Re: [corundum-nic] RDMA support


Alex Forencich


If you're serious about working on RDMA in Corundum, how about we set up a zoom call or something so we can get everybody on the same page?  And not just for RDMA, but for any potential feature. 

Would something like this interest anyone else on the list? 

Alex Forencich
On 5/4/21 1:02 PM, Tao Wang wrote:
Is the support for RMDA on the roadmap for Corundum?
Which parts do you suggest we can dive into to modify?
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Tao Wang

收件人 corundum-nic
Happy to do that. But I am not an expert on RDMA. Let me dig deeper.
And I am wondering whether we can port to Corundum.

Alex Forencich的个人资料照片

Alex Forencich


I'll need to read over that paper more carefully, but it seems like worst-case you could basically run that in parallel with the corundum datapath - peel off the incoming RDMA traffic, hand it off to the StRoM stack, which would then have an extra port on the DMA engine to access host memory.  In this case, you would basically be bypassing the core corundum datapath.  But, I can definitely see how having a "standard" RDMA implementation of some sort as part of corundum would be useful here at least to implement the standard part of the RDMA stack. 

Alex Forencich
Yifan Yuan的个人资料照片

Yifan Yuan

收件人 corundum-nic

Hey there. This semester we happen to be working on integrating RDMA  stack into corundum (U280). We will be happy to discuss our status and how we can work together on this.
FPGA RDMA  stack:
Alex Forencich的个人资料照片

Alex Forencich


This sort of thing is exactly why this kind of discussion makes sense...get everyone on the same page to minimize duplication of effort. 

One thing to keep in mind: I am in the process of porting Corundum to Intel Stratix 10 MX and DX, so whatever code goes in to the core logic also has to run on Stratix 10.  This may rule out the use of code written for Xilinx HLS in Corundum, not to mention using HLS will likely cause serious complications with the current CI setup on github actions. 

Alex Forencich
posted @ 2021-08-22 18:11  张同光  阅读(147)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报