Using JsonCpp in your project

JsonCpp is provided with a script to generate a single header and a single source file to ease inclusion into an existing project. The amalgamated source can be generated at any time by running the following command from the top-directory (this requires Python 2.6):


It is possible to specify header name. See the -h option for detail.

By default, the following files are generated:

  • dist/jsoncpp.cpp: source file that needs to be added to your project.
  • dist/json/json.h: corresponding header file for use in your project. It is equivalent to including json/json.h in non-amalgamated source. This header only depends on standard headers.
  • dist/json/json-forwards.h: header that provides forward declaration of all JsonCpp types.

The amalgamated sources are generated by concatenating JsonCpp source in the correct order and defining the macro JSON_IS_AMALGAMATION to prevent inclusion of other headers.

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posted @ 2016-02-01 00:00  张同光  阅读(70)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报