

C++ pair的参考网站的介绍如下所示---->

std::pair is a class template that provides a way to store two heterogeneous objects as a single unit. A pair is a specific case of a std::tuple with two elements.



template<class T1, class T2> struct pair;

其中T1, T2 pair的两个数据数据类型,pair也有两个数据成员firstsecond


函数名 作用
make_pair 创建pair对象
std::tuple_size<std::pair> 获取pair的大小
std::tuple_element<std::pair> 返回pair的数据
std::get(std::pair) 返回pair的数据


void TestPair()
    // make pair array and output first value
    std::pair<std::string, std::string> BookInfo[] = { {"Amazon bool", "123456"}, {"Google Book", "9876543210"} };
    std::cout << "pair info --> " << BookInfo[0].first << " socond value --> " << BookInfo[0].second << std::endl;

    std::pair<std::string, int> AgeofPerson("Alex", 23);
    std::cout << "AgeofPerson first value --> " << AgeofPerson.first << " second value ---> " << AgeofPerson.second << std::endl;

    // modify the data manually
    std::pair<int, std::string> DictionaryPage;
    DictionaryPage.first = 12;
    DictionaryPage.second = "Affluent";

    std::cout << "DictionaryPage info first value --> " << DictionaryPage.first << " second value --> " << DictionaryPage.second << std::endl;

    // use the make_pair function to make a pair apprenetly
    std::pair<int, int> data;
    data = std::make_pair(1, 2);
    std::cout << "make_pair data info ---> first value ---> " << data.first << " second value ---> " << data.second << std::endl;



pair info --> Amazon bool socond value --> 123456
AgeofPerson first value --> Alex second value ---> 23
DictionaryPage info first value --> 12 second value --> Affluent
make_pair data info ---> first value ---> 1 second value ---> 2
posted @ 2020-06-14 22:21  醉曦  阅读(690)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报