DefaultMQProducer(D:\rocketmq-master\client\src\main\java\org\apache\rocketmq\client\producer\ )是RocketMQ中默认的生产者实现,DefaultMQProducer 的类之间的继承关系如图:
从类关系中可以看出,MQProducer 有两种实现方式。一个是 DefaultMQProducer,另一个是 TransactionMQProducer。
- DefaultMQProducer: 我们常用的生产者。
- TransactionMQProducer:继承自 DefaultMQProducer,并支持事务消息。
namesrvAddr:继承自 Client,表示 RocketMQ集群的Namesrv地址,如果是多个则用分号分开。比如:。
clientIP:使用客户端程序所在机器的IP地址。支持IPv4 和 IPv6,IPv4排除了本地的环回地址(127.0.x.x) 和私有内网地址。这里需要注意的是如果Client运行在Docker容器中,获取的IP地址是容器所在的IP地址,而非宿主机的IP地址。
vipChannelEnabled:这是一个boolean值,表示是否开启VIP通道。broker的netty server会起两个通信服务。两个服务除了服务的端口号不一样,其他都一样。
clientChannelEnabled:客户端回调线程数。该参数表示Netty通信层回调线程的个数 ,默认值availableProcessors()表示当前 CPU 的有效个数。
retryTimesWhenSendAsyncFailed:异步发送失败后重试的次数。默认为2次。异步重试是有条件的重试,并不是每次发送失败后都重试,比如:responseFuture.isSendRequestOK()、responseFuture.isTimeout() 等等。

1 private void sendMessageAsync( 2 final String addr, 3 final String brokerName, 4 final Message msg, 5 final long timeoutMillis, 6 final RemotingCommand request, 7 final SendCallback sendCallback, 8 final TopicPublishInfo topicPublishInfo, 9 final MQClientInstance instance, 10 final int retryTimesWhenSendFailed, 11 final AtomicInteger times, 12 final SendMessageContext context, 13 final DefaultMQProducerImpl producer 14 ) throws InterruptedException, RemotingException { 15 final long beginStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); 16 this.remotingClient.invokeAsync(addr, request, timeoutMillis, new InvokeCallback() { 17 @Override 18 public void operationComplete(ResponseFuture responseFuture) { 19 long cost = System.currentTimeMillis() - beginStartTime; 20 RemotingCommand response = responseFuture.getResponseCommand(); 21 if (null == sendCallback && response != null) { 22 23 try { 24 SendResult sendResult = MQClientAPIImpl.this.processSendResponse(brokerName, msg, response, addr); 25 if (context != null && sendResult != null) { 26 context.setSendResult(sendResult); 27 context.getProducer().executeSendMessageHookAfter(context); 28 } 29 } catch (Throwable e) { 30 } 31 32 producer.updateFaultItem(brokerName, System.currentTimeMillis() - responseFuture.getBeginTimestamp(), false); 33 return; 34 } 35 36 if (response != null) { 37 try { 38 SendResult sendResult = MQClientAPIImpl.this.processSendResponse(brokerName, msg, response, addr); 39 assert sendResult != null; 40 if (context != null) { 41 context.setSendResult(sendResult); 42 context.getProducer().executeSendMessageHookAfter(context); 43 } 44 45 try { 46 sendCallback.onSuccess(sendResult); 47 } catch (Throwable e) { 48 } 49 50 producer.updateFaultItem(brokerName, System.currentTimeMillis() - responseFuture.getBeginTimestamp(), false); 51 } catch (Exception e) { 52 producer.updateFaultItem(brokerName, System.currentTimeMillis() - responseFuture.getBeginTimestamp(), true); 53 onExceptionImpl(brokerName, msg, timeoutMillis - cost, request, sendCallback, topicPublishInfo, instance, 54 retryTimesWhenSendFailed, times, e, context, false, producer); 55 } 56 } else { 57 producer.updateFaultItem(brokerName, System.currentTimeMillis() - responseFuture.getBeginTimestamp(), true); 58 if (!responseFuture.isSendRequestOK()) { 59 MQClientException ex = new MQClientException("send request failed", responseFuture.getCause()); 60 onExceptionImpl(brokerName, msg, timeoutMillis - cost, request, sendCallback, topicPublishInfo, instance, 61 retryTimesWhenSendFailed, times, ex, context, true, producer); 62 } else if (responseFuture.isTimeout()) { 63 MQClientException ex = new MQClientException("wait response timeout " + responseFuture.getTimeoutMillis() + "ms", 64 responseFuture.getCause()); 65 onExceptionImpl(brokerName, msg, timeoutMillis - cost, request, sendCallback, topicPublishInfo, instance, 66 retryTimesWhenSendFailed, times, ex, context, true, producer); 67 } else { 68 MQClientException ex = new MQClientException("unknow reseaon", responseFuture.getCause()); 69 onExceptionImpl(brokerName, msg, timeoutMillis - cost, request, sendCallback, topicPublishInfo, instance, 70 retryTimesWhenSendFailed, times, ex, context, true, producer); 71 } 72 } 73 } 74 }); 75 }
send(Message msg):同步发送普通消息。
send(Message msg, long timeout):同步发送普通消息(超时设置)。
send(Message msg, SendCallback sendCallback):异步发送普通消息。
send(Message msg, SendCallback sendCallback, long timeout):异步发送消息,并指定回调方法和超时时间。
sendOneway(Message msg):发送单向消息。只负责发送消息,不管发送结果。
send(Message msg, MessageQueue mq):同步向指定队列发送消息。
send(Message msg, MessageQueue mq, long timeout):同步向指定队列发送消息(超时设置)。
send(Message msg, MessageQueue mq, SendCallback sendCallback):异步发送消息到指定队列。
send(Message msg, MessageQueue mq, SendCallback sendCallback, long timeout):异步发送消息到指定队列(超时设置)。
send(Message msg, MessageQueueSelector selector, Object arg, SendCallback sendCallback):自定义消息发送到指定队列。通过实现MessageQueueSelector接口来选择将发消息发送到哪个队列。
send(Collection<Message> msgs):批量发送消息。
createTopic(String key, String newTopic, int queueNum):在broker上创建指定的Topic。
viewMessage(String offsetMsgId):根据消息id查询消息内容。
生产者启动的流程比消费者启动的流程更为简单,一般用户使用 DefaultMQProducer的构造函数构造一个生产者实例,并设置各种参数。比如Namesrv地址、生产者组名等,调用start()方法启动生产者实例,start()方法调用了生产者默认实现类的start()方法启动。
MQClientInstance 实例与clientId是一一对应的,而clientId是由clientIP、instanceName及unitName构成的。一般来讲,为了减少客户端的使用资源,如果将所有的instanceName和unitName设置为同样的值,就会只创建一个MQClientInstance实例,具体实现代码如下:
1 public String buildMQClientId() { 2 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); 3 sb.append(this.getClientIP()); 4 5 sb.append("@"); 6 sb.append(this.getInstanceName()); 7 if (!UtilAll.isBlank(this.unitName)) { 8 sb.append("@"); 9 sb.append(this.unitName); 10 } 11 12 return sb.toString(); 13 }
MQClientInstance 实例的功能是管理本实例中全部生产者与消费者的生产和消费行为,代码路径:D:\rocketmq-master\client\src\main\java\org\apache\rocketmq\client\impl\factory\,相关如下:

