xamarin DependencyService源码阅读


  • 接口:定义功能接口在PCL类库或者共享类库
  • 接口实现:各个平台实现接口功能
  • 注册:各个平台实现接口的类库注册DependencyAttribute属性
  • 调用:PCL类库或者共享类库调用DependencyService.Get<接口>()方法获取平台实例对象


 1 namespace Xamarin.Forms
 2 {
 3     //
 4     // 摘要:
 5     //     Static class that provides the Xamarin.Forms.DependencyService.Get{T} factory
 6     //     method for retrieving platform-specific implementations of the specified type
 7     //     T.
 8     //
 9     // 备注:
10     //     To be added.
11     public static class DependencyService
12     {
13         //
14         // 摘要:
15         //     Returns the platform-specific implementation of type T.
16         //
17         // 参数:
18         //   fetchTarget:
19         //     To be added.
20         //
21         // 类型参数:
22         //   T:
23         //     To be added.
24         //
25         // 返回结果:
26         //     To be added.
27         //
28         // 备注:
29         //     To be added.
30         public static T Get<T>(DependencyFetchTarget fetchTarget = DependencyFetchTarget.GlobalInstance) where T : class;
31         //
32         // 摘要:
33         //     Registers the platform-specific implementation of type T.
34         //
35         // 类型参数:
36         //   T:
37         //     To be added.
38         //
39         // 备注:
40         //     To be added.
41         public static void Register<T>() where T : class;
42         //
43         // 摘要:
44         //     Registers the platform-specific implementation of type T.
45         //
46         // 类型参数:
47         //   T:
48         //     To be added.
49         //
50         //   TImpl:
51         //     To be added.
52         //
53         // 备注:
54         //     To be added.
55         public static void Register<T, TImpl>()
56             where T : class
57             where TImpl : class, T;
58     }
59 }




 1 namespace Xamarin.Forms
 2 {
 3     //
 4     // 摘要:
 5     //     An attribute that indicates that the specified type provides a concrete implementation
 6     //     of a needed interface.
 7     //
 8     // 备注:
 9     //     To be added.
10     [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Assembly, AllowMultiple = true)]
11     public class DependencyAttribute : Attribute
12     {
13         public DependencyAttribute(Type implementorType);
14     }
15 }



static void Initialize()


            Assembly[] assemblies = Device.GetAssemblies();

            if (Registrar.ExtraAssemblies != null)
                assemblies = assemblies.Union(Registrar.ExtraAssemblies).ToArray();


            Type targetAttrType = typeof(DependencyAttribute);

            // Don't use LINQ for performance reasons

            // Naive implementation can easily take over a second to run
            foreach (Assembly assembly in assemblies)

                Attribute[] attributes = assembly.GetCustomAttributes(targetAttrType).ToArray();

                if (attributes.Length == 0)


                foreach (DependencyAttribute attribute in attributes)
                    if (!DependencyTypes.Contains(attribute.Implementor))
            s_initialized = true;


posted @ 2017-01-06 14:29  醉梦ai天涯  阅读(704)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报