How to query tcp buffer sizes for a certain socket?
The -m switch of ss gives socket memory info.
# ss -ntmp
State Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address:Port Peer Address:Port
ESTAB 0 0 10.yy.yy.yyy:12345 users:(("sshd",pid=1442,fd=3))
Here we can see this socket has Receive Buffer 369280 bytes, and Transmit Buffer 87040 bytes.
Keep in mind the kernel will double any socket buffer allocation for overhead. So a process asks for 256 KiB buffer with setsockopt(SO_RCVBUF) then it will get 512 KiB buffer space. This is described on man 7 tcp.
The entire print format of ss -m is given in the source:
printf(" skmem:(r%u,rb%u,t%u,tb%u,f%u,w%u,o%u", skmeminfo[SK_MEMINFO_RMEM_ALLOC], skmeminfo[SK_MEMINFO_RCVBUF], skmeminfo[SK_MEMINFO_WMEM_ALLOC], skmeminfo[SK_MEMINFO_SNDBUF], skmeminfo[SK_MEMINFO_FWD_ALLOC], skmeminfo[SK_MEMINFO_WMEM_QUEUED], skmeminfo[SK_MEMINFO_OPTMEM]); if (RTA_PAYLOAD(tb[attrtype]) >= (SK_MEMINFO_BACKLOG + 1) * sizeof(__u32)) printf(",bl%u", skmeminfo[SK_MEMINFO_BACKLOG]); if (RTA_PAYLOAD(tb[attrtype]) >= (SK_MEMINFO_DROPS + 1) * sizeof(__u32)) printf(",d%u", skmeminfo[SK_MEMINFO_DROPS]); printf(")");
I expect that the ALLOC values are only used when there is outstanding data - either data in a receive buffer waiting for an application to recv(), or un-ACKed sent data. You could test these with Ctrl+z to put a receiver to sleep, and firewalls to block ACKs. It's easier to use nc than iperf for that sort of testing. Socket option memory is rarely used.