1 public class MQClientInstance { 2 private final static long LOCK_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = 3000; 3 private final InternalLogger log = ClientLogger.getLog(); 4 private final ClientConfig clientConfig; 5 private final int instanceIndex; 6 private final String clientId; 7 private final long bootTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); 8 private final ConcurrentMap<String/* group */, MQProducerInner> producerTable = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, MQProducerInner>(); 9 private final ConcurrentMap<String/* group */, MQConsumerInner> consumerTable = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, MQConsumerInner>(); 10 private final ConcurrentMap<String/* group */, MQAdminExtInner> adminExtTable = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, MQAdminExtInner>(); 11 private final NettyClientConfig nettyClientConfig; 12 private final MQClientAPIImpl mQClientAPIImpl; 13 private final MQAdminImpl mQAdminImpl; 14 private final ConcurrentMap<String/* Topic */, TopicRouteData> topicRouteTable = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, TopicRouteData>(); 15 private final Lock lockNamesrv = new ReentrantLock(); 16 private final Lock lockHeartbeat = new ReentrantLock(); 17 private final ConcurrentMap<String/* Broker Name */, HashMap<Long/* brokerId */, String/* address */>> brokerAddrTable = 18 new ConcurrentHashMap<String, HashMap<Long, String>>(); 19 private final ConcurrentMap<String/* Broker Name */, HashMap<String/* address */, Integer>> brokerVersionTable = 20 new ConcurrentHashMap<String, HashMap<String, Integer>>(); 21 private final ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutorService = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(new ThreadFactory() { 22 @Override 23 public Thread newThread(Runnable r) { 24 return new Thread(r, "MQClientFactoryScheduledThread"); 25 } 26 }); 27 private final ClientRemotingProcessor clientRemotingProcessor; 28 private final PullMessageService pullMessageService; 29 private final RebalanceService rebalanceService; 30 private final DefaultMQProducer defaultMQProducer; 31 private final ConsumerStatsManager consumerStatsManager; 32 private final AtomicLong sendHeartbeatTimesTotal = new AtomicLong(0); 33 private ServiceState serviceState = ServiceState.CREATE_JUST; 34 private Random random = new Random(); 35 36 public MQClientInstance(ClientConfig clientConfig, int instanceIndex, String clientId) { 37 this(clientConfig, instanceIndex, clientId, null); 38 } 39 40 public MQClientInstance(ClientConfig clientConfig, int instanceIndex, String clientId, RPCHook rpcHook) { 41 this.clientConfig = clientConfig; 42 this.instanceIndex = instanceIndex; 43 this.nettyClientConfig = new NettyClientConfig(); 44 this.nettyClientConfig.setClientCallbackExecutorThreads(clientConfig.getClientCallbackExecutorThreads()); 45 this.nettyClientConfig.setUseTLS(clientConfig.isUseTLS()); 46 this.clientRemotingProcessor = new ClientRemotingProcessor(this); 47 this.mQClientAPIImpl = new MQClientAPIImpl(this.nettyClientConfig, this.clientRemotingProcessor, rpcHook, clientConfig); 48 49 if (this.clientConfig.getNamesrvAddr() != null) { 50 this.mQClientAPIImpl.updateNameServerAddressList(this.clientConfig.getNamesrvAddr()); 51"user specified name server address: {}", this.clientConfig.getNamesrvAddr()); 52 } 53 54 this.clientId = clientId; 55 56 this.mQAdminImpl = new MQAdminImpl(this); 57 58 this.pullMessageService = new PullMessageService(this); 59 60 this.rebalanceService = new RebalanceService(this); 61 62 this.defaultMQProducer = new DefaultMQProducer(MixAll.CLIENT_INNER_PRODUCER_GROUP); 63 this.defaultMQProducer.resetClientConfig(clientConfig); 64 65 this.consumerStatsManager = new ConsumerStatsManager(this.scheduledExecutorService); 66 67"Created a new client Instance, InstanceIndex:{}, ClientID:{}, ClientConfig:{}, ClientVersion:{}, SerializerType:{}", 68 this.instanceIndex, 69 this.clientId, 70 this.clientConfig, 71 MQVersion.getVersionDesc(MQVersion.CURRENT_VERSION), RemotingCommand.getSerializeTypeConfigInThisServer()); 72 } 73 74 public static TopicPublishInfo topicRouteData2TopicPublishInfo(final String topic, final TopicRouteData route) { 75 TopicPublishInfo info = new TopicPublishInfo(); 76 info.setTopicRouteData(route); 77 if (route.getOrderTopicConf() != null && route.getOrderTopicConf().length() > 0) { 78 String[] brokers = route.getOrderTopicConf().split(";"); 79 for (String broker : brokers) { 80 String[] item = broker.split(":"); 81 int nums = Integer.parseInt(item[1]); 82 for (int i = 0; i < nums; i++) { 83 MessageQueue mq = new MessageQueue(topic, item[0], i); 84 info.getMessageQueueList().add(mq); 85 } 86 } 87 88 info.setOrderTopic(true); 89 } else { 90 List<QueueData> qds = route.getQueueDatas(); 91 Collections.sort(qds); 92 for (QueueData qd : qds) { 93 if (PermName.isWriteable(qd.getPerm())) { 94 BrokerData brokerData = null; 95 for (BrokerData bd : route.getBrokerDatas()) { 96 if (bd.getBrokerName().equals(qd.getBrokerName())) { 97 brokerData = bd; 98 break; 99 } 100 } 101 102 if (null == brokerData) { 103 continue; 104 } 105 106 if (!brokerData.getBrokerAddrs().containsKey(MixAll.MASTER_ID)) { 107 continue; 108 } 109 110 for (int i = 0; i < qd.getWriteQueueNums(); i++) { 111 MessageQueue mq = new MessageQueue(topic, qd.getBrokerName(), i); 112 info.getMessageQueueList().add(mq); 113 } 114 } 115 } 116 117 info.setOrderTopic(false); 118 } 119 120 return info; 121 } 122 123 public static Set<MessageQueue> topicRouteData2TopicSubscribeInfo(final String topic, final TopicRouteData route) { 124 Set<MessageQueue> mqList = new HashSet<MessageQueue>(); 125 List<QueueData> qds = route.getQueueDatas(); 126 for (QueueData qd : qds) { 127 if (PermName.isReadable(qd.getPerm())) { 128 for (int i = 0; i < qd.getReadQueueNums(); i++) { 129 MessageQueue mq = new MessageQueue(topic, qd.getBrokerName(), i); 130 mqList.add(mq); 131 } 132 } 133 } 134 135 return mqList; 136 } 137 138 public void start() throws MQClientException { 139 140 synchronized (this) { 141 switch (this.serviceState) { 142 case CREATE_JUST: 143 this.serviceState = ServiceState.START_FAILED; 144 // If not specified,looking address from name server 145 if (null == this.clientConfig.getNamesrvAddr()) { 146 this.mQClientAPIImpl.fetchNameServerAddr(); 147 } 148 // Start request-response channel 149 this.mQClientAPIImpl.start(); 150 // Start various schedule tasks 151 this.startScheduledTask(); 152 // Start pull service 153 this.pullMessageService.start(); 154 // Start rebalance service 155 this.rebalanceService.start(); 156 // Start push service 157 this.defaultMQProducer.getDefaultMQProducerImpl().start(false); 158"the client factory [{}] start OK", this.clientId); 159 this.serviceState = ServiceState.RUNNING; 160 break; 161 case START_FAILED: 162 throw new MQClientException("The Factory object[" + this.getClientId() + "] has been created before, and failed.", null); 163 default: 164 break; 165 } 166 } 167 } 168 169 private void startScheduledTask() { 170 if (null == this.clientConfig.getNamesrvAddr()) { 171 this.scheduledExecutorService.scheduleAtFixedRate(new Runnable() { 172 173 @Override 174 public void run() { 175 try { 176 MQClientInstance.this.mQClientAPIImpl.fetchNameServerAddr(); 177 } catch (Exception e) { 178 log.error("ScheduledTask fetchNameServerAddr exception", e); 179 } 180 } 181 }, 1000 * 10, 1000 * 60 * 2, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); 182 } 183 184 this.scheduledExecutorService.scheduleAtFixedRate(new Runnable() { 185 186 @Override 187 public void run() { 188 try { 189 MQClientInstance.this.updateTopicRouteInfoFromNameServer(); 190 } catch (Exception e) { 191 log.error("ScheduledTask updateTopicRouteInfoFromNameServer exception", e); 192 } 193 } 194 }, 10, this.clientConfig.getPollNameServerInterval(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); 195 196 this.scheduledExecutorService.scheduleAtFixedRate(new Runnable() { 197 198 @Override 199 public void run() { 200 try { 201 MQClientInstance.this.cleanOfflineBroker(); 202 MQClientInstance.this.sendHeartbeatToAllBrokerWithLock(); 203 } catch (Exception e) { 204 log.error("ScheduledTask sendHeartbeatToAllBroker exception", e); 205 } 206 } 207 }, 1000, this.clientConfig.getHeartbeatBrokerInterval(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); 208 209 this.scheduledExecutorService.scheduleAtFixedRate(new Runnable() { 210 211 @Override 212 public void run() { 213 try { 214 MQClientInstance.this.persistAllConsumerOffset(); 215 } catch (Exception e) { 216 log.error("ScheduledTask persistAllConsumerOffset exception", e); 217 } 218 } 219 }, 1000 * 10, this.clientConfig.getPersistConsumerOffsetInterval(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); 220 221 this.scheduledExecutorService.scheduleAtFixedRate(new Runnable() { 222 223 @Override 224 public void run() { 225 try { 226 MQClientInstance.this.adjustThreadPool(); 227 } catch (Exception e) { 228 log.error("ScheduledTask adjustThreadPool exception", e); 229 } 230 } 231 }, 1, 1, TimeUnit.MINUTES); 232 } 233 234 public String getClientId() { 235 return clientId; 236 } 237 238 public void updateTopicRouteInfoFromNameServer() { 239 Set<String> topicList = new HashSet<String>(); 240 241 // Consumer 242 { 243 Iterator<Entry<String, MQConsumerInner>> it = this.consumerTable.entrySet().iterator(); 244 while (it.hasNext()) { 245 Entry<String, MQConsumerInner> entry =; 246 MQConsumerInner impl = entry.getValue(); 247 if (impl != null) { 248 Set<SubscriptionData> subList = impl.subscriptions(); 249 if (subList != null) { 250 for (SubscriptionData subData : subList) { 251 topicList.add(subData.getTopic()); 252 } 253 } 254 } 255 } 256 } 257 258 // Producer 259 { 260 Iterator<Entry<String, MQProducerInner>> it = this.producerTable.entrySet().iterator(); 261 while (it.hasNext()) { 262 Entry<String, MQProducerInner> entry =; 263 MQProducerInner impl = entry.getValue(); 264 if (impl != null) { 265 Set<String> lst = impl.getPublishTopicList(); 266 topicList.addAll(lst); 267 } 268 } 269 } 270 271 for (String topic : topicList) { 272 this.updateTopicRouteInfoFromNameServer(topic); 273 } 274 } 275 276 /** 277 * @param offsetTable 278 * @param namespace 279 * @return newOffsetTable 280 */ 281 public Map<MessageQueue, Long> parseOffsetTableFromBroker(Map<MessageQueue, Long> offsetTable, String namespace) { 282 HashMap<MessageQueue, Long> newOffsetTable = new HashMap<MessageQueue, Long>(); 283 if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(namespace)) { 284 for (Entry<MessageQueue, Long> entry : offsetTable.entrySet()) { 285 MessageQueue queue = entry.getKey(); 286 queue.setTopic(NamespaceUtil.withoutNamespace(queue.getTopic(), namespace)); 287 newOffsetTable.put(queue, entry.getValue()); 288 } 289 } else { 290 newOffsetTable.putAll(offsetTable); 291 } 292 293 return newOffsetTable; 294 } 295 296 /** 297 * Remove offline broker 298 */ 299 private void cleanOfflineBroker() { 300 try { 301 if (this.lockNamesrv.tryLock(LOCK_TIMEOUT_MILLIS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) 302 try { 303 ConcurrentHashMap<String, HashMap<Long, String>> updatedTable = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, HashMap<Long, String>>(); 304 305 Iterator<Entry<String, HashMap<Long, String>>> itBrokerTable = this.brokerAddrTable.entrySet().iterator(); 306 while (itBrokerTable.hasNext()) { 307 Entry<String, HashMap<Long, String>> entry =; 308 String brokerName = entry.getKey(); 309 HashMap<Long, String> oneTable = entry.getValue(); 310 311 HashMap<Long, String> cloneAddrTable = new HashMap<Long, String>(); 312 cloneAddrTable.putAll(oneTable); 313 314 Iterator<Entry<Long, String>> it = cloneAddrTable.entrySet().iterator(); 315 while (it.hasNext()) { 316 Entry<Long, String> ee =; 317 String addr = ee.getValue(); 318 if (!this.isBrokerAddrExistInTopicRouteTable(addr)) { 319 it.remove(); 320"the broker addr[{} {}] is offline, remove it", brokerName, addr); 321 } 322 } 323 324 if (cloneAddrTable.isEmpty()) { 325 itBrokerTable.remove(); 326"the broker[{}] name's host is offline, remove it", brokerName); 327 } else { 328 updatedTable.put(brokerName, cloneAddrTable); 329 } 330 } 331 332 if (!updatedTable.isEmpty()) { 333 this.brokerAddrTable.putAll(updatedTable); 334 } 335 } finally { 336 this.lockNamesrv.unlock(); 337 } 338 } catch (InterruptedException e) { 339 log.warn("cleanOfflineBroker Exception", e); 340 } 341 } 342 343 public void checkClientInBroker() throws MQClientException { 344 Iterator<Entry<String, MQConsumerInner>> it = this.consumerTable.entrySet().iterator(); 345 346 while (it.hasNext()) { 347 Entry<String, MQConsumerInner> entry =; 348 Set<SubscriptionData> subscriptionInner = entry.getValue().subscriptions(); 349 if (subscriptionInner == null || subscriptionInner.isEmpty()) { 350 return; 351 } 352 353 for (SubscriptionData subscriptionData : subscriptionInner) { 354 if (ExpressionType.isTagType(subscriptionData.getExpressionType())) { 355 continue; 356 } 357 // may need to check one broker every cluster... 358 // assume that the configs of every broker in cluster are the the same. 359 String addr = findBrokerAddrByTopic(subscriptionData.getTopic()); 360 361 if (addr != null) { 362 try { 363 this.getMQClientAPIImpl().checkClientInBroker( 364 addr, entry.getKey(), this.clientId, subscriptionData, 3 * 1000 365 ); 366 } catch (Exception e) { 367 if (e instanceof MQClientException) { 368 throw (MQClientException) e; 369 } else { 370 throw new MQClientException("Check client in broker error, maybe because you use " 371 + subscriptionData.getExpressionType() + " to filter message, but server has not been upgraded to support!" 372 + "This error would not affect the launch of consumer, but may has impact on message receiving if you " + 373 "have use the new features which are not supported by server, please check the log!", e); 374 } 375 } 376 } 377 } 378 } 379 } 380 381 public void sendHeartbeatToAllBrokerWithLock() { 382 if (this.lockHeartbeat.tryLock()) { 383 try { 384 this.sendHeartbeatToAllBroker(); 385 this.uploadFilterClassSource(); 386 } catch (final Exception e) { 387 log.error("sendHeartbeatToAllBroker exception", e); 388 } finally { 389 this.lockHeartbeat.unlock(); 390 } 391 } else { 392 log.warn("lock heartBeat, but failed. [{}]", this.clientId); 393 } 394 } 395 396 private void persistAllConsumerOffset() { 397 Iterator<Entry<String, MQConsumerInner>> it = this.consumerTable.entrySet().iterator(); 398 while (it.hasNext()) { 399 Entry<String, MQConsumerInner> entry =; 400 MQConsumerInner impl = entry.getValue(); 401 impl.persistConsumerOffset(); 402 } 403 } 404 405 public void adjustThreadPool() { 406 Iterator<Entry<String, MQConsumerInner>> it = this.consumerTable.entrySet().iterator(); 407 while (it.hasNext()) { 408 Entry<String, MQConsumerInner> entry =; 409 MQConsumerInner impl = entry.getValue(); 410 if (impl != null) { 411 try { 412 if (impl instanceof DefaultMQPushConsumerImpl) { 413 DefaultMQPushConsumerImpl dmq = (DefaultMQPushConsumerImpl) impl; 414 dmq.adjustThreadPool(); 415 } 416 } catch (Exception e) { 417 } 418 } 419 } 420 } 421 422 public boolean updateTopicRouteInfoFromNameServer(final String topic) { 423 return updateTopicRouteInfoFromNameServer(topic, false, null); 424 } 425 426 private boolean isBrokerAddrExistInTopicRouteTable(final String addr) { 427 Iterator<Entry<String, TopicRouteData>> it = this.topicRouteTable.entrySet().iterator(); 428 while (it.hasNext()) { 429 Entry<String, TopicRouteData> entry =; 430 TopicRouteData topicRouteData = entry.getValue(); 431 List<BrokerData> bds = topicRouteData.getBrokerDatas(); 432 for (BrokerData bd : bds) { 433 if (bd.getBrokerAddrs() != null) { 434 boolean exist = bd.getBrokerAddrs().containsValue(addr); 435 if (exist) 436 return true; 437 } 438 } 439 } 440 441 return false; 442 } 443 444 private void sendHeartbeatToAllBroker() { 445 final HeartbeatData heartbeatData = this.prepareHeartbeatData(); 446 final boolean producerEmpty = heartbeatData.getProducerDataSet().isEmpty(); 447 final boolean consumerEmpty = heartbeatData.getConsumerDataSet().isEmpty(); 448 if (producerEmpty && consumerEmpty) { 449 log.warn("sending heartbeat, but no consumer and no producer. [{}]", this.clientId); 450 return; 451 } 452 453 if (!this.brokerAddrTable.isEmpty()) { 454 long times = this.sendHeartbeatTimesTotal.getAndIncrement(); 455 Iterator<Entry<String, HashMap<Long, String>>> it = this.brokerAddrTable.entrySet().iterator(); 456 while (it.hasNext()) { 457 Entry<String, HashMap<Long, String>> entry =; 458 String brokerName = entry.getKey(); 459 HashMap<Long, String> oneTable = entry.getValue(); 460 if (oneTable != null) { 461 for (Map.Entry<Long, String> entry1 : oneTable.entrySet()) { 462 Long id = entry1.getKey(); 463 String addr = entry1.getValue(); 464 if (addr != null) { 465 if (consumerEmpty) { 466 if (id != MixAll.MASTER_ID) 467 continue; 468 } 469 470 try { 471 int version = this.mQClientAPIImpl.sendHearbeat(addr, heartbeatData, 3000); 472 if (!this.brokerVersionTable.containsKey(brokerName)) { 473 this.brokerVersionTable.put(brokerName, new HashMap<String, Integer>(4)); 474 } 475 this.brokerVersionTable.get(brokerName).put(addr, version); 476 if (times % 20 == 0) { 477"send heart beat to broker[{} {} {}] success", brokerName, id, addr); 478; 479 } 480 } catch (Exception e) { 481 if (this.isBrokerInNameServer(addr)) { 482"send heart beat to broker[{} {} {}] failed", brokerName, id, addr, e); 483 } else { 484"send heart beat to broker[{} {} {}] exception, because the broker not up, forget it", brokerName, 485 id, addr, e); 486 } 487 } 488 } 489 } 490 } 491 } 492 } 493 } 494 495 private void uploadFilterClassSource() { 496 Iterator<Entry<String, MQConsumerInner>> it = this.consumerTable.entrySet().iterator(); 497 while (it.hasNext()) { 498 Entry<String, MQConsumerInner> next =; 499 MQConsumerInner consumer = next.getValue(); 500 if (ConsumeType.CONSUME_PASSIVELY == consumer.consumeType()) { 501 Set<SubscriptionData> subscriptions = consumer.subscriptions(); 502 for (SubscriptionData sub : subscriptions) { 503 if (sub.isClassFilterMode() && sub.getFilterClassSource() != null) { 504 final String consumerGroup = consumer.groupName(); 505 final String className = sub.getSubString(); 506 final String topic = sub.getTopic(); 507 final String filterClassSource = sub.getFilterClassSource(); 508 try { 509 this.uploadFilterClassToAllFilterServer(consumerGroup, className, topic, filterClassSource); 510 } catch (Exception e) { 511 log.error("uploadFilterClassToAllFilterServer Exception", e); 512 } 513 } 514 } 515 } 516 } 517 } 518 519 public boolean updateTopicRouteInfoFromNameServer(final String topic, boolean isDefault, 520 DefaultMQProducer defaultMQProducer) { 521 try { 522 if (this.lockNamesrv.tryLock(LOCK_TIMEOUT_MILLIS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) { 523 try { 524 TopicRouteData topicRouteData; 525 