cur.execute(sql, (tag, salt.utils.json.dumps(data), __opts__['id']))
testing the returner
The returner
, prep_jid
, save_load
, get_load
, and event_return
functions can be tested by configuring the master_job_cache
and Event Returners in the master config file and submitting a job to test.ping
each minion from the master.
返回器,prep_jid,save_load,get_load和event_return函数可以通过在主配置文件中配置master_job_cache和Event Returners并提交一个作业来测试master.jsp中的每个minion来测试。
Once you have successfully exercised the Master Job Cache functions, test the External Job Cache functions using the ret
execution module.
成功执行Master job Cache功能后,使用ret执行模块测试External Job Cache功能。

salt-call ret.get_jids cassandra_cql --output=json salt-call ret.get_fun cassandra_cql test.ping --output=json salt-call ret.get_minions cassandra_cql --output=json salt-call ret.get_jid cassandra_cql 20150330121011408195 --output=json
event returners
For maximum visibility into the history of events across a Salt infrastructure, all events seen by a salt master may be logged to one or more returners.
为了最大限度地查看Salt基础设施中事件的历史记录,可以将Salt master看到的所有事件记录到一个或多个返回器。
To enable event logging, set the event_return
configuration option in the master config to the returner(s) which should be designated as the handler for event returns.
Not all returners support event returns. Verify a returner has an event_return() function before using.
并非所有的返回者都支持事件回报。 使用前验证返回者是否有event_return()函数。
On larger installations, many hundreds of events may be generated on a busy master every second. Be certain to closely monitor the storage of a given returner as Salt can easily overwhelm an underpowered server with thousands of returns.
full list of returners
- salt.returners.carbon_return
- salt.returners.cassandra_cql_return
- salt.returners.cassandra_return
- salt.returners.couchbase_return
- salt.returners.couchdb_return
- salt.returners.django_return
- salt.returners.elasticsearch_return
- salt.returners.etcd_return
- salt.returners.highstate_return module
- salt.returners.hipchat_return
- salt.returners.influxdb_return
- salt.returners.kafka_return
- salt.returners.librato_return
- salt.returners.local
- salt.returners.local_cache
- salt.returners.mattermost_returner module
- salt.returners.memcache_return
- salt.returners.mongo_future_return
- salt.returners.mongo_return
- salt.returners.multi_returner
- salt.returners.mysql
- salt.returners.nagios_return
- salt.returners.odbc
- salt.returners.pgjsonb
- salt.returners.postgres
- salt.returners.postgres_local_cache
- salt.returners.pushover_returner
- salt.returners.rawfile_json
- salt.returners.redis_return
- salt.returners.sentry_return
- salt.returners.slack_returner
- salt.returners.sms_return
- salt.returners.smtp_return
- salt.returners.splunk module
- salt.returners.sqlite3
- salt.returners.syslog_return
- salt.returners.telegram_return
- salt.returners.xmpp_return
- salt.returners.zabbix_return module
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