if (isDefault && defaultMQProducer != null) { 526 topicRouteData = this.mQClientAPIImpl.getDefaultTopicRouteInfoFromNameServer(defaultMQProducer.getCreateTopicKey(), 527 1000 * 3); 528 if (topicRouteData != null) { 529 for (QueueData data : topicRouteData.getQueueDatas()) { 530 int queueNums = Math.min(defaultMQProducer.getDefaultTopicQueueNums(), data.getReadQueueNums()); 531 data.setReadQueueNums(queueNums); 532 data.setWriteQueueNums(queueNums); 533 } 534 } 535 } else { 536 topicRouteData = this.mQClientAPIImpl.getTopicRouteInfoFromNameServer(topic, 1000 * 3); 537 } 538 if (topicRouteData != null) { 539 TopicRouteData old = this.topicRouteTable.get(topic); 540 boolean changed = topicRouteDataIsChange(old, topicRouteData); 541 if (!changed) { 542 changed = this.isNeedUpdateTopicRouteInfo(topic); 543 } else { 544"the topic[{}] route info changed, old[{}] ,new[{}]", topic, old, topicRouteData); 545 } 546 547 if (changed) { 548 TopicRouteData cloneTopicRouteData = topicRouteData.cloneTopicRouteData(); 549 550 for (BrokerData bd : topicRouteData.getBrokerDatas()) { 551 this.brokerAddrTable.put(bd.getBrokerName(), bd.getBrokerAddrs()); 552 } 553 554 // Update Pub info 555 { 556 TopicPublishInfo publishInfo = topicRouteData2TopicPublishInfo(topic, topicRouteData); 557 publishInfo.setHaveTopicRouterInfo(true); 558 Iterator<Entry<String, MQProducerInner>> it = this.producerTable.entrySet().iterator(); 559 while (it.hasNext()) { 560 Entry<String, MQProducerInner> entry =; 561 MQProducerInner impl = entry.getValue(); 562 if (impl != null) { 563 impl.updateTopicPublishInfo(topic, publishInfo); 564 } 565 } 566 } 567 568 // Update sub info 569 { 570 Set<MessageQueue> subscribeInfo = topicRouteData2TopicSubscribeInfo(topic, topicRouteData); 571 Iterator<Entry<String, MQConsumerInner>> it = this.consumerTable.entrySet().iterator(); 572 while (it.hasNext()) { 573 Entry<String, MQConsumerInner> entry =; 574 MQConsumerInner impl = entry.getValue(); 575 if (impl != null) { 576 impl.updateTopicSubscribeInfo(topic, subscribeInfo); 577 } 578 } 579 } 580"topicRouteTable.put. Topic = {}, TopicRouteData[{}]", topic, cloneTopicRouteData); 581 this.topicRouteTable.put(topic, cloneTopicRouteData); 582 return true; 583 } 584 } else { 585 log.warn("updateTopicRouteInfoFromNameServer, getTopicRouteInfoFromNameServer return null, Topic: {}. [{}]", topic, this.clientId); 586 } 587 } catch (MQClientException e) { 588 if (!topic.startsWith(MixAll.RETRY_GROUP_TOPIC_PREFIX)) { 589 log.warn("updateTopicRouteInfoFromNameServer Exception", e); 590 } 591 } catch (RemotingException e) { 592 log.error("updateTopicRouteInfoFromNameServer Exception", e); 593 throw new IllegalStateException(e); 594 } finally { 595 this.lockNamesrv.unlock(); 596 } 597 } else { 598 log.warn("updateTopicRouteInfoFromNameServer tryLock timeout {}ms. [{}]", LOCK_TIMEOUT_MILLIS, this.clientId); 599 } 600 } catch (InterruptedException e) { 601 log.warn("updateTopicRouteInfoFromNameServer Exception", e); 602 } 603 604 return false; 605 } 606 607 private HeartbeatData prepareHeartbeatData() { 608 HeartbeatData heartbeatData = new HeartbeatData(); 609 610 // clientID 611 heartbeatData.setClientID(this.clientId); 612 613 // Consumer 614 for (Map.Entry<String, MQConsumerInner> entry : this.consumerTable.entrySet()) { 615 MQConsumerInner impl = entry.getValue(); 616 if (impl != null) { 617 ConsumerData consumerData = new ConsumerData(); 618 consumerData.setGroupName(impl.groupName()); 619 consumerData.setConsumeType(impl.consumeType()); 620 consumerData.setMessageModel(impl.messageModel()); 621 consumerData.setConsumeFromWhere(impl.consumeFromWhere()); 622 consumerData.getSubscriptionDataSet().addAll(impl.subscriptions()); 623 consumerData.setUnitMode(impl.isUnitMode()); 624 625 heartbeatData.getConsumerDataSet().add(consumerData); 626 } 627 } 628 629 // Producer 630 for (Map.Entry<String/* group */, MQProducerInner> entry : this.producerTable.entrySet()) { 631 MQProducerInner impl = entry.getValue(); 632 if (impl != null) { 633 ProducerData producerData = new ProducerData(); 634 producerData.setGroupName(entry.getKey()); 635 636 heartbeatData.getProducerDataSet().add(producerData); 637 } 638 } 639 640 return heartbeatData; 641 } 642 643 private boolean isBrokerInNameServer(final String brokerAddr) { 644 Iterator<Entry<String, TopicRouteData>> it = this.topicRouteTable.entrySet().iterator(); 645 while (it.hasNext()) { 646 Entry<String, TopicRouteData> itNext =; 647 List<BrokerData> brokerDatas = itNext.getValue().getBrokerDatas(); 648 for (BrokerData bd : brokerDatas) { 649 boolean contain = bd.getBrokerAddrs().containsValue(brokerAddr); 650 if (contain) 651 return true; 652 } 653 } 654 655 return false; 656 } 657 658 /** 659 * This method will be removed in the version 5.0.0,because filterServer was removed,and method 660 * <code>subscribe(final String topic, final MessageSelector messageSelector)</code> is recommended. 661 */ 662 @Deprecated 663 private void uploadFilterClassToAllFilterServer(final String consumerGroup, final String fullClassName, 664 final String topic, 665 final String filterClassSource) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { 666 byte[] classBody = null; 667 int classCRC = 0; 668 try { 669 classBody = filterClassSource.getBytes(MixAll.DEFAULT_CHARSET); 670 classCRC = UtilAll.crc32(classBody); 671 } catch (Exception e1) { 672 log.warn("uploadFilterClassToAllFilterServer Exception, ClassName: {} {}", 673 fullClassName, 674 RemotingHelper.exceptionSimpleDesc(e1)); 675 } 676 677 TopicRouteData topicRouteData = this.topicRouteTable.get(topic); 678 if (topicRouteData != null 679 && topicRouteData.getFilterServerTable() != null && !topicRouteData.getFilterServerTable().isEmpty()) { 680 Iterator<Entry<String, List<String>>> it = topicRouteData.getFilterServerTable().entrySet().iterator(); 681 while (it.hasNext()) { 682 Entry<String, List<String>> next =; 683 List<String> value = next.getValue(); 684 for (final String fsAddr : value) { 685 try { 686 this.mQClientAPIImpl.registerMessageFilterClass(fsAddr, consumerGroup, topic, fullClassName, classCRC, classBody, 687 5000); 688 689"register message class filter to {} OK, ConsumerGroup: {} Topic: {} ClassName: {}", fsAddr, consumerGroup, 690 topic, fullClassName); 691 692 } catch (Exception e) { 693 log.error("uploadFilterClassToAllFilterServer Exception", e); 694 } 695 } 696 } 697 } else { 698 log.warn("register message class filter failed, because no filter server, ConsumerGroup: {} Topic: {} ClassName: {}", 699 consumerGroup, topic, fullClassName); 700 } 701 } 702 703 private boolean topicRouteDataIsChange(TopicRouteData olddata, TopicRouteData nowdata) { 704 if (olddata == null || nowdata == null) 705 return true; 706 TopicRouteData old = olddata.cloneTopicRouteData(); 707 TopicRouteData now = nowdata.cloneTopicRouteData(); 708 Collections.sort(old.getQueueDatas()); 709 Collections.sort(old.getBrokerDatas()); 710 Collections.sort(now.getQueueDatas()); 711 Collections.sort(now.getBrokerDatas()); 712 return !old.equals(now); 713 714 } 715 716 private boolean isNeedUpdateTopicRouteInfo(final String topic) { 717 boolean result = false; 718 { 719 Iterator<Entry<String, MQProducerInner>> it = this.producerTable.entrySet().iterator(); 720 while (it.hasNext() && !result) { 721 Entry<String, MQProducerInner> entry =; 722 MQProducerInner impl = entry.getValue(); 723 if (impl != null) { 724 result = impl.isPublishTopicNeedUpdate(topic); 725 } 726 } 727 } 728 729 { 730 Iterator<Entry<String, MQConsumerInner>> it = this.consumerTable.entrySet().iterator(); 731 while (it.hasNext() && !result) { 732 Entry<String, MQConsumerInner> entry =; 733 MQConsumerInner impl = entry.getValue(); 734 if (impl != null) { 735 result = impl.isSubscribeTopicNeedUpdate(topic); 736 } 737 } 738 } 739 740 return result; 741 } 742 743 public void shutdown() { 744 // Consumer 745 if (!this.consumerTable.isEmpty()) 746 return; 747 748 // AdminExt 749 if (!this.adminExtTable.isEmpty()) 750 return; 751 752 // Producer 753 if (this.producerTable.size() > 1) 754 return; 755 756 synchronized (this) { 757 switch (this.serviceState) { 758 case CREATE_JUST: 759 break; 760 case RUNNING: 761 this.defaultMQProducer.getDefaultMQProducerImpl().shutdown(false); 762 763 this.serviceState = ServiceState.SHUTDOWN_ALREADY; 764 this.pullMessageService.shutdown(true); 765 this.scheduledExecutorService.shutdown(); 766 this.mQClientAPIImpl.shutdown(); 767 this.rebalanceService.shutdown(); 768 769 MQClientManager.getInstance().removeClientFactory(this.clientId); 770"the client factory [{}] shutdown OK", this.clientId); 771 break; 772 case SHUTDOWN_ALREADY: 773 break; 774 default: 775 break; 776 } 777 } 778 } 779 780 public boolean registerConsumer(final String group, final MQConsumerInner consumer) { 781 if (null == group || null == consumer) { 782 return false; 783 } 784 785 MQConsumerInner prev = this.consumerTable.putIfAbsent(group, consumer); 786 if (prev != null) { 787 log.warn("the consumer group[" + group + "] exist already."); 788 return false; 789 } 790 791 return true; 792 } 793 794 public void unregisterConsumer(final String group) { 795 this.consumerTable.remove(group); 796 this.unregisterClientWithLock(null, group); 797 } 798 799 private void unregisterClientWithLock(final String producerGroup, final String consumerGroup) { 800 try { 801 if (this.lockHeartbeat.tryLock(LOCK_TIMEOUT_MILLIS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) { 802 try { 803 this.unregisterClient(producerGroup, consumerGroup); 804 } catch (Exception e) { 805 log.error("unregisterClient exception", e); 806 } finally { 807 this.lockHeartbeat.unlock(); 808 } 809 } else { 810 log.warn("lock heartBeat, but failed. [{}]", this.clientId); 811 } 812 } catch (InterruptedException e) { 813 log.warn("unregisterClientWithLock exception", e); 814 } 815 } 816 817 private void unregisterClient(final String producerGroup, final String consumerGroup) { 818 Iterator<Entry<String, HashMap<Long, String>>> it = this.brokerAddrTable.entrySet().iterator(); 819 while (it.hasNext()) { 820 Entry<String, HashMap<Long, String>> entry =; 821 String brokerName = entry.getKey(); 822 HashMap<Long, String> oneTable = entry.getValue(); 823 824 if (oneTable != null) { 825 for (Map.Entry<Long, String> entry1 : oneTable.entrySet()) { 826 String addr = entry1.getValue(); 827 if (addr != null) { 828 try { 829 this.mQClientAPIImpl.unregisterClient(addr, this.clientId, producerGroup, consumerGroup, 3000); 830"unregister client[Producer: {} Consumer: {}] from broker[{} {} {}] success", producerGroup, consumerGroup, brokerName, entry1.getKey(), addr); 831 } catch (RemotingException e) { 832 log.error("unregister client exception from broker: " + addr, e); 833 } catch (InterruptedException e) { 834 log.error("unregister client exception from broker: " + addr, e); 835 } catch (MQBrokerException e) { 836 log.error("unregister client exception from broker: " + addr, e); 837 } 838 } 839 } 840 } 841 } 842 } 843 844 public boolean registerProducer(final String group, final DefaultMQProducerImpl producer) { 845 if (null == group || null == producer) { 846 return false; 847 } 848 849 MQProducerInner prev = this.producerTable.putIfAbsent(group, producer); 850 if (prev != null) { 851 log.warn("the producer group[{}] exist already.", group); 852 return false; 853 } 854 855 return true; 856 } 857 858 public void unregisterProducer(final String group) { 859 this.producerTable.remove(group); 860 this.unregisterClientWithLock(group, null); 861 } 862 863 public boolean registerAdminExt(final String group, final MQAdminExtInner admin) { 864 if (null == group || null == admin) { 865 return false; 866 } 867 868 MQAdminExtInner prev = this.adminExtTable.putIfAbsent(group, admin); 869 if (prev != null) { 870 log.warn("the admin group[{}] exist already.", group); 871 return false; 872 } 873 874 return true; 875 } 876 877 public void unregisterAdminExt(final String group) { 878 this.adminExtTable.remove(group); 879 } 880 881 public void rebalanceImmediately() { 882 this.rebalanceService.wakeup(); 883 } 884 885 public void doRebalance() { 886 for (Map.Entry<String, MQConsumerInner> entry : this.consumerTable.entrySet()) { 887 MQConsumerInner impl = entry.getValue(); 888 if (impl != null) { 889 try { 890 impl.doRebalance(); 891 } catch (Throwable e) { 892 log.error("doRebalance exception", e); 893 } 894 } 895 } 896 } 897 898 public MQProducerInner selectProducer(final String group) { 899 return this.producerTable.get(group); 900 } 901 902 public MQConsumerInner selectConsumer(final String group) { 903 return this.consumerTable.get(group); 904 } 905 906 public FindBrokerResult findBrokerAddressInAdmin(final String brokerName) { 907 String brokerAddr = null; 908 boolean slave = false; 909 boolean found = false; 910 911 HashMap<Long/* brokerId */, String/* address */> map = this.brokerAddrTable.get(brokerName); 912 if (map != null && !map.isEmpty()) { 913 for (Map.Entry<Long, String> entry : map.entrySet()) { 914 Long id = entry.getKey(); 915 brokerAddr = entry.getValue(); 916 if (brokerAddr != null) { 917 found = true; 918 if (MixAll.MASTER_ID == id) { 919 slave = false; 920 } else { 921 slave = true; 922 } 923 break; 924 925 } 926 } // end of for 927 } 928 929 if (found) { 930 return new FindBrokerResult(brokerAddr, slave, findBrokerVersion(brokerName, brokerAddr)); 931 } 932 933 return null; 934 } 935 936 public String findBrokerAddressInPublish(final String brokerName) { 937 HashMap<Long/* brokerId */, String/* address */> map = this.brokerAddrTable.get(brokerName); 938 if (map != null && !map.isEmpty()) { 939 return map.get(MixAll.MASTER_ID); 940 } 941 942 return null; 943 } 944 945 public FindBrokerResult findBrokerAddressInSubscribe( 946 final String brokerName, 947 final long brokerId, 948 final boolean onlyThisBroker 949 ) { 950 String brokerAddr = null; 951 boolean slave = false; 952 boolean found = false; 953 954 HashMap<Long/* brokerId */, String/* address */> map = this.brokerAddrTable.get(brokerName); 955 if (map != null && !map.isEmpty()) { 956 brokerAddr = map.get(brokerId); 957 slave = brokerId != MixAll.MASTER_ID; 958 found = brokerAddr != null; 959 960 if (!found && slave) { 961 brokerAddr = map.get(brokerId + 1); 962 found = brokerAddr != null; 963 } 964 965 if (!found && !onlyThisBroker) { 966 Entry<Long, String> entry = map.entrySet().iterator().next(); 967 brokerAddr = entry.getValue(); 968 slave = entry.getKey() != MixAll.MASTER_ID; 969 found = true; 970 } 971 } 972 973 if (found) { 974 return new FindBrokerResult(brokerAddr, slave, findBrokerVersion(brokerName, brokerAddr)); 975 } 976 977 return null; 978 } 979 980 public int findBrokerVersion(String brokerName, String brokerAddr) { 981 if (this.brokerVersionTable.containsKey(brokerName)) { 982 if (this.brokerVersionTable.get(brokerName).containsKey(brokerAddr)) { 983 return this.brokerVersionTable.get(brokerName).get(brokerAddr); 984 } 985 } 986 //To do need to fresh the version 987 return 0; 988 } 989 990 public List<String> findConsumerIdList(final String topic, final String group) { 991 String brokerAddr = this.findBrokerAddrByTopic(topic); 992 if (null == brokerAddr) { 993 this.updateTopicRouteInfoFromNameServer(topic); 994 brokerAddr = this.findBrokerAddrByTopic(topic); 995 } 996 997 if (null != brokerAddr) { 998 try { 999 return this.mQClientAPIImpl.getConsumerIdListByGroup(brokerAddr, group, 3000); 1000 } catch (Exception e) { 1001 log.warn("getConsumerIdListByGroup exception, " + brokerAddr + " " + group, e); 1002 } 1003 } 1004 1005 return null; 1006 } 1007 1008 public String findBrokerAddrByTopic(final String topic) { 1009 TopicRouteData topicRouteData = this.topicRouteTable.get(topic); 1010 if (topicRouteData != null) { 1011 List<BrokerData> brokers = topicRouteData.getBrokerDatas(); 1012 if (!brokers.isEmpty()) { 1013 int index = random.nextInt(brokers.size()); 1014 BrokerData bd = brokers.get(index % brokers.size()); 1015 return bd.selectBrokerAddr(); 1016 } 1017 } 1018 1019 return null; 1020 } 1021 1022 public void resetOffset(String topic, String group, Map<MessageQueue, Long> offsetTable) { 1023 DefaultMQPushConsumerImpl consumer = null; 1024 try { 1025 MQConsumerInner impl = this.consumerTable.get(group); 1026 if (impl != null && impl instanceof DefaultMQPushConsumerImpl) { 1027 consumer = (DefaultMQPushConsumerImpl) impl; 1028 } else { 1029"[reset-offset] consumer dose not exist. group={}", group); 1030 return; 1031 } 1032 consumer.suspend(); 1033 1034 ConcurrentMap<MessageQueue, ProcessQueue> processQueueTable = consumer.getRebalanceImpl().getProcessQueueTable(); 1035 for (Map.Entry<MessageQueue, ProcessQueue> entry : processQueueTable.entrySet()) { 1036 MessageQueue mq = entry.getKey(); 1037 if (topic.equals(mq.getTopic()) && offsetTable.containsKey(mq)) { 1038 ProcessQueue pq = entry.getValue(); 1039 pq.setDropped(true); 1040 pq.clear(); 1041 } 1042 } 1043 1044 try { 1045 TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(10); 1046 } catch (InterruptedException e) { 1047 } 1048 1049 Iterator<MessageQueue> iterator = processQueueTable.keySet().iterator(); 1050 while (iterator.hasNext()) { 1051 MessageQueue mq =; 1052 Long offset = offsetTable.get(mq); 1053 if (topic.equals(mq.getTopic()) && offset != null) { 1054 try { 1055 consumer.updateConsumeOffset(mq, offset); 1056 consumer.getRebalanceImpl().removeUnnecessaryMessageQueue(mq, processQueueTable.get(mq)); 1057 iterator.remove(); 1058 } catch (Exception e) { 1059 log.warn("reset offset failed. group={}, {}", group, mq, e); 1060 } 1061 } 1062 } 1063 } finally { 1064 if (consumer != null) { 1065 consumer.resume(); 1066 } 1067 } 1068 } 1069 1070 public Map<MessageQueue, Long> getConsumerStatus(String topic, String group) { 1071 MQConsumerInner impl = this.consumerTable.get(group); 1072 if (impl != null && impl instanceof DefaultMQPushConsumerImpl) { 1073 DefaultMQPushConsumerImpl consumer = (DefaultMQPushConsumerImpl) impl; 1074 return consumer.getOffsetStore().cloneOffsetTable(topic); 1075 } else if (impl != null && impl instanceof DefaultMQPullConsumerImpl) { 1076 DefaultMQPullConsumerImpl consumer = (DefaultMQPullConsumerImpl) impl; 1077 return consumer.getOffsetStore().cloneOffsetTable(topic); 1078 } else { 1079 return Collections.EMPTY_MAP; 1080 } 1081 } 1082 1083 public TopicRouteData getAnExistTopicRouteData(final String topic) { 1084 return this.topicRouteTable.get(topic); 1085 } 1086 1087 public MQClientAPIImpl getMQClientAPIImpl() { 1088 return mQClientAPIImpl; 1089 } 1090 1091 public MQAdminImpl getMQAdminImpl() { 1092 return mQAdminImpl; 1093 } 1094 1095 public long
mQClientAPIImpl:其实每个client也是一个Netty Server,也会支持Broker访问,这里实现了全部client支持的接口。
这里为什么会启动用于消费的Pull服务呢?这是一个兼容的写法。Pull服务其实是由一个状态变量方法 this.isStopped()控制的,这个stopped状态变量默认是False,而pullRequestQueue也是空的,所以这里只是启动了pullMessageService,并没有真正地执行Pull操作,代码路径 D:\rocketmq-master\client\src\main\java\org\apache\rocketmq\client\impl\consumer\,相关如下:

1 /* 2 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more 3 * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with 4 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. 5 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 6 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with 7 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at 8 * 9 * 10 * 11 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 12 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 13 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 14 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 15 * limitations under the License. 16 */ 17 package org.apache.rocketmq.client.impl.consumer; 18 19 import java.util.concurrent.Executors; 20 import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; 21 import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; 22 import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory; 23 import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; 24 import org.apache.rocketmq.client.impl.factory.MQClientInstance; 25 import org.apache.rocketmq.client.log.ClientLogger; 26 import org.apache.rocketmq.common.ServiceThread; 27 import org.apache.rocketmq.logging.InternalLogger; 28 import org.apache.rocketmq.common.utils.ThreadUtils; 29 30 public class PullMessageService extends ServiceThread { 31 private final InternalLogger log = ClientLogger.getLog(); 32 private final LinkedBlockingQueue<PullRequest> pullRequestQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<PullRequest>(); 33 private final MQClientInstance mQClientFactory; 34 private final ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutorService = Executors 35 .newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(new ThreadFactory() { 36 @Override 37 public Thread newThread(Runnable r) { 38 return new Thread(r, "PullMessageServiceScheduledThread"); 39 } 40 }); 41 42 public PullMessageService(MQClientInstance mQClientFactory) { 43 this.mQClientFactory = mQClientFactory; 44 } 45 46 public void executePullRequestLater(final PullRequest pullRequest, final long timeDelay) { 47 if (!isStopped()) { 48 this.scheduledExecutorService.schedule(new Runnable() { 49 @Override 50 public void run() { 51 PullMessageService.this.executePullRequestImmediately(pullRequest); 52 } 53 }, timeDelay, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); 54 } else { 55 log.warn("PullMessageServiceScheduledThread has shutdown"); 56 } 57 } 58 59 public void executePullRequestImmediately(final PullRequest pullRequest) { 60 try { 61 this.pullRequestQueue.put(pullRequest); 62 } catch (InterruptedException e) { 63 log.error("executePullRequestImmediately pullRequestQueue.put", e); 64 } 65 } 66 67 public void executeTaskLater(final Runnable r, final long timeDelay) { 68 if (!isStopped()) { 69 this.scheduledExecutorService.schedule(r, timeDelay, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); 70 } else { 71 log.warn("PullMessageServiceScheduledThread has shutdown"); 72 } 73 } 74 75 public ScheduledExecutorService getScheduledExecutorService() { 76 return scheduledExecutorService; 77 } 78 79 private void pullMessage(final PullRequest pullRequest) { 80 final MQConsumerInner consumer = this.mQClientFactory.selectConsumer(pullRequest.getConsumerGroup()); 81 if (consumer != null) { 82 DefaultMQPushConsumerImpl impl = (DefaultMQPushConsumerImpl) consumer; 83 impl.pullMessage(pullRequest); 84 } else { 85 log.warn("No matched consumer for the PullRequest {}, drop it", pullRequest); 86 } 87 } 88 89 @Override 90 public void run() { 91 + " service started"); 92 93 while (!this.isStopped()) { 94 try { 95 PullRequest pullRequest = this.pullRequestQueue.take(); 96 this.pullMessage(pullRequest); 97 } catch (InterruptedException ignored) { 98 } catch (Exception e) { 99 log.error("Pull Message Service Run Method exception", e); 100 } 101 } 102 103 + " service end"); 104 } 105 106 @Override 107 public void shutdown(boolean interrupt) { 108 super.shutdown(interrupt); 109 ThreadUtils.shutdownGracefully(this.scheduledExecutorService, 1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); 110 } 111 112 @Override 113 public String getServiceName() { 114 return PullMessageService.class.getSimpleName(); 115 } 116 117 }
rebalanceService:重新平衡服务。定期执行重新平衡方法 this.mqClientFactory.doRebalance()。代码路径:D:\rocketmq-master\client\src\main\java\org\apache\rocketmq\client\impl\consumer\,代码如下:

1 /* 2 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more 3 * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with 4 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. 5 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 6 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with 7 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at 8 * 9 * 10 * 11 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 12 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 13 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 14 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 15 * limitations under the License. 16 */ 17 package org.apache.rocketmq.client.impl.consumer; 18 19 import org.apache.rocketmq.client.impl.factory.MQClientInstance; 20 import org.apache.rocketmq.client.log.ClientLogger; 21 import org.apache.rocketmq.common.ServiceThread; 22 import org.apache.rocketmq.logging.InternalLogger; 23 24 public class RebalanceService extends ServiceThread { 25 private static long waitInterval = 26 Long.parseLong(System.getProperty( 27 "rocketmq.client.rebalance.waitInterval", "20000")); 28 private final InternalLogger log = ClientLogger.getLog(); 29 private final MQClientInstance mqClientFactory; 30 31 public RebalanceService(MQClientInstance mqClientFactory) { 32 this.mqClientFactory = mqClientFactory; 33 } 34 35 @Override 36 public void run() { 37 + " service started"); 38 39 while (!this.isStopped()) { 40 this.waitForRunning(waitInterval); 41 this.mqClientFactory.doRebalance(); 42 } 43 44 + " service end"); 45 } 46 47 @Override 48 public String getServiceName() { 49 return RebalanceService.class.getSimpleName(); 50 } 51 }
这里的 mqClientFactory 就是 MQClientInstance 实例,通过依次调用 MQClientInstance 中保存的消费者实例的 doRebalance() 方法,来感知订阅关系的变化、集群变化等,以达到重新平衡。
consumerStartsManager:消费监控。比如拉取RT(Response Time,响应时间)、拉取TPS(Transactions Per Second,每秒处理消息数)、消费RT等都可以统计。
MQClientInstance 中还有一些核心方法,代码路径:D:\rocketmq-master\client\src\main\java\org\apache\rocketmq\client\impl\factory\

1 public void updateTopicRouteInfoFromNameServer() { 2 Set<String> topicList = new HashSet<String>(); 3 4 // Consumer 5 { 6 Iterator<Entry<String, MQConsumerInner>> it = this.consumerTable.entrySet().iterator(); 7 while (it.hasNext()) { 8 Entry<String, MQConsumerInner> entry =; 9 MQConsumerInner impl = entry.getValue(); 10 if (impl != null) { 11 Set<SubscriptionData> subList = impl.subscriptions(); 12 if (subList != null) { 13 for (SubscriptionData subData : subList) { 14 topicList.add(subData.getTopic()); 15 } 16 } 17 } 18 } 19 } 20 21 // Producer 22 { 23 Iterator<Entry<String, MQProducerInner>> it = this.producerTable.entrySet().iterator(); 24 while (it.hasNext()) { 25 Entry<String, MQProducerInner> entry =; 26 MQProducerInner impl = entry.getValue(); 27 if (impl != null) { 28 Set<String> lst = impl.getPublishTopicList(); 29 topicList.addAll(lst); 30 } 31 } 32 } 33 34 for (String topic : topicList) { 35 this.updateTopicRouteInfoFromNameServer(topic); 36 } 37 }

1 /** 2 * Remove offline broker 3 */ 4 private void cleanOfflineBroker() { 5 try { 6 if (this.lockNamesrv.tryLock(LOCK_TIMEOUT_MILLIS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) 7 try { 8 ConcurrentHashMap<String, HashMap<Long, String>> updatedTable = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, HashMap<Long, String>>(); 9 10 Iterator<Entry<String, HashMap<Long, String>>> itBrokerTable = this.brokerAddrTable.entrySet().iterator(); 11 while (itBrokerTable.hasNext()) { 12 Entry<String, HashMap<Long, String>> entry =; 13 String brokerName = entry.getKey(); 14 HashMap<Long, String> oneTable = entry.getValue(); 15 16 HashMap<Long, String> cloneAddrTable = new HashMap<Long, String>(); 17 cloneAddrTable.putAll(oneTable); 18 19 Iterator<Entry<Long, String>> it = cloneAddrTable.entrySet().iterator(); 20 while (it.hasNext()) { 21 Entry<Long, String> ee =; 22 String addr = ee.getValue(); 23 if (!this.isBrokerAddrExistInTopicRouteTable(addr)) { 24 it.remove(); 25"the broker addr[{} {}] is offline, remove it", brokerName, addr); 26 } 27 } 28 29 if (cloneAddrTable.isEmpty()) { 30 itBrokerTable.remove(); 31"the broker[{}] name's host is offline, remove it", brokerName); 32 } else { 33 updatedTable.put(brokerName, cloneAddrTable); 34 } 35 } 36 37 if (!updatedTable.isEmpty()) { 38 this.brokerAddrTable.putAll(updatedTable); 39 } 40 } finally { 41 this.lockNamesrv.unlock(); 42 } 43 } catch (InterruptedException e) { 44 log.warn("cleanOfflineBroker Exception", e); 45 } 46 }

1 public void checkClientInBroker() throws MQClientException { 2 Iterator<Entry<String, MQConsumerInner>> it = this.consumerTable.entrySet().iterator(); 3 4 while (it.hasNext()) { 5 Entry<String, MQConsumerInner> entry =; 6 Set<SubscriptionData> subscriptionInner = entry.getValue().subscriptions(); 7 if (subscriptionInner == null || subscriptionInner.isEmpty()) { 8 return; 9 } 10 11 for (SubscriptionData subscriptionData : subscriptionInner) { 12 if (ExpressionType.isTagType(subscriptionData.getExpressionType())) { 13 continue; 14 } 15 // may need to check one broker every cluster... 16 // assume that the configs of every broker in cluster are the the same. 17 String addr = findBrokerAddrByTopic(subscriptionData.getTopic()); 18 19 if (addr != null) { 20 try { 21 this.getMQClientAPIImpl().checkClientInBroker( 22 addr, entry.getKey(), this.clientId, subscriptionData, 3 * 1000 23 ); 24 } catch (Exception e) { 25 if (e instanceof MQClientException) { 26 throw (MQClientException) e; 27 } else { 28 throw new MQClientException("Check client in broker error, maybe because you use " 29 + subscriptionData.getExpressionType() + " to filter message, but server has not been upgraded to support!" 30 + "This error would not affect the launch of consumer, but may has impact on message receiving if you " + 31 "have use the new features which are not supported by server, please check the log!", e); 32 } 33 } 34 } 35 } 36 } 37 }
sendHeartbeatToAllBrokerWithLock:发送客户端的心跳信息给所有的 Broker。

1 public void sendHeartbeatToAllBrokerWithLock() { 2 if (this.lockHeartbeat.tryLock()) { 3 try { 4 this.sendHeartbeatToAllBroker(); 5 this.uploadFilterClassSource(); 6 } catch (final Exception e) { 7 log.error("sendHeartbeatToAllBroker exception", e); 8 } finally { 9 this.lockHeartbeat.unlock(); 10 } 11 } else { 12 log.warn("lock heartBeat, but failed. [{}]", this.clientId); 13 } 14 }

1 public boolean registerConsumer(final String group, final ClientChannelInfo clientChannelInfo, 2 ConsumeType consumeType, MessageModel messageModel, ConsumeFromWhere consumeFromWhere, 3 final Set<SubscriptionData> subList, boolean isNotifyConsumerIdsChangedEnable) { 4 5 ConsumerGroupInfo consumerGroupInfo = this.consumerTable.get(group); 6 if (null == consumerGroupInfo) { 7 ConsumerGroupInfo tmp = new ConsumerGroupInfo(group, consumeType, messageModel, consumeFromWhere); 8 ConsumerGroupInfo prev = this.consumerTable.putIfAbsent(group, tmp); 9 consumerGroupInfo = prev != null ? prev : tmp; 10 } 11 12 boolean r1 = 13 consumerGroupInfo.updateChannel(clientChannelInfo, consumeType, messageModel, 14 consumeFromWhere); 15 boolean r2 = consumerGroupInfo.updateSubscription(subList); 16 17 if (r1 || r2) { 18 if (isNotifyConsumerIdsChangedEnable) { 19 this.consumerIdsChangeListener.handle(ConsumerGroupEvent.CHANGE, group, consumerGroupInfo.getAllChannel()); 20 } 21 } 22 23 this.consumerIdsChangeListener.handle(ConsumerGroupEvent.REGISTER, group, subList); 24 25 return r1 || r2; 26 }

1 public void unregisterConsumer(final String group, final ClientChannelInfo clientChannelInfo, 2 boolean isNotifyConsumerIdsChangedEnable) { 3 ConsumerGroupInfo consumerGroupInfo = this.consumerTable.get(group); 4 if (null != consumerGroupInfo) { 5 consumerGroupInfo.unregisterChannel(clientChannelInfo); 6 if (consumerGroupInfo.getChannelInfoTable().isEmpty()) { 7 ConsumerGroupInfo remove = this.consumerTable.remove(group); 8 if (remove != null) { 9"unregister consumer ok, no any connection, and remove consumer group, {}", group); 10 11 this.consumerIdsChangeListener.handle(ConsumerGroupEvent.UNREGISTER, group); 12 } 13 } 14 if (isNotifyConsumerIdsChangedEnable) { 15 this.consumerIdsChangeListener.handle(ConsumerGroupEvent.CHANGE, group, consumerGroupInfo.getAllChannel()); 16 } 17 } 18 }

1 public synchronized void registerProducer(final String group, final ClientChannelInfo clientChannelInfo) { 2 ClientChannelInfo clientChannelInfoFound = null; 3 4 ConcurrentHashMap<Channel, ClientChannelInfo> channelTable = this.groupChannelTable.get(group); 5 if (null == channelTable) { 6 channelTable = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); 7 this.groupChannelTable.put(group, channelTable); 8 } 9 10 clientChannelInfoFound = channelTable.get(clientChannelInfo.getChannel()); 11 if (null == clientChannelInfoFound) { 12 channelTable.put(clientChannelInfo.getChannel(), clientChannelInfo); 13 clientChannelTable.put(clientChannelInfo.getClientId(), clientChannelInfo.getChannel()); 14"new producer connected, group: {} channel: {}", group, 15 clientChannelInfo.toString()); 16 } 17 18 19 if (clientChannelInfoFound != null) { 20 clientChannelInfoFound.setLastUpdateTimestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); 21 } 22 }

1 public synchronized void unregisterProducer(final String group, final ClientChannelInfo clientChannelInfo) { 2 ConcurrentHashMap<Channel, ClientChannelInfo> channelTable = this.groupChannelTable.get(group); 3 if (null != channelTable && !channelTable.isEmpty()) { 4 ClientChannelInfo old = channelTable.remove(clientChannelInfo.getChannel()); 5 clientChannelTable.remove(clientChannelInfo.getClientId()); 6 if (old != null) { 7"unregister a producer[{}] from groupChannelTable {}", group, 8 clientChannelInfo.toString()); 9 } 10 11 if (channelTable.isEmpty()) { 12 this.groupChannelTable.remove(group); 13"unregister a producer group[{}] from groupChannelTable", group); 14 } 15 } 16 }
rebalanceImmediately:立即执行一次 Rebalance。该操作是通过 RocketMQ的一个 CountDownLatch2 锁来实现的。

1 public void rebalanceImmediately() { 2 this.rebalanceService.wakeup(); 3 }

1 public void wakeup() { 2 if (hasNotified.compareAndSet(false, true)) { 3 waitPoint.countDown(); // notify 4 } 5 }

1 public void countDown() { 2 sync.releaseShared(1); 3 }

1 public void doRebalance(final boolean isOrder) { 2 Map<String, SubscriptionData> subTable = this.getSubscriptionInner(); 3 if (subTable != null) { 4 for (final Map.Entry<String, SubscriptionData> entry : subTable.entrySet()) { 5 final String topic = entry.getKey(); 6 try { 7 this.rebalanceByTopic(topic, isOrder); 8 } catch (Throwable e) { 9 if (!topic.startsWith(MixAll.RETRY_GROUP_TOPIC_PREFIX)) { 10 log.warn("rebalanceByTopic Exception", e); 11 } 12 } 13 } 14 } 15 16 this.truncateMessageQueueNotMyTopic(); 17 }
findBrokerAddressInAdmin:在本地缓存中查找 Master 或者 Slave Broker 信息。

1 public FindBrokerResult findBrokerAddressInAdmin(final String brokerName) { 2 String brokerAddr = null; 3 boolean slave = false; 4 boolean found = false; 5 6 HashMap<Long/* brokerId */, String/* address */> map = this.brokerAddrTable.get(brokerName); 7 if (map != null && !map.isEmpty()) { 8 for (Map.Entry<Long, String> entry : map.entrySet()) { 9 Long id = entry.getKey(); 10 brokerAddr = entry.getValue(); 11 if (brokerAddr != null) { 12 found = true; 13 if (MixAll.MASTER_ID == id) { 14 slave = false; 15 } else { 16 slave = true; 17 } 18 break; 19 20 } 21 } // end of for 22 } 23 24 if (found) { 25 return new FindBrokerResult(brokerAddr, slave, findBrokerVersion(brokerName, brokerAddr)); 26 } 27 28 return null; 29 }
findBrokerAddressInSubscribe:在本地缓存中查找Slave Broker信息。

1 public FindBrokerResult findBrokerAddressInSubscribe( 2 final String brokerName, 3 final long brokerId, 4 final boolean onlyThisBroker 5 ) { 6 String brokerAddr = null; 7 boolean slave = false; 8 boolean found = false; 9 10 HashMap<Long/* brokerId */, String/* address */> map = this.brokerAddrTable.get(brokerName); 11 if (map != null && !map.isEmpty()) { 12 brokerAddr = map.get(brokerId); 13 slave = brokerId != MixAll.MASTER_ID; 14 found = brokerAddr != null; 15 16 if (!found && slave) { 17 brokerAddr = map.get(brokerId + 1); 18 found = brokerAddr != null; 19 } 20 21 if (!found && !onlyThisBroker) { 22 Entry<Long, String> entry = map.entrySet().iterator().next(); 23 brokerAddr = entry.getValue(); 24 slave = entry.getKey() != MixAll.MASTER_ID; 25 found = true; 26 } 27 } 28 29 if (found) { 30 return new FindBrokerResult(brokerAddr, slave, findBrokerVersion(brokerName, brokerAddr)); 31 } 32 33 return null; 34 }
findBrokerAddressInPublish:在本地缓存中查找 Master Broker 地址。

1 public String findBrokerAddressInPublish(final String brokerName) { 2 HashMap<Long/* brokerId */, String/* address */> map = this.brokerAddrTable.get(brokerName); 3 if (map != null && !map.isEmpty()) { 4 return map.get(MixAll.MASTER_ID); 5 } 6 7 return null; 8 }

1 public List<String> findConsumerIdList(final String topic, final String group) { 2 String brokerAddr = this.findBrokerAddrByTopic(topic); 3 if (null == brokerAddr) { 4 this.updateTopicRouteInfoFromNameServer(topic); 5 brokerAddr = this.findBrokerAddrByTopic(topic); 6 } 7 8 if (null != brokerAddr) { 9 try { 10 return this.mQClientAPIImpl.getConsumerIdListByGroup(brokerAddr, group, 3000); 11 } catch (Exception e) { 12 log.warn("getConsumerIdListByGroup exception, " + brokerAddr + " " + group, e); 13 } 14 } 15 16 return null; 17 }
findBrokerAddrByTopic:通过 Topic 名字查找 Broker 地址。

1 public String findBrokerAddrByTopic(final String topic) { 2 TopicRouteData topicRouteData = this.topicRouteTable.get(topic); 3 if (topicRouteData != null) { 4 List<BrokerData> brokers = topicRouteData.getBrokerDatas(); 5 if (!brokers.isEmpty()) { 6 int index = random.nextInt(brokers.size()); 7 BrokerData bd = brokers.get(index % brokers.size()); 8 return bd.selectBrokerAddr(); 9 } 10 } 11 12 return null; 13 }

1 public void resetOffset(String topic, String group, Map<MessageQueue, Long> offsetTable) { 2 DefaultMQPushConsumerImpl consumer = null; 3 try { 4 MQConsumerInner impl = this.consumerTable.get(group); 5 if (impl != null && impl instanceof DefaultMQPushConsumerImpl) { 6 consumer = (DefaultMQPushConsumerImpl) impl; 7 } else { 8"[reset-offset] consumer dose not exist. group={}", group); 9 return; 10 } 11 consumer.suspend(); 12 13 ConcurrentMap<MessageQueue, ProcessQueue> processQueueTable = consumer.getRebalanceImpl().getProcessQueueTable(); 14 for (Map.Entry<MessageQueue, ProcessQueue> entry : processQueueTable.entrySet()) { 15 MessageQueue mq = entry.getKey(); 16 if (topic.equals(mq.getTopic()) && offsetTable.containsKey(mq)) { 17 ProcessQueue pq = entry.getValue(); 18 pq.setDropped(true); 19 pq.clear(); 20 } 21 } 22 23 try { 24 TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(10); 25 } catch (InterruptedException e) { 26 } 27 28 Iterator<MessageQueue> iterator = processQueueTable.keySet().iterator(); 29 while (iterator.hasNext()) { 30 MessageQueue mq =; 31 Long offset = offsetTable.get(mq); 32 if (topic.equals(mq.getTopic()) && offset != null) { 33 try { 34 consumer.updateConsumeOffset(mq, offset); 35 consumer.getRebalanceImpl().removeUnnecessaryMessageQueue(mq, processQueueTable.get(mq)); 36 iterator.remove(); 37 } catch (Exception e) { 38 log.warn("reset offset failed. group={}, {}", group, mq, e); 39 } 40 } 41 } 42 } finally { 43 if (consumer != null) { 44 consumer.resume(); 45 } 46 } 47 }

1 public Map<MessageQueue, Long> getConsumerStatus(String topic, String group) { 2 MQConsumerInner impl = this.consumerTable.get(group); 3 if (impl != null && impl instanceof DefaultMQPushConsumerImpl) { 4 DefaultMQPushConsumerImpl consumer = (DefaultMQPushConsumerImpl) impl; 5 return consumer.getOffsetStore().cloneOffsetTable(topic); 6 } else if (impl != null && impl instanceof DefaultMQPullConsumerImpl) { 7 DefaultMQPullConsumerImpl consumer = (DefaultMQPullConsumerImpl) impl; 8 return consumer.getOffsetStore().cloneOffsetTable(topic); 9 } else { 10 return Collections.EMPTY_MAP; 11 } 12 }
getTopicRouteTable:获取本地缓存 Topic 路由。

1 public ConcurrentMap<String, TopicRouteData> getTopicRouteTable() { 2 return topicRouteTable; 3 }

1 @Override 2 public ConsumeMessageDirectlyResult consumeMessageDirectly(String consumerGroup, String clientId, String msgId) 3 throws RemotingException, MQClientException, InterruptedException, MQBrokerException { 4 return defaultMQAdminExtImpl.consumeMessageDirectly(consumerGroup, clientId, msgId); 5 }

1 @Override 2 public ConsumeMessageDirectlyResult consumeMessageDirectly(String consumerGroup, String clientId, String msgId) 3 throws RemotingException, MQClientException, InterruptedException, MQBrokerException { 4 MessageExt msg = this.viewMessage(msgId); 5 6 return this.mqClientInstance.getMQClientAPIImpl().consumeMessageDirectly(RemotingUtil.socketAddress2String(msg.getStoreHost()), 7 consumerGroup, clientId, msgId, timeoutMillis * 3); 8 }

1 /* 2 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more 3 * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with 4 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. 5 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 6 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with 7 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at 8 * 9 * 10 * 11 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 12 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 13 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 14 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 15 * limitations under the License. 16 */ 17 18 package org.apache.rocketmq.common.protocol.body; 19 20 import java.util.Iterator; 21 import java.util.Map.Entry; 22 import java.util.Properties; 23 import java.util.TreeMap; 24 import java.util.TreeSet; 25 import org.apache.rocketmq.common.message.MessageQueue; 26 import org.apache.rocketmq.common.protocol.heartbeat.ConsumeType; 27 import org.apache.rocketmq.common.protocol.heartbeat.SubscriptionData; 28 import org.apache.rocketmq.remoting.protocol.RemotingSerializable; 29 30 public class ConsumerRunningInfo extends RemotingSerializable { 31 public static final String PROP_NAMESERVER_ADDR = "PROP_NAMESERVER_ADDR"; 32 public static final String PROP_THREADPOOL_CORE_SIZE = "PROP_THREADPOOL_CORE_SIZE"; 33 public static final String PROP_CONSUME_ORDERLY = "PROP_CONSUMEORDERLY"; 34 public static final String PROP_CONSUME_TYPE = "PROP_CONSUME_TYPE"; 35 public static final String PROP_CLIENT_VERSION = "PROP_CLIENT_VERSION"; 36 public static final String PROP_CONSUMER_START_TIMESTAMP = "PROP_CONSUMER_START_TIMESTAMP"; 37 38 private Properties properties = new Properties(); 39 40 private TreeSet<SubscriptionData> subscriptionSet = new TreeSet<SubscriptionData>(); 41 42 private TreeMap<MessageQueue, ProcessQueueInfo> mqTable = new TreeMap<MessageQueue, ProcessQueueInfo>(); 43 44 private TreeMap<String/* Topic */, ConsumeStatus> statusTable = new TreeMap<String, ConsumeStatus>(); 45 46 private String jstack; 47 48 public static boolean analyzeSubscription(final TreeMap<String/* clientId */, ConsumerRunningInfo> criTable) { 49 ConsumerRunningInfo prev = criTable.firstEntry().getValue(); 50 51 boolean push = false; 52 { 53 String property = prev.getProperties().getProperty(ConsumerRunningInfo.PROP_CONSUME_TYPE); 54 55 if (property == null) { 56 property = ((ConsumeType) prev.getProperties().get(ConsumerRunningInfo.PROP_CONSUME_TYPE)).name(); 57 } 58 push = ConsumeType.valueOf(property) == ConsumeType.CONSUME_PASSIVELY; 59 } 60 61 boolean startForAWhile = false; 62 { 63 64 String property = prev.getProperties().getProperty(ConsumerRunningInfo.PROP_CONSUMER_START_TIMESTAMP); 65 if (property == null) { 66 property = String.valueOf(prev.getProperties().get(ConsumerRunningInfo.PROP_CONSUMER_START_TIMESTAMP)); 67 } 68 startForAWhile = (System.currentTimeMillis() - Long.parseLong(property)) > (1000 * 60 * 2); 69 } 70 71 if (push && startForAWhile) { 72 73 { 74 Iterator<Entry<String, ConsumerRunningInfo>> it = criTable.entrySet().iterator(); 75 while (it.hasNext()) { 76 Entry<String, ConsumerRunningInfo> next =; 77 ConsumerRunningInfo current = next.getValue(); 78 boolean equals = current.getSubscriptionSet().equals(prev.getSubscriptionSet()); 79 80 if (!equals) { 81 // Different subscription in the same group of consumer 82 return false; 83 } 84 85 prev = next.getValue(); 86 } 87 88 if (prev != null) { 89 90 if (prev.getSubscriptionSet().isEmpty()) { 91 // Subscription empty! 92 return false; 93 } 94 } 95 } 96 } 97 98 return true; 99 } 100 101 public static boolean analyzeRebalance(final TreeMap<String/* clientId */, ConsumerRunningInfo> criTable) { 102 return true; 103 } 104 105 public static String analyzeProcessQueue(final String clientId, ConsumerRunningInfo info) { 106 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); 107 boolean push = false; 108 { 109 String property = info.getProperties().getProperty(ConsumerRunningInfo.PROP_CONSUME_TYPE); 110 111 if (property == null) { 112 property = ((ConsumeType) info.getProperties().get(ConsumerRunningInfo.PROP_CONSUME_TYPE)).name(); 113 } 114 push = ConsumeType.valueOf(property) == ConsumeType.CONSUME_PASSIVELY; 115 } 116 117 boolean orderMsg = false; 118 { 119 String property = info.getProperties().getProperty(ConsumerRunningInfo.PROP_CONSUME_ORDERLY); 120 orderMsg = Boolean.parseBoolean(property); 121 } 122 123 if (push) { 124 Iterator<Entry<MessageQueue, ProcessQueueInfo>> it = info.getMqTable().entrySet().iterator(); 125 while (it.hasNext()) { 126 Entry<MessageQueue, ProcessQueueInfo> next =; 127 MessageQueue mq = next.getKey(); 128 ProcessQueueInfo pq = next.getValue(); 129 130 if (orderMsg) { 131 132 if (!pq.isLocked()) { 133 sb.append(String.format("%s %s can't lock for a while, %dms%n", 134 clientId, 135 mq, 136 System.currentTimeMillis() - pq.getLastLockTimestamp())); 137 } else { 138 if (pq.isDroped() && (pq.getTryUnlockTimes() > 0)) { 139 sb.append(String.format("%s %s unlock %d times, still failed%n", 140 clientId, 141 mq, 142 pq.getTryUnlockTimes())); 143 } 144 } 145 146 } else { 147 long diff = System.currentTimeMillis() - pq.getLastConsumeTimestamp(); 148 149 if (diff > (1000 * 60) && pq.getCachedMsgCount() > 0) { 150 sb.append(String.format("%s %s can't consume for a while, maybe blocked, %dms%n", 151 clientId, 152 mq, 153 diff)); 154 } 155 } 156 } 157 } 158 159 return sb.toString(); 160 } 161 162 public Properties getProperties() { 163 return properties; 164 } 165 166 public void setProperties(Properties properties) { 167 = properties; 168 } 169 170 public TreeSet<SubscriptionData> getSubscriptionSet() { 171 return subscriptionSet; 172 } 173 174 public void setSubscriptionSet(TreeSet<SubscriptionData> subscriptionSet) { 175 this.subscriptionSet = subscriptionSet; 176 } 177 178 public TreeMap<MessageQueue, ProcessQueueInfo> getMqTable() { 179 return mqTable; 180 } 181 182 public void setMqTable(TreeMap<MessageQueue, ProcessQueueInfo> mqTable) { 183 this.mqTable = mqTable; 184 } 185 186 public TreeMap<String, ConsumeStatus> getStatusTable() { 187 return statusTable; 188 } 189 190 public void setStatusTable(TreeMap<String, ConsumeStatus> statusTable) { 191 this.statusTable = statusTable; 192 } 193 194 public String formatString() { 195 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); 196 197 { 198 sb.append("#Consumer Properties#\n"); 199 Iterator<Entry<Object, Object>> it =; 200 while (it.hasNext()) { 201 Entry<Object, Object> next =; 202 String item = String.format("%-40s: %s%n", next.getKey().toString(), next.getValue().toString()); 203 sb.append(item); 204 } 205 } 206 207 { 208 sb.append("\n\n#Consumer Subscription#\n"); 209 210 Iterator<SubscriptionData> it = this.subscriptionSet.iterator(); 211 int i = 0; 212 while (it.hasNext()) { 213 SubscriptionData next =; 214 String item = String.format("%03d Topic: %-40s ClassFilter: %-8s SubExpression: %s%n", 215 ++i, 216 next.getTopic(), 217 next.isClassFilterMode(), 218 next.getSubString()); 219 220 sb.append(item); 221 } 222 } 223 224 { 225 sb.append("\n\n#Consumer Offset#\n"); 226 sb.append(String.format("%-32s %-32s %-4s %-20s%n", 227 "#Topic", 228 "#Broker Name", 229 "#QID", 230 "#Consumer Offset" 231 )); 232 233 Iterator<Entry<MessageQueue, ProcessQueueInfo>> it = this.mqTable.entrySet().iterator(); 234 while (it.hasNext()) { 235 Entry<MessageQueue, ProcessQueueInfo> next =; 236 String item = String.format("%-32s %-32s %-4d %-20d%n", 237 next.getKey().getTopic(), 238 next.getKey().getBrokerName(), 239 next.getKey().getQueueId(), 240 next.getValue().getCommitOffset()); 241 242 sb.append(item); 243 } 244 } 245 246 { 247 sb.append("\n\n#Consumer MQ Detail#\n"); 248 sb.append(String.format("%-32s %-32s %-4s %-20s%n", 249 "#Topic", 250 "#Broker Name", 251 "#QID", 252 "#ProcessQueueInfo" 253 )); 254 255 Iterator<Entry<MessageQueue, ProcessQueueInfo>> it = this.mqTable.entrySet().iterator(); 256 while (it.hasNext()) { 257 Entry<MessageQueue, ProcessQueueInfo> next =; 258 String item = String.format("%-32s %-32s %-4d %s%n", 259 next.getKey().getTopic(), 260 next.getKey().getBrokerName(), 261 next.getKey().getQueueId(), 262 next.getValue().toString()); 263 264 sb.append(item); 265 } 266 } 267 268 { 269 sb.append("\n\n#Consumer RT&TPS#\n"); 270 sb.append(String.format("%-32s %14s %14s %14s %14s %18s %25s%n", 271 "#Topic", 272 "#Pull RT", 273 "#Pull TPS", 274 "#Consume RT", 275 "#ConsumeOK TPS", 276 "#ConsumeFailed TPS", 277 "#ConsumeFailedMsgsInHour" 278 )); 279 280 Iterator<Entry<String, ConsumeStatus>> it = this.statusTable.entrySet().iterator(); 281 while (it.hasNext()) { 282 Entry<String, ConsumeStatus> next =; 283 String item = String.format("%-32s %14.2f %14.2f %14.2f %14.2f %18.2f %25d%n", 284 next.getKey(), 285 next.getValue().getPullRT(), 286 next.getValue().getPullTPS(), 287 next.getValue().getConsumeRT(), 288 next.getValue().getConsumeOKTPS(), 289 next.getValue().getConsumeFailedTPS(), 290 next.getValue().getConsumeFailedMsgs() 291 ); 292 293 sb.append(item); 294 } 295 } 296 297 if (this.jstack != null) { 298 sb.append("\n\n#Consumer jstack#\n"); 299 sb.append(this.jstack); 300 } 301 302 return sb.toString(); 303 } 304 305 public String getJstack() { 306 return jstack; 307 } 308 309 public void setJstack(String jstack) { 310 this.jstack = jstack; 311 } 312 313 }